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since that night, to everyone's eye, nothing has really changed between them

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since that night, to everyone's eye, nothing has really changed between them. minhee remained as casual and clingy as minhee has always been. they hadn't outright told anyone they'd gotten back together. to be frank, they didn't feel the need to.

this relationship was about them, everyone else will catch on eventually. that aside, it's not like they're hiding it either. mirae could vouch that they've always been a private couple regardless since high school, even despite being attached at the hip.

it had been around three weeks since that night, at the moment, chaesol, haeun and sohee were at the stray kids dormitory. the three of them had the day off and the guys were free. well, most of them were, minho unfortunately had gotten called in to help the choreographer out with their upcoming release.

you see, stray kids was beyond ecstatic. next month, they'd be releasing their first full length album 'GO LIVE'. they'd been preparing for it for a year practically, getting everything setup and recorded for ages. the boys couldn't wait to share all of their hard work with their fans.

"hey! ji, give that back! that's not fair!" haeuns annoyed voice could be heard from where sohee was sat with felix in the living room. lately, the teasing and clingy undertones that had always been present between haeun and jisung seemed to have amplified. like something was going on between them.

sohee glanced over in the direction of the kitchen in concern, they were trying to bake a cake but jisung wasn't giving haeun the satisfaction of mixing the batter like she wanted to. the pair continued to bicker, felix glancing over repeatedly to make sure they weren't ruining his favourite baking tools.

where the two were in the living room, chaesol sat in front of seungmin. the four of them there had just finished a mario kart tournament that had unfortunately ended in chaesols heartbreaking defeat. she was petty about losing and wouldn't speak to seungmin that targeted her the whole time.

he kept trying to gain her attention again by playing with her hair. it seemed to be working because she stopped grumbling, but that didn't mean she was speaking to him. seungmin began braiding her hair, recalling how his elder sister had taught him when they were younger so he could help her when she was lazy.

a smile grew on chaesols face, the feeling of someone running their hands through her hair was soothing. she had quickly given in to speaking to seungmin again, earning a victorious grin from him in return.

sohee watched their interaction with soft eyes. finding it cute how the two groups seemed to be pairing up more than she had anticipated. a sinking feeling came into her stomach. she missed minho. every 2 seconds, she was glancing at her watch, hoping he'd walk through the front door right now.

three o'clock. he's done at three o'clock... it's 2:55, where is he.

she internally screamed at how impatient she was, finding herself becoming antsy as boredom began to set in. she fiddled with her sun ring, reminding herself to be patient and find something else to do in the meantime.

felix seemed to notice this and tossed the controller back over to her. she caught it regardless of not knowing it was coming, smirking as she did so. "nice catch, wanna play minecraft?" her face lit up, adjusting her seating so she'd be more comfortable as felix started up the game.

she wasn't aware of how much time had passed, sohee had spent most of it bickering with felix for not waiting for her while she picked up all the pretty flowers from the flower field they'd stopped in. "turn on the damn coordinates if you're just going to abandon me. there's the pretty purple ones here." she grumbled, eyes trained on the big screen in front of her.

unbeknownst to her, minho was standing behind her. he'd actually been standing there for a while, hoping she'd notice him. but to his dismay, she was too distracted by the in game flowers. he sighed, walking around the couch and blocking her view.

her eyebrows furrowed, leaning to the side to see the tv. "minho move, i'm finding pretty flow- lino!"it took her a minute to realize he was actually home, face brightening at the sight of him. she patted the spot next to her, which he gratefully took.

with his arm rested on the back of the couch, sohee leaned into his open arms. she began quietly rambling about how she was collecting all the flowers that reminded her of him, but ended up too distracted because they were all too pretty and there was so many.

he didn't get much of a chance to speak as she rambled and kept playing, but minho didn't really care. he liked listening to her, especially when she was super excited about something. felix had already left for his own practices and seungsol had joined haesung in the kitchen to help decorate the cake they'd finished baking.

minhos arm moved to wrap around her waist, letting her rest her head against his shoulder. he placed several kisses on the top of her head, as well as kissing her sun promise ring despite her whining that he was obstructing her play time.

"okay, i'm done with minecraft now. how was work?" she leaned into him, smiling up as she awaited his response, giving him her full attention. "it was good, i can't wait for you to hear our new songs. i think you'll like them." sohee nodded in agreement, "oh definitely, i'm going to love them. i can't wait to buy your album and put your photo card in my phone case."

"what? i'm not already there?" sohee shook her head, smiling as she held up her phone, handing it over to minho so he could see for himself. he scoffed at the sight of mirae holding up a peace sign. "betrayal, how dare you put rae in here and not me."

he tried to open her phone case but sohee stopped him, laughing at how his bottom lip pouted because it wasn't him in the back of her phone case. "okay okay, i'll put you in after this album i swear." he looked up, narrowing his eyes. "you better." sohee smiled, leaning in and leaving a quick peck on his lips.

"anything for you, love." he smiled at her, dropping his sulky attitude almost immediately. sohee stood up, extending her hand out for him to take. "i want to take a nap, come on. oh! by the way, we're meeting mirae for coffee tomorrow at the usual spot. you can't argue, i know your schedule is free."

he followed behind her, mumbling on about 'mirae this, mirae that, what about me' as she led him to his room. the four in the kitchen exchanged knowing glances as they passed by. all taking note of their intertwined hands and the very obvious silver ring that decorated their ring fingers.

"fucking finally."

they're so cute

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they're so cute

anyways it's my birthday today 😍😍‼️‼️

teenage years ♧ lee minhoWhere stories live. Discover now