Day 64

8 1 0

17 February 2018
Saturday 10:32am

Mum was on the phone earlier with one of her friends and they were talking about how their business was going down recently. That not many people have been coming in and over time it's just diminishing more and more. They've only had one person come in all week. Mum said if they don't pick up in business in the next month or so then they will have to close their shop. I don't get why people just stopped going in? It's a nice little nicknack shop, jewellery, fake plants and little vases and lots of other types of things. They even had cool land-line phones for sale and clocks in the shapes of cats and dogs and all sorts of things. They didn't have amazing numbers of customers because of location in the past but it wasn't ever this bad. I really hope they get more business soon...

I'm actually heading over to Kena's soon; she invited me over the s'morning. Apparently she's feeling a lot better and wants to hang out. So I'm gonna stay over the night; Kena told me her brother has some new video games we could use, which I'm kinda surprised by. Kena doesn't seem like the video gaming type, I'm not complaining though video games are video games. Tones of fun and great for wasting time! I should finish packing, I'm gonna leave you home this time but I promise to update you on anything interesting that happens.

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