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the manhunt game ended with the white team capturing the entirety of the green and blue teams, red not crossing their field of vision once throughout their turn

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the manhunt game ended with the white team capturing the entirety of the green and blue teams, red not crossing their field of vision once throughout their turn.

"damn, minhos team was good. i wanted payback from the first round" jisung huffed as the white team casually walked back to the campfire. nagyung seemingly humming in agreement with his statement, proud enough that they managed to catch 8/12 in the first place.

"at least we know we're not last," sohee sighed happily, knowing they caught more people than green and blue both had.

"all thanks to you ms leader sohee" eunseo smiled cheekily at her older member, who simply rolled her eyes in response as she smiled at the younger member.

"she's not wrong, you'd make a great leader soso." nagyung added on as she threw an arm around the shorter girls shoulders, who smiled widely at the compliment.


upon arrival back to camp, the staff was setting up chairs and tables filled with food that needed to be prepared. as decided earlier haeun and yuna alongside felix and hyunjin, were in charge of cooking.

the maknae lines all congregated around the barbecue and meal prep tables to work together as the older members got started with the fire. by this time, the sun was beginning to set and the chilly summer night was upon them. nagyung and sohee had returned to their cabin to grab hoodies and bug spray for themselves and their members.

a quick match of competitive soccer volleyball had started nearby where the staff had set up nets. let's just say some friendships were broken.

"YAH, NA HYORI" chaesols screams were heard as the 00' liner had kicked the ball out of bounds for the fifth time.

their game ended up being cut short, as the food was done being prepared. haeun plated everything as felix placed a plate in front of everyone who had already been seated at the long table. once everything was dished the two sat in the free seats and began to dig in.

the groups fell into calm conversation with those around them, goofing off and joking about things that had happened during their manhunt game.

"it was horrible! one minute i'm running away from changbin because he's terrifying when he's competitive, the next minute sohee and jisung sneak up on us and are high fiving and skipping away after tagging us" felix shivered as he recalled the final round.

"she's good at that" chaesol shivered at the thought
"you never know where she's going to come from" yuna nodded in agreement to the younger members statement. sohee shot her group mates a cheeky grin as she ate her food with content.

as their meal was nearing its end, the staff members approached the main table with a smaller table that held a variety of snacks and desserts. their mouths dropped at the site, looking up to the staff with pleading eyes. jeongin who was seated in the middle, was handed a card that he was now tasked with reading.

"the snacks placed in front of you will be chosen in order of how many people you had tagged during the manhunt game. it'll go by teams, each person is allowed two snacks each. the order is; red, white, blue and green. as for the winning teams snack supply, they're to approach the staff and ask" jeongin cheered and jumped out of his seat, making his way directly towards the assortment of ice creams that were layed out.

minho, chaesol and seungmin swiftly followed suit. noticing changbins eyes on his favourite chip flavour, minho walked towards it and picked it up alongside a nearby chocolate bar, laughing as he made his way towards the campfire.

the remainder of the groups followed in choosing their snacks and heading to the campfire. finally, green team was able to go. all that had been left behind for them were a few protein bars and some fruits. nayoung happily took the fruits and skipped over to the campfire, everyone scrambling for the remainder before following suit.


"seungmin, i dare you to sing one of our songs while pinching your nose" hyunjin challenged, pointing at his fellow 00' liner. the groups had moved through a variety of games in an attempt to pass time and make the video more interesting. 'dare or dare' was the game of choice they'd stumbled onto.

one problem arises though, they suck at coming up with dares. this has resulted in half the group googling dares online to follow, hence some of them being well, kind of lame.

seungmin took center stage, grabbing one of the karaoke machines microphones they'd used prior as he plugged his nose and did his rap in maze of memories. everyone went crazy over rapper seungmin, he dropped the mic and walked back to his spot like nothing happened.

"hmm, lee know. show the most embarrassing photo on your phone of someone here." minho snickered as he pulled out his phone and began scrolling through his camera roll, jeongin tried to peer at the images but ultimately failed as minho held his phone close.

"here we go!" stray kids' members held their breath, hoping it wouldn't be one of them. he turned his phone around, the image shocking everyone as it was an picture of sohee from back in high school. she was passed out on the dance room couch, hair roller on her bangs and it looked as though she was mid sneeze.

"yah!" she jumped from her seat and lunged at the boy- or at least tried to. nagyung held her back, laughing at the picture and motioning for minho to send it to her, he gave her a thumbs up and put his phone away.

sohee, who was now being held down in the seat beside her by nagyung, grumbled at the sight of the picture. she recalled telling minho to delete it not long after he took it, 3 years ago.

"okay i guess i'll choose... sohee!" she shot him a glare as he simply cheekily smiled back. the sight of him sending her heart into a raging mess.

"i dare you to...speak in third person for the rest of the game," minho grinned at the simple yet annoying dare.

"ohh we should give her a 'punishment' if she fails!" haeun suggested, earning choruses of agreements from everyone.

"how about she'll have to sleep on the couch if she fails?" hyori suggested with a devilish grin. the punishment could've been worse, so to be fair sohee was alright with that. however, for the sake of the video, she chose to react differently.

"sohee is going to hurt someone! starting with lee know!" he immediately yelped and jumped to his feet at the sight of sohee's seething state.

let's just say this part got cut off during editing with a disclaimer over the screen reading.

no lee know's were injured in the making of this show... we think...

okay slay they're letting the fans know they were friends in high school🤭🤭

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okay slay they're letting the fans know they were friends in high school🤭🤭

and in rapper seungmin we trust 😍🫶🤞

teenage years ♧ lee minhoWhere stories live. Discover now