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Probably out of mutual respect, Chon and Xen shared a comforting nod. But I was sure the solace was about to diminish. It had felt as though Tengfei's Double Dragon were ready to breathe controversial fire upon one another. So, Mikey and I powered up our AV-Holo Suite, pushed the tiny holo-transmitters back in, and prepared to record more flammable history-in-the-making.

    "WorldTube viewers, good afternoon," Chon started. "Now, earlier today at the climate summit, the world witnessed the revelation of The Solution. Interestingly, it turned out to be an intricate global proposal for the majority of humanity to seek refuge in orbital space. As many of you know," he assumed with a pause, "the man behind this grand idea is none other than my older brother, Xen Lai, sat here opposite me."

    Leaned back with his legs crossed, Xen had looked a little smug. At least I thought so. Still, for Chon's sake, I tried to keep my faith in Xen, and observed.

    "Now, obviously this is an awkward setting for a few reasons..." Chon stated.

    At this point, I didn't know where he was taking his line of questioning.

    "...Awkward," Chon retorted, "because I'm not silly enough to try and ignore the reasons.

    "At the beginning of the year; and during our nation's Spring Festival; our father, Tengfei, was suddenly killed in an accident. Months after, Xen here, was exposed in a controversial scandal which I led for BTV. In and around our bereavement, Xen had chosen to deal with it by regularly visiting a gentlemen's den, and becoming involved in frowned-upon acts, albeit, consensual..."

    I couldn't believe it. Chon had finally embraced his shame and was, 'going there'.

    "...Worse still," he continued, "the world saw a leaked holo-recording of one of his taboo encounters..."

    I'd never felt so uncomfortable in my entire life and I could only imagine how Xen was taking his broadcasted dismemberment. Slowly, Xen put a hand to his bottom lip and pulled at it. Slowly, I could sense Xen feeling Chon's burn.

    "...However," Chon pressed, "with all of that now in the past, Xen Lai; the visionary of The Solution; has granted me this post interview.

    "Furthermore, viewers, Xen has also declared that our interview conversation today will be his last ever... And so, it will naturally be an interview in which I'll address some of the remaining aspects of The Solution Program Proposal."

    Chon was making me so proud and I knew they were both on their way to family redemption.

    "So, without further-ado," Chon then piped up, "let's start with some quick-fire questions. Xen, that okay?"

    "Sure, go for it," his brother had agreed.

    "Great. Xen, why something as drastic as this?"

    "Because, sadly Chon, we're still living in the age of stupid. In September 2011, there was three hundred and eighty-nine parts per million (ppm) of CO2 in the atmosphere. Last year, September 2047, there was seven hundred and seventy-seven parts per million. Time is running out. The solution has to be drastic. Chon, I feel it's our only real chance to initiate an enterprise and lay a concrete foundation of hope and prosperity towards a guaranteed future."

    "Well, Xen, having seen the first-hand damage that Sadie did, I'll agree that humanity's future on Earth is undoubtedly questionable," Chon added. "But, what if the World-Ender storm doesn't happen at all? Wouldn't we have spent quadrillions for nothing?"

    "Chon, one day, it will happen. At least this way, we'll always be prepared for it. The plan and technology will be there."

    Chon had looked away from his brother, potentially to gather more relevant questions. "Xen, if a person doesn't vote, what happens?"

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