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following their groups days for kcon, stray kids and staryu were tasked with vlogging themselves as they toured the city during their free time

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following their groups days for kcon, stray kids and staryu were tasked with vlogging themselves as they toured the city during their free time. originally, it wasn't apart of the plan for it to be an extra episode of the skz x syu experience. however, with sohee and minho going off together, their managers thought, why not.

the trio of high school best friends had planned on roaming the city together as just them, but upon the rest of their groups hearing about the collab episode, jisung and nagyung called dibs on tagging along.

so there they were, all 5 of them roaming the streets of downtown los angeles. prior to leaving their hotel, they had mapped out precisely where they were planning to visit.

"good morning~!" sohee greeted her camera, giving it a lovely close up as she held it low to keep her hands from bumping into people as she walked.

"hello skz and syu fans! im mirae of checkmate, you should listen to us as well" mirae had swooped in, taking both cameras from her best friends as she flirted with them in hopes of promoting her own group through her friends.

nagyung walked up beside sohee, tossing an arm around her shoulder as they continued walking. mirae following suit in wrapping her own arm around sohees free arm.

"we're on our way to our first destination now, we need to take a bus. i'm very excited" sohee explained, now holding the camera higher to capture the three girls as they walked.

"han! care to tell our fans where we're heading off to first?" nagyung asked, poking at the boy to get herself into the frame of their camera as well.

"well first things first, we're off to a planetarium!" jisung began explaining the destination, interviewing the rest of them as they explained what they were most excited to see there.

"yes yes, our first destination is sohee's choice. i hope it's good," minho shot her a smug look to which she simply rolled her eyes in response.

mirae ended up snatching the camera from sohee, explaining how "minho and sohee are going to bicker so they should bicker from the same camera" and that one camera should be focused on the real main stars of the episode.

rolling their eyes and sighing at their mirae, minho and sohee began walking ahead of the other three. and just like mirae had anticipated, they began bickering over who's performance was better yesterday.

"alright they're ahead, now what would you two like to know about them from high school" mirae smirked devilishly, glancing between the two next to her.

"oh tell us everything," the three waved bye to the camera with a wink before shutting it off.

"so basically..."

finally, they've arrived at the planetarium. sohee practically skipping inside, eager to see what it held. she had barely turned her attention to mirae, jisung and nagyung who held smug looks on their faces and have been for the last little while.

walking through the place, sohee made sure to take lots of pictures on her phone and talk lots to the camera about her interest in all the planets and everything to do with space.

"i would've been a studying astrophysicist if i wasn't an idol, i got many offers for programs even here in the states when i was in high school!" sohee boasted as she spoke to the camera with content. mirae and minho suddenly appeared from behind her, "we can vouch that fact".

"although i think she might've lost her brains since becoming an idol," minho and mirae began scanning the look on her face. both amused by the deadpanned look she shot them.

after a little while longer, the five of them left the planetarium and headed towards a food hotspot that jisung and mirae both wanted to visit for lunch. on the leisure walk there, they turned their cameras off.

"look it's leeknow, han, nagyung, mirae and sohee!" quiet voices were heard from nearby and caught the attention of all five of them. they turned their gaze to the group of girls that stood near a wall, seemingly flustered at the attention now on them. they waved over at the fans brightly, making their way towards them to say hello.

the idols had conversed with the fans for a little bit before realizing they needed to get going. taking a quick picture, both parties bid their goodbyes and continued on with their day.

"isn't it crazy that we're like, famous now" mirae beamed, linking her arms with sohee and minho, pulling them closer to her. "it's so surreal" sohee smiled and minho nodded happily in agreement to both of them.

their lunch had filled them up fast, all of them left the restaurant with smiles on their faces. only one destination remained from the original plan. venice beach, it was roughly a 30 minute car ride from their current location. they hailed a cab and made their way towards it, turning off their cameras in the cab for the sake of the driver.

once at the beach, the cameras were back out. sohee took a seat on the sand, taking in the fresh smell of the ocean and the beauty of the water. minho sat next to her, both filming the scenery with their cameras.

"oh look, nagyung is chasing mirae towards the water. hmm, han seemed to have gotten caught between them also near the water." sohee commentated as she followed her camera between the three of them, making sure to zoom in as much as possible to see their reactions.

"oh! lee know is going to take a nap. good to see he's still a big sleeper" her voice trailed off, becoming quieter as she turned the camera to the resting minho next to her.

"hm maybe i should talk more... but i don't know what to say" sohee reverted back to giving the camera interesting close ups of her face.

"oh well, i'll do our conclusion for our portion of the vlog. sohee and lee know, signing off" she saltuted the camera, shutting it off before stuffing it into her backpack.

sohee took a deep breath in and out, enjoying the calmness of the ocean as minho continued to nap next to her. she frowned, seeing as minho would likely be washing sand out of his hair for the next few days if he kept laying like that.

she huffed, scooting backwards, removing her flannel from her body and laying it across her lap folded twice. then carefully, shifted minhos head to lay against her.

"thanks soh," he mumbled out a word of gratitude.
"no worries lino, i owe you for that night" the waves continued to crash as they two relaxed. sohee carefully brushing the sand out from his hair for him as he slept in the comfort of her lap. from afar the other three kept their eyes trained on them.

"oh, they are so still into each other."

staryu + management

new event has been added to your schedules. inkigayo has invited many idol groups to attend a masquerade party at the end of october. the party will not be filmed for content, it's a mere celebration of the work year prior to the commencement of the end of year award shows.

another filler mb😭 but an idol partay😝😝

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another filler mb😭 but an idol partay😝😝

i also meant to publish this last night but i fell asleep mid proofread 💀💀

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