Chapter 52

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“FUCKING CUNT!” I heard Ronnie enter our room.

“Wake the fuck up!” Ronnie said waking up all of us.

I shot up rubbing my eyes and looking around seeing Jai and Felicity waking up but Luke was still sleeping.

“Our flights in 40 minutes and you idiots are still sleeping, every time.” Ronnie said pissed off going into the other room waking up Beau, James, and Daniel.

I shook Luke.

“Luke wake up.” I said.

He groaned and rolled over.

I was going to shake him again but before I could Jai jumped on Luke.

“Get the fuck off me cunt!” Luke yelled at Jai flipping him off him which made Jai fall off the bed and Felicity and I laughed.

Luke got up angry as he was scratching his head and getting off the bed into the bathroom.

Someone did sleep good tonight.

I got up setting up the suit cases as we all were running everywhere.


We all were in our pajamas as we were just going to sleep on the plane anyways, well I know I am.

“Alright the taxi is outside waiting for us, and we all have to squeeze in one in the other one doesn’t come in time, so let’s go!” Ronnie said and we all went down and I walked down the stairs with Beau as he said he will come down with me, the others went down from the elevator.

We all were at the lobby putting our stuff in the boot of the taxi and the other taxi didn’t come so we all had to fit in one.

Ronnie was sitting at the passenger side.

James was sitting on the left with Daniel on his lap.

Jai was sitting in the middle with Felicity in his lap.

Luke was sitting on the far right with me on his lap.

Sadly Beau was sitting on the floor beneath me and Luke. 

The car ride was pretty silent because I guess we all were so tired.


“Get your stuffs and let’s go, the planes leaving in 10 minutes.” Ronnie said as we all got off and grabbed our bags and hurried in the airport.

We gave in our tickets and went through the normal procedure as we met Mariam before we left and it was nice meet her again, she said she is coming in a few weeks so can’t wait for that.

We all were on the plane now, and I was sitting on the window seat beside Luke as he was on his phone, probably tweeting before flying.

I was looking at the beautiful view out the window and remembering the first time I was on the plane to go to L.A to work for the boys, it was so different. I never imagined myself coming back here but here I am, leaving it again.

“Please put your seat belts on we are going to be flying.” The operator said and Luke shut his phone putting it in his pocket and we put on our seat belts.

“You okay?” I asked Luke as he’s been pretty quiet the whole day.

He looked at me and smiled.

“I’m fine, you’re beautiful Skylar.” He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows as that comment came out of nowhere making me think that something is wrong.

“You’re lying.” I said.

“No you are beautiful.” He said.

“Not about that, but that you’re not fine, something is bothering you, tell me.” I said facing him.

“It’s nothing I promise.” He said.

“Pinky?” I said holding my pinky out and he connected out pinkies.

But he just lied in front of my face…

I gave him a quick kiss on the lips as I fell into my chair and closed my eyes falling asleep.

Luke’s POV:

I just lied to her, shit why do I keep doing this shit. I just don’t want her to worry. I’ve been pissed off since morning because of stupid twitters and these fans hating on Skylar so much. I thought they loved her, after I posted the picture there was massive amount of hates, but why? Before everyone loved her, why all of a sudden the hate?

She fell asleep and I was just on my phone again reading over the hate.

“She thinks she is famous now because she knows the boys…”

“She’s a fucking fake…”

“She’s so fucking ugly, Chelsey and Luke were the cutest.”

“I think she cuts, but next time, make sure she cuts deeper…”

I tweeted @luke_brooks: I thought you guys were our fans, fans don’t give our loved one hate, but love, you guys disgust me.

I shut my phone as I got up and left my phone on my chair going to the washroom to get my mind straight before I take my anger out on someone.

I washed my face with some cold water as I was looking at my reflection in the mirror. Thank god she doesn’t have twitter; she would be so upset reading those stuff. Look at me and my reaction imagine hers.

Someone was knocking on the door and I said occupied.

“It’s Jai.” He said.

I unlocked the door as he entered in.

“I saw the tweets man, we all did, besides Sky because she doesn’t have twitter thank god.” He said.

“I tell them to stop, but they don’t get it, how can people say such rude stuff, I just don’t get it.” I told him.

“Look, we all won’t go on twitter for a while and hopefully they will calm down and understand, Skylar finally got better and we don’t want it to be worse.” He said and gave me a bro hug.

Skylar’s POV:

The sound of Luke’s notifications woke me up as I looked to my side seeing Luke and Jai not there and Felicity sleeping.

I stretched and grabbed Luke’s phone to put the sound off so I can sleep, because I’m tired.

I unlocked his phone as it opened up to his Twitter and I was so confused how to use this thing.

Tweets kept popping up about me saying really, really, surprising stuff.

“I wish next time when she tries to kill herself, she actually does.”

“Luke deserves someone beautiful, not that scumbag.”

“Oh look at me, I’m Skylar, I can sing so well and am Luke’s girlfriend, shut the fuck up.”

Tears were forming in my eyes as I was scrolling down reading all those hate and barely any

nice ones.

No wonder Luke has been so weird this morning, it’s because he didn’t want me to see this or no about this, but there was no reason to lie right in front of me, he could of told me about this.

I looked and saw Luke and Jai coming back as I quickly shut off his phone and pretended to be asleep facing the window as the tears were falling down my cheeks but Luke won’t be able to see them.

I heard him sit down and him shuffling around as I was just repeated all that hate over and over in my head on repeat, I thought they liked me, why the hate?

I closed my eyes eventually as the tears stopped falling and fell asleep. 

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