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present day

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

present day.

"so you two were just going to meet up without me? rude" minho crossed his arms over his chest and looked away from the two girls pouting.

"in my defence, sohee was the one who asked me to hand out" she sent a cheeky smile.

sohee was slightly shocked by miraes answer. she sat there slowly sipping at her iced coffee before speaking up.

"well sorry, you're the one who called me" minho pouted from beside her, grabbing her arm and shaking her gently.

"soheeee, you're so mean to me how could you" he whined as if they were back in high school again.

"yah, i saw you yesterday"

the girl couldn't help but smile at his actions whilst the wave of nostalgia rushed over the three of them. it had been ages since the three of them were last together, and who knows when the next time will be.


after about an hour of the trio rambling about their lives over the past year.

"oh and our old dance instructor was like a pervert ?? and tried to follow us everywhere it was so so scary- but our manager came to the rescue and got him fired once he found out" mirae spoke, telling the pair about her predebut stories.

"anyways enough about me, mr lee minho that glance you spared sohee yesterday on mcountdown was so ungodly obvious i almost shat my pants" she said, taking an obnoxious sip of her coffee as a devilish smirk plastered itself across her features at the sight of both minho and sohee choking on their drinks.

"sorry what" sohee spoke up after catching her breath.

"haha i'm just playing with you guys, i only saw light slight eye contact because i was obviously focused on you two. my band mates didn't even spare a glance" mirae laughed while minho just glared her down.

"not funny, didn't laugh" he rolled his eyes at her and slumped back further into his seat, feeling happy to be with the people by him.

suddenly, sohee and minho's phone's both went off at the same time, causing mirae to cock an eyebrow.

"what's up with that ??" she asked. confused, the pair shared a glance and pulled their phones out to see they've been added to a group chat.

staryu x stray kids

skz manager
hello, we've created a group chat for all of you to get closer. both companies hold big plans to help with your popularity growth and performances. i will be leaving this chat shortly after sending this message in hopes to not make things awkward and forced. do try to become better friends.

'skz manager' has left the chat.

hi !!

hello !!


oh minho, i know you'll see this chat and chan wants you back at the dorms soon

hi and yeah i'll be back in a bit

after sending that message he began to gather his items that were spread out on the desk.

"i really don't want to leave but my leader wants me back for something" mirae frowned but understood that all of their schedules were crazy busy now and couldn't argue.

"let's try and meet up again soon" sohee smiled, both giving him a quick hug before he left.

after the bell chimed, signalling he had left. sohee slumped down in her chair which only caused mirae to chuckle lightly at her actions.

"a little drained milady" chuckling sohee sat up and looked out the window to see the now covered minho running towards a car.

"didn't think i'd face him two days in a row after a year"

"didn't think i'd face him two days in a row after a year"

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

filler tbh

teenage years ♧ lee minhoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat