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everyone had heard about the chaos twitter had unfolded into since the kbs performance

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

everyone had heard about the chaos twitter had unfolded into since the kbs performance. of course they had. it was everywhere. yet despite this, sohee didn't bring it up once. hell, she didn't even bring up minho at all.

ever since they'd told their groups they were friends in high school, the pair never missed at the chance to make references to each other. but in the staryu dorm, it had been a week since sohee had even uttered his name.

stray kids ended up getting extremely busy. just a week prior to kbs, they had comeback with levanter. their comeback took up a large chunk of their time as they needed to promote it. this kept stray kids far out of contact with staryu as both groups continued to attend and prepare for award shows.

even despite their efforts to converse during these shows, they always pulled the short end of the stick and ended up seated far far away from each other.

at the current moment, the members of staryu were aimlessly walking around backstage at the mubank end of year showcase. tomorrow would be new year's eve, this year everyone had the fortune of having the day off rather than spending new year's eve on stage as they'd done last year.

it was the second last awards show for the 2019 promotion year and currently there was an intermission. mirae stood near a vending machine, sending a quick message to the 'operation minhee' group chat as she awaited their arrival.

jisung and haeun showed up first together. they didn't see the message but they'd just exited offstage following the vocalists collab performance.

"hey mirae," she sent them a distressed nod in response. to say she'd been stressed out would be an understatement. the pressure of her first award season and the silent treatment she'd been receiving from her two best friends had taken a toll on her. to top it all off, people have been sending her enormous amounts of hate for being associated with minho and sohee.

one by one, the remaining five showed up. seungmin spoke up first as they stood discreetly off to the side. "is it just minho, or have they both been... not... them... recently." his voice trailed off, entirely confused with the current situation.

"netizens have been ruthless in the last two weeks towards them, of course they're going to be out of it." hyori sympathized, hoping they were trying to recollect themselves.

"even still, they've always been by each other. this is the sort of thing they'd get through together you know? they're best friends" hyunjin added on, feeling nervous as he spoke for some reason.

"no you're right, they haven't even reached out to me. the three of us never hide anything but i think they're hiding something this time." mirae spoke up. she stole a glance at nagyung and jisung, the two closest with them from their respective groups in hopes they'd heard something.

jisung and nagyung noticed her stare, they spared a glance with each other. realizing they'd been confined in as well.

"wait, mirae." haeun began, earning the elders attention back. "were they like this before your love me right performance that night?" mirae could only nod, confirming most suspicions by others that something happened between them.

jisung sighed, "i heard about what happened between the two of them the night before kbs..." nagyung nodded with his words. "they continued practicing together after dress rehearsal and well..."

"they didn't want to be apart because it was their anniversary date..." mirae quietly added, realizing that they had probably lost themselves in the heat of the moment and touched waters they shouldn't have even dared approaching.

"wait- they told you guys?" hyunjin exclaimed, feeling slightly jealous at his lack of knowledge. "she came home crying... hyori had spent the night in haeuns room that night too..." nagyung tried to explain. sohee was in a position where it was hard to avoid everyone that night, so obviously she had confined in nagyung. the one she'd spent the longest time with, practically her sister.

jisung nodded slowly, "i found minho asleep against the wall in the practice room... he hadn't come home and i got worried." he averted his gaze, recalling the way his stomach dropped upon seeing minho leant against the wall with his eyes closed, barely moving.

mirae pinched the bridge of her nose. everything was overwhelming her. she felt frustrated, stupid, ignored. every inch of her body wished to just focus on her own career, the award season in front of her. why was she still meddling in a couple that called it quits almost two years ago? yet her heart continued to draw her back to them. how could she just give up on them? especially when it seemed her best friends needed her the most even despite them not reaching out.

"sohees been walking around like a lost soul since that performance..." haeun mentioned, "i haven't seen her like this since we were trainees... it happened for about three months during the spring before we debuted. she was dragging her feet everywhere even despite standing out during training sessions." nagyung added on, mirae perked up at this.

"when they broke up... wait nagyung, jisung." they looked over at her, nodding in acknowledgment. "how much did they tell you?"

"apparently they spoke about their past, wondering what happened to them." jisung nodded in agreement to her statement. "he told her he was still in love with her, but sohee left because she didn't have the courage to say it back."

mirae couldn't help but groan, the others sympathized with her. they knew how stubborn their group mates can be. nagyung and jisung understood better than most how much they'd bottle their true emotions up.

to them, it seemed like they'd need a nudge for them to solve anything. but for mirae, she was sick of that. maybe it was her heightened emotions at the moment, but she was angry and frustrated. she'd spent most of high school helping them. although she enjoyed every second of it, it was different now. they're all adults now.

"those idiots are on their own this time oh my god." everyone was startled by her sudden change in tune, having never seen her so irritated before. they shrugged it off, assuming it was because of the stress and didn't dare speak a word of it.

the intermission soon ended as iseul came to get mirae so they could get prepared for their stage that would be almost immediately following the intermissions conclusion. she waved everyone bye, wishing them good luck as she mustered up a smile to send them.

now stood backstage, mirae peeked into the audience, curious to see how many people were there. at the sight of thousands of attendees, she felt energized. the previous stress and frustration dispersing as she scanned the room discreetly. taking a deep breath in and out, a smile made its way onto her face.

her gaze returned back to the front row where she landed on an all too familiar pair of brown eyes. her lips parted and she could feel her stomach drop. the noise around her seemed to drown out, time felt like it was slowing down.

both sets of eyes widened, attention fully focused on the other. "hyun...min...?" she muttered breathless, the feeling of someone's hand on her shoulder had immediately broke her trance.

"we're on now"

i made my friend a tshirt with my face edited onto the weezer blue album cover for her birthday

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

i made my friend a tshirt with my face edited onto the weezer blue album cover for her birthday. the best gift i've ever given tbh.

teenage years ♧ lee minhoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin