Distract Me From Reality

Start from the beginning

"I'll take these if you grab some pillows and blankets." Sienna bargained. 

Austin grinned toothily and walked out of Sienna's room into the closet they had in the hallway, filled with extra blankets, pillows, and sheets. "Hey, wanna build a fort?" Austin asked childishly. Sienna gave him a less than impressed look. 


"A fort! You know, my dad and I used to make them all the time. It's so much fun!" 

"Mom and I never made one before." Sienna admitted. Austin felt his stomach twist with some guilt, but he was quick to change the subject. 

"Well, now's your chance to. C'mon! Let's do it!" 

Sienna rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. 

"Fine. If it'll make you shut up, then yes." 

"Good! Pick out a movie, okay?" Austin demanded, trudging to his bedroom to plop the blankets on his bed. Sienna followed him, putting the plates on the bed as well before disappearing to the downstairs cupboard where Austin kept the movies. 

While Sienna was calling up random movie titles from the living room, Austin was rearranging the furniture in his room so they could make a fort. He felt like a little kid again. He went to his TV on his wall and grabbed the DVD player and an extension cord so he could put the player in their fort.

This is laziness at it's finest

He laughed to himself. Stupid puns. 

There was a small knock on his door and he glanced up, seeing Sienna with a stack of DVDs in her hands. 

"You don't need to knock, Sienna," Austin said, sitting up a little, "you're always welcome in here." 

"Okay, well, I got these." She said sheepishly, walking in an placing them in a pile next to the plates. Austin smiled wider. 

"Sweet. Let's make the fort." 

Austin grabbed at the corners of the sheets and started to strategically build their blanket fort. Sienna joined in a few seconds later, and Austin couldn't have been happier. 


"My dad and I used to do this all the time." Austin said excitedly while in the middle of their 5th movie. Their breakfast was long gone and they were now munching on popcorn and candy. 

"I've never met your dad." Sienna mused, her eyes on Lady and The Tramp. Austin almost felt his jaw drop. 

"That's right! You never have!" Austin grasped his phone and was about to call, but Sienna's hand fell on his, stopping him. 

"Wait-what if he doesn't like me?" Sienna asked softly. Austin felt his eyebrows raise. 

"What? That's ridiculous. My father could never not like you. He loves you. I'm absolutely positive he loves you." 

"He hasn't even met me yet." Sienna mumbled. "For all you know, he could hate me for you getting my mom pregnant in high school." 

Austin was baffled. "Of course, he won't hate you. I promise." 

Sienna bit at her lips and Austin smiled toothily at her. "Don't worry, Sienna. He'll love you." 




"You can call me Grandpa Carlile. Or G-Carlile. Or G-C's! Or wait, no…don't call me that. That could mean many, many other things." Austin's father said, smiling at Sienna. Sienna giggled nervously, drawing her legs up to her chest a little. Grandpa Carlile laughed. "Jesus, Austin, slow down. You're going to get us all killed." 

Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now