Chapter 9 - Question Time - Chon

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Shortly after my talk with Xen, Mikey and Sarah found me. They refrained from asking what we'd spoken about, and just insisted we get to our hotel. Once there we settled and planned to enter the dance and dinner lounge. The aim was relaxation. Dressed to impress, we did exactly that and it also served a romantic purpose. Surprisingly, the highlight was Sarah asking me to waltz. While Mikey occupied himself with some glamorous flirts at the bar, Sarah and I pranced arm-in-arm to Beethoven, followed by other classics. Sadly, it felt as though it was over in a heartbeat, and thereafter, all three of us knocked back a lot of short drinks until the bar section closed. Mikey had witnessed our moment, and by the time we'd returned to our room, he hounded me about it. In brief, he urged me to tell Sarah how I truly felt. Battling a drunken slur, I agreed I would after the summit. In the meantime, something else pressed on my mind. Tomorrow's event was the start of things to come. The Solution Press Conference loomed. The following morning, we woke with throbbing headaches. Strategically, I planned to suppress mine with pints of tepid water and pain relief. After dosing up, Mikey and I met Sarah in the hotel's breakfast room - a vast, elegant space, where everything was ivory-colored and sparkly.

    It was a little awkward between Sarah and me. Reason being, the alcohol had let my inhibitions flow, and I wasn't sure if her invitation to dance was mere politeness. However, trying to keep my swagger in tact, I put it to the back of my mind and headed for the buffet queue with my head held high. Mikey and Sarah followed. We'd need our energy for the day ahead. Sadly, when it was our turn to worship the continental spread, Mikey was made a non-believer. He'd stumbled upon something which was now forbidden back in China.

    "What the..." he trailed off; his voice gruff; "they're still serving up, pork." As Sarah and I prepared to play down his observation, Mikey kept his eyes locked on the ham and sausage platters which centered the large serving table.

    "Big guy, just because we've stopped farming pigs, doesn't mean everyone else will. And," I concluded with respect, "don't forget - despite Swine Plague's global impact, pork will always be part of German culture." Mikey rolled his eyes while Sarah patted his shoulder and steered him onto less risky pastures.

    In short, we were referring to the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus. Also known as Swine Plague, PED was a killer of pig livestock. Two decades ago, it almost caused the near extinction of the species. Worse still, PED was a trans-species virus. Just like Corona Viruses COVID-19 and 20, it had spawned outbreaks in a variety of other species, including humans, although only on a small scale. Understandably, pork had become a rare and unpopular meat again, despite the existence of a human cure.

    Once we'd filled our stomachs a short conversation was struck, and Sarah brought a question to the table. "Chon, you still worried about what Albers will ask during Question Time?"

    "Absolutely," I said. "Compared to us journalists, Xen's invited her publicly in order to appease. But it could backfire. Ultimately, I hope he doesn't give Albers anymore ammunition. She's a force to be reckoned with."

    "I couldn't agree more," Mikey added. "Her online rants are savage, and she definitely has a 'V for Vendetta' when it comes to him."

    While I performed a slow nod, Sarah asked a second question. "So, Chon, we all know Albers will try to rip Xen a new asshole the first chance she gets. Seriously, what does he hope to achieve?"

    Mikey chuckled and I stifled mine in order to answer. "Well Sarah, he did mention why before the scandal had even broken. Realistically, he knows she'll always be a problem. So, instead of ducking her, Xen thought throwing exclusivity her way might level the playing field. You know, give her Green Justice organization a chance to calmly learn what The Solution is all about, without so much angst between them."

    "Interesting," Sarah acknowledged. "Chon, on that same note, did Xen give you anything on the opportunity? Or reveal what The Solution is?"

    Also intrigued, Mikey looked at me.

    "Unfortunately, the answer's still no on both," I shared. Mikey and Sarah slumped their shoulders. "But Xen was pretty adamant about me trusting him. So that's what I'll 'try' to do."

    While Sarah maintained her scowl, Mikey offered some wisdom. "Chon, 'There is no try'. Look, despite Xen's elusiveness, I'm proud you're tryin' to get things back on track with him. Regardin' The Solution, though, I wonder if it'll be grander than The Defense. Or even The Relocation..."

    "Mikey, who knows," I said earnestly. "Who knows..."

    The Defense was what protected China. In 2022, the CPC decided to implement the national solution to stop its coastal cities from being flooded and suffering permanent submergence. A masterpiece of modern engineering, the mega levee dam spanned the length and breadth of the eastern seaboard. It was China's unofficial second Great Wall.

    The Relocation was what bankrupted Japan. In 2035, Chiba, another devastating earthquake-tsunami, crippled the four mainland islands beyond repair. Once the water had receded, Japan's Emperor, Anho Heimachi, took drastic measures. Along with trillions of Chinese-borrowed yuán, Anho's LDP government used most of the country's remaining financial means to buy thirty-five per cent of Mongolia's vast open land in the south-east - Japan's extended land, now known as Lokshu1 - the 'internal land-locked island'. This was where most migrant Japanese people began rebuilding their lives. Conclusively, as closely as The Relocation planners could geographically get it, Lokshu1 was a replica of the original Japan. However, the exception was that every named place now had the number two affixed to it, signifying its second age. The mainland islands were dubbed Hokkaido2, Honshu2, Shikoku2, and Kyushu2 - as well as the popular cities such as Tokyo2, Hiroshima2, Nagasaki2, Fukuoka2, and Kyoto2.

    As I reminisced on those profound accomplishments, the iDot located behind my right ear flashed blue. Sarah had pointed to it before I had even noticed. Worst of all, I knew exactly who it was. I'd been hesitant in updating Dieng and knew my chief would be ready to whine my ear off about it. I answered and let the barrage of abuse begin.

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