Chapter 51

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---- the last show----

Skylar's POV:

"Are you sure you are okay?" Luke asked me with his hands around my waist.

"I promise." I said smiling at my beautiful boyfriend.

"Luke it's time to go." Ronnie said.

" I'll be back." He winked and gave me a quick kiss on my lips and ran off stage to preform.

I walked my way over to Felicity as she was on her phone and she patted the seat next to her as I jumped and sat down.

"What's on your mind little one?" She said turning off her phone and looking at me.

"Nothing..." I said fiddling with my fingers.

"Skylar I'm not stupid what's up?" She said facing me cross legged.

"I just have some memories coming back because we are in New York right now, that's all." I said.

I was scared, scared bumping into some people I knew from school and what they did to me will all come back. Scared to meet the devil I called mom. If she found out where I was she would find a way to get me back into that cell I used to call home and torture me till I bleed or even die.

"Skylar? Earth to Skylar!" Felicity said waving her arms around my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Felicity.

"Yeah?" I said

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

I shook my head.

" Alright, I'm right here now go to sleep over there on the couch." She said as we in the boys dressing room.

I listened to her and fell asleep slowly on the comfy sofa.


Luke's POV:

"Thank you all for coming! It has been an amazing journey travelling around the world and seeing and even meeting you beautiful sexy girls and some guys! I can't wait for the next tour!" I said from my mic and the crowd went wild.

"Sorry again for no Skylar but she wanted us to tell you that she loves you guys! We love you!" James said.

We all waved and bowed and then walked off stage sweating.

We walked into the dress room cheering as that was our last show.

"WOOHOO!" Daniel shouted as we entered in.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Felicity whispered yelled back at us throwing a pillow hitting Daniel.

We all look behind her seeing Skylar sleeping and we shut up.

"My bad." Daniel said.

Jai went to Felicity and Daniel went to the washroom. Beau and James flopped down on the other couch on their phones probably doing a follow spree. I walked over to the couch where Sky was sleeping and sat down on the small space she left for me.

Sooner or later she woke up and I was being a creeper watching her wake up, but I couldn't help it she was just so beautiful. If she was the stars she will bright up the night that people will be awake looking at the stars and sleeping in the morning knowing the sun is nothing compared to the beautiful stars.

That's what she does to me, I could watch her sleep all night long knowing nothing can be more beautiful, no even the sunlight that shines in the morning sky.

"The shows done?" She said getting up yawning.

"Yeah, how you feeling?" I asked her.

"Better." She replied with a smile.

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