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a couple days later

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a couple days later

it was time for the countryside trip between the two groups. staryu groggily pooled themselves onto their bus as their staff members loaded all of their belongings and cameras for the trip.

being too early in the morning, their manager put on calming music for the girls to sleep to. within minutes they had all passed out in their seats. only quiet chatter was heard from the camera crew up front as the bus drove towards their destination.


sohee was among the first to wake up. she peered outside the window and caught the familiar name of the campgrounds they were heading towards. her breath hitched. it was the same camp from all those years ago.

upon arrival, the girl group who had woken up half an hour ago, excitedly ran out of the bus and into the large cabin they'd be staying in for the next few days. they all held their respective cameras to film themselves as they explored the place.

"does anyone know what the rooming situation is?" hyori yelled out from the top step of the stairs.

"i think we're doing a game? maybe?" yuna replied, turning to the staff for confirmation, who simply nodded.
"okay, staryu gather!" the rest of the girls obliged to their leaders command, rushing from wherever they were to the main entrance.

"so here we have a box"
"wow really!" haeun replied playfully to her leader, who simply shot back a glare. causing haeun to giggle.

"anyways, everyone will draw a card from the box. who ever has the matching card to yours will be your roommate. the organization of rooms will be decided later today via another game." yuna finished reading the instructions and simply held out the box infront of her members, allowing them to grab.

"on the count of three, everyone reveal your cards" they flipped them and scanned everyone's for matching pairs. nagyung and sohee quickly screamed excitedly upon seeing their cards matching.

"baby!" knowing how fans loved them and the cameras were rolling, they dramatically ran to each other, engulfing each other in a big hug.

"eek-!" chaesol yelped upon seeing her matching card with nayoung. all the girls were relatively close, this thanks to all the years they spent training together. this made it easy and entertaining to poke fun with each other. nayoung, unfortunately, always ended up as the joke. not that she minded though, they only did it when cameras were rolling and it gave her more screen time.

"yah! what's wrong with rooming with me! don't you loooovee me" nayoung grabbed the younger girl from behind, back hugging her as the rest of the group seemed content with their roommates.

"okay okay, it's time to get going. follow me" haeun led the rest out of the cabin and towards an open space in front of their cabin. it was a campfire with logs surrounding it. another cabin, almost identical to theirs, was right in front of it.

suddenly, the door swung open and out came jeongin, followed by the remainder of stray kids. the girls pretended to act surprised as if they weren't notified about this a week prior.

both groups met up at the campfire. the staff had collected their solo cameras and changed perspective to the main cameras. as eunseo had mentioned prior, the 00z-02z huddled up and jumped around in a circle like an overly excited high school football team, as the rest of the groups simply bowed in respect to each other.

sohee wanted to give the fans the same interactions she'd given them during weekly idol, but not here. the second she made eye contact with minho, she just knew he was thinking about it too. it was not the time, nor the place to even try and approach him. she knew herself well, and if she walked up to him it'd be game over.

"alright everyone, settle down settle down" chan spoke in english, his australian accent shining through as everyone gathered and the maknaes stopped chanting.

"staryu it's been a hot minute, how are y'all doing?" yuna and the rest cheered in response. "we've been good chan, how are the members of stray kids doing on this fine june morning?" the men cheered, earning some applause from the girl group.

a staff member quickly ran to the groups, handing off a piece of paper to the members from each group sitting on the ends of the logs. seungmin and chaesol.

"ah, we're going to play a game"
"yes to decide that, yeah that's important"
"amazing" the pair spoke nonchalantly as they -barely- read the paper given to them, everyone else held waiting eyes for the instructions.

"like i'm going to read it- nayoung" chaesol passed the paper off, seungmin following suit as he passed it onto changbin. the two new holders of the paper, rolled their eyes as nayoung began.

"congratulations! your hard work towards song preparation has led you to a well deserved relaxing vacation on the countryside. however, the first obstacle arises! what rooms will you be staying in?" changbin picked up where nayoung left off.

"in your respective cabins, you have already chosen your roommates. in this game you'll all be participating with your roommate in a race that's located closer to the woods. the winning team will get first pick in their cabins and so on and so forth."

a few groans erupted from the less athletic members of the bunch.

"but there's two catches, not only will the winning team from each group get first pick, they'll also be in charge of dishes for the weekend. on the contrary, the losing team will be in charge of cooking for the weekend. and the second one? you'll find out over there."

"got it? make your way over to the egde of the forest" changbin finished the final bit of the note, looking up to the staff for confirmation as everyone seemed to nod in comprehension.

and so, the two idol groups -with their variety show personalities switched on- made their way to the designated spot. behind a bush lay four sets of four different items. flippers, running sand bags, high heels and skateboards.

y'all being #5 in the leeminho tag is actually insane, i love this fic more than the rest of mine and i'm overjoyed y'all are loving it too

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y'all being #5 in the leeminho tag is actually insane, i love this fic more than the rest of mine and i'm overjoyed y'all are loving it too

putting that aside for a moment i have the rest of the book roughly planned out, it's gonna be my longest one 100% but i'm so excited to get through it 🤞🤞

teenage years ♧ lee minhoWhere stories live. Discover now