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  • Dedicated to Tim

While Xen was frolicking again on the other side of town, I was at home and taking a quick rest after getting some clean clothes together. Even though it was late, I'd been assigned to leave for Tokyo2 as soon as possible. The Japanese were the latest victims of global terror attack and the iconic Skytree replica had been incinerated with several hundred, dead. No one had claimed responsibility for it or any other recent atrocity. But as I listened to the last of the news before leaving, focus remained on a handful of individuals.

    ' ...The Pink Lady's calling card is still recognisable today. With heaps of the blossom petals scattered at every one of the scenes, there's now international worry that The Rising Clans; and their infamous pink leader; real name, O-Kenai Ashii; are heavily involved and have come out of hiding.

    'This will likely have every intelligence agency on standby.

    'The ultimate fear stems from the Twilight Massacres of ten years ago.

    'It's also known that the Jade Mistress fell during that incident, which allowed her daughter; The Pink Lady; to rise to prominence. In the aftermath, task forces tried to apprehend the highly dangerous felons in one of history's biggest manhunts, but in a blink of an eye, they'd vanished and the reason for the massacre remains unknown...

    'With these current attacks, some are guessing there's mutiny happening within The Rising Clans and sabotage at play. After all, it's widely known that Ashii's Black Market has links to all facets of the World Economy.

    'Others feel a copycat might be at work, trying to frame the crime boss, and lure her out into the light.

    'Either way, these issues might just be enough to do it. Especially as the wanted woman is known for handling things as her mother once did, and that's in person.

    'For now, this is Carla D-'

    No, I hadn't turned it off. To my frustration, the bulletin was interrupted. Luckily, I knew the correspondent and would eventually get the run down, if I begged and pleaded...

    In that same moment, my left arm tingled. My iDot had buzzed to life. It was clear someone didn't want me to relax. I ran a hand through my hair and sat up. I couldn't help but yawn, too, as my eyebrows furrowed and bulged. "What, Dieng," I said for the second time that evening. "I was just about to leave."

    "Lai, drop the frickin' tone," he grimaced. "I've got good reason for troubling you again. It's disturbing news, and it's, personal..."

    "What's happened?"

    "Well, it's your brother."

I felt instantly wary. Wary of what he'd say next. Despite blinking repeatedly, I tried to focus on the conversation and took the bait. "What about him? Is he okay?"

    "To be honest, Chon, I'm really not sure and there's no easy way to tell you," he paused.

    "Chief, just spit it out," I demanded and cupped my jaw with a palm.

    "Chon, Xen was caught on some footage earlier tonight. He had a BDSM orgy with some brothel girls and by my standards, it went on for way too long..."

    Confused and angry, I seethed, but managed to clear my mind and ask obvious questions. "Are the girls okay, and who's the source?"

    "They'll be fine; I hope; and it's Lamoon," he quipped. "He's already uploaded it. It's trending."

    "You can't be serious?"

    "Chon, I wish I wasn't. But as this is goin' down right now, I've also had to act. I briefed The Ripe Cheeses not long ago and they're adamant - they want you to exploit the inside scoop - they're predicting some serious backlash and want you spearheading it for BTV."

    To say I was shocked at my instructions was an understatement. But after a deep breath, I tried to fight them on it. "Dieng, he's my xiōngdi, my family," I said. "And it's the weasel's story, not mine."

    "Chon," he shrugged, "you're brothers with high profiles; it's controversial; plus they're sure it'll boost ratings and hold more public interest until you correspond on The Solution."

    "For Huányīn's sake," I said under my breath. "Look, Dieng, I'm telling you now, I won't do the follow-up. Have they forgotten I'm Traditionalist? It would ruin me, not to mention my..." I tailed off as my thoughts consumed me. Ultimately, my concern was that my community would turn on our family and all we'd ever accomplished. I was lost in the void of my mind until Dieng coughed at me with a purpose. He was such a cantankerous prick. "I know Chon, I know, and I've argued those points for you already. But they're not budging. They've told me you either report on it or resign."

    I knew exactly what that meant. After years of trying to knock me off my successful perch, Charlie would finally have won our career war.

    "Look, Chon, I'd love to give you more time to deal with this. But I'm sure other correspondents are already on their way to Xen's apartment - or tryin' to link the hell out of him. This isn't gonna go away."

    And worst of all, I knew he was right. Xen had been caught doing something unthinkable and at a time when us Lais needed each other the most...

    Still trying to collect myself, I paused, while slippery sweat started to pool in my palms. Reason being, I couldn't see any way out of the position I'd just been put in. With one hell of a front I tried to hide my helplessness and asked a question I'd posed many times before. "How do you want me to handle it?"

    "Well first thing's first," Dieng mused, "forget Tokyo2. I'll send Charlie instead. Take a deep frickin' breath. Third, don't panic, and try and get to Xen before any of the others do. If his link's engaged, I suggest you use the time to skim over the footage. It'll be hard, but at least this way you'll know what's involved without any more humiliating surprises. Last of all, keep me updated. I can't frickin protect you if I don't know what's goin' on, Lai."

    Dieng was talking shit, of course. "Sure," I said, minimizing the holoscreen.

    I started to well-up with tears and couldn't help it. But I was discreet and didn't let him notice. Our culture would condemn me for showing such emotional weakness. Instead, I remained professional and humored him one last time. "Tell the bosses I'll report back when I've got something substantial." Seconds later I cut the com-link and put my head in my hands. Although what I'd seen was clearly consensual, the footage was worse than I'd thought. I'd also stopped watching when knots formed in my stomach. Honestly, I had no idea my xiōngdi was capable of such taboo things. Nonetheless, I got over the initial rawness of it and kept linking the sadist until he answered me. He spoke first, so I waited. My tongue was ready and sharp.

    "Hey Chon, I was just thinking of you. Wanted to ask what's going on with your media lot? I'm surprised they're not focused on Tokyo2 and the burnt-out Skytree! They've been hustling my com for the past half hour. My concierge even linked up to me, explaining one of them was in my lobby until getting turned away. How many times have I got to say it - if they want to know what The Solution is, they'll have to wait for the summit like everybody else. No exceptions, not even for you."

    Xen smirked, oblivious that the world knew the truth...

    That I knew it...

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