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Over in the United States it was mid-morning. Normally, it would've been business as usual. However, based on viewing stats, almost every American had just finished watching The Solution. More worryingly, the backlash was becoming severely ugly. Citizens were flocking to their social media soapboxes in droves with the majority attacking and condemning Xen's proposal. Some even declared they wouldn't participate in The Vote which had now begun. As the resentment persisted to spread, radio stations and morning news shows continued to revise what had been presented in Frankfurt. The main consensus was shocked citizens asking U.S. politicians how the UN could let China; or any individual country; propose such a radical thing.

    Via mind-message, I'd also been contacted by one of my New York sources. She'd explained that a veteran talk show host from Florida wasn't shocked at all and had actually prepared a 'post-solution' show. The man was sixty-two-year-old Damon Weaver, and I had a holoscreen opened and ready. As I watched, he moved in front of his audience and sank into his trademark chair - a large beige recliner. Moments later, the African-American icon - originally from Pahokee, Florida - began to speak over the audience's dying applause. "Good mornin', America, good mornin'," he said. "Although, some of you feel it's far from 'good', and I'm includin' myself when I say it." His declaration was clearly 'anti-solution'. "As someone over the age of sixty, I'll be votin' no-confidence on The Solution Program!"

    As I leered on, bullets of positivity seemed to whizz from his audience in support of Damon's first comment.

    "That's right, that's right," he continued. "But seriously, since age eleven, I've been in the media business. At the start of my childhood career, I had early pinnacles interviewin' the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Colin Powell, and with grace, Mr. President Barack Obama. However, today, my guests and I will be discussin' a specific man whose international profile is so big right now, even I feel I'd be at the back of the queue for an exclusive. People, I'm talkin' about Xen Lai, China's CPC Environment Secretary, and what he revealed in Frankfurt a short while ago."

    The crowd reeled with negativity and Damon transitioned in his seat. "So right-about-now, I really wanna know what my first special guests are thinkin' about all of this, Earthian Star, orbital pilgrimage, stuff. Ladies and gentlemen, the Jolie-Pitt twins, Maddox and Vivienne!"

    Moving with a purpose, the French-born humanitarians quickly found spots on Damon's famous four-seater interview couch.

    "Alright, well thanks to the both of you for bein' on the show today. I'll start with you Knox, and Viv, I'll come to you in a short while," Damon explained. "Okay, so Knox, talk to me brother!"

    "Bonjour, Damon," the Jolie-Pitt Foundation Ambassador started. Knox dressed up his alternative look with shaved and side-parted hair and fabulous freedom tattoos. "Honestly, I'm so thankful that through Xen Lai's proposal, the Chinese have potentially taken a bold step to revolutionize themselves, but more so, to combat the world's worsening climate issues. I agree that structured international unity is the way forward, along with the cosmos being an important resource that will help future generations. I also feel that the overall message of sacrifice, and the scale that this would need to be done on, is an enviable leap towards hope. But," he paused, "I'm not sure whether it could be done practically, based on general attitudes towards destabilization."

    "Okay," Damon said while leaning forward. "So, what do you feel your parents would've thought about all of this? Based on their life's work, do you feel they would've wanted to endorse it in any way?"

    "Quite possibly," Knox replied. "My parents used to speak and dream about such days when the people of the world would pull together in a grand, conservation capacity. I also think they'd be proud of the fact that such days are no longer dreams."

    As Knox finished, Damon thanked him, and the guest received a respectable applause from the audience.

    Next, Damon swivelled slightly in his chair, ready to speak to the second Jolie-Pitt twin. The young lady was wearing a purple gown which draped over her like silk. It also complimented her fair complexion and allowed her to glow effortlessly.

    "Viv," Damon said, "any ideas on how your other brothers 'n' sisters are takin' this?"

    "Oui, Damon," she started. "We've already spoken, and Maddox and Pax are really behind it! Along with Laos, they both feel that their native Cambodia and Vietnam would feel proud to be a part of it. Especially as the old Indo-China territories would probably play a huge part in the program - the main thing being textile manufacturing, while China concentrated on holo-manufacturing. But, until it's resolved by the UN, they're obviously a little reserved about it actually happening."

    "And what about Zahara?" Damon pressed.

    "Sadly, she's apprehensive," Vivienne responded. "When we spoke, she said that although she'd want it to be successful, she fears it would become just like the local initiatives of governments in African countries - inevitably corrupt. She also said that she feels lucky that mom adopted her, later providing the chance to become a Jolie-Pitt Foundation Key Worker, and, one of America's top models. But for others far less fortunate, she fears that the vulnerable, children especially, would be exploited. Lastly, she said she fears extensive exploitation of her rejuvenated and native Ethiopia. With it having Africa's second biggest hydropower and rich fertile farming soil potential, she's waiting to see if The Solution would be fair and legitimate from poverty's perspective."

    In that moment, the crowd seemed to breathe with Vivienne. Her sister's opinion was beyond sincere and allowed me and others watching around the world to contemplate how considerate Xen's program proposal actually was.

    "Viv, I understand," Damon said while raising crossed arms to his chest. "It's nice to know there are humanitarian celebrities like Zahara providin' the third world with a voice - especially for Africa - 'Wakanda Forever'."

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