Day 366

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Dear Akela,
I don't know when or if I'll get to see you tomorrow so just in case I figured while I had the chance I would write this for you in here; at least then I know you'll see it. Don't worry I haven't read anything from in here.

I don't know if you remembered but I do so I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday for tomorrow. Your finally 17 now I guess. Not exactly the big party you probably would of had if none of this happened.

I know we don't get to talk a lot anymore, and with you having to move closer to your uncle we may see even less of each other; but I just wanted you to know I care about you a lot and that if you ever need me I'll be here. I love you. And I mean that.

I know you were trying your best to keep everyone together and I'm sure Olive will come around eventually. Nothing that has happened is your fault; I want you to know that. Because I know you think it is. I know your struggling with everything going on and are just trying to do the best you can with what you have. Just know whatever you decide to do in the future I will stick by you, no matter what.

Love Nate

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