Chapter 17 - There's No Place Like Home - Xen

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Within minutes of the White Horde footage and showcase being broadcasted, uproar and outrage had engulfed the world again, and no doubt to O-Kenai's bizarre delight.

    Over following weeks, the amount of votes registered on had also increased, tenfold. In all likelihood, it was an indication that new voters might've been those who'd never intended on doing so, but who were now desperately inclined to vote, in order to thwart the queenpin's ascension. Based on the severance of my little finger, people of the world had a real example and now knew what O-Kenai was capable of.

    Subsequently, in Běijīng, chaos was rife as local authorities struggled to maintain law and order. "...Xen, at this rate, we'll have to call in the army," Lee despaired. "The police just aren't coping with this level of protest. Not to mention the looting and arson! Plus, with Robin Albers holo-vlogging on this day and night, it's only going to escalate. I knew this period of Phase One was never going to be easy, but The Result could now end my presidency all together."

    "Lee, I understand your concerns," I acknowledged, while my hands gripped his drooping shoulders. "But don't lose faith in the true spirit of people, especially at this time of year. Sometimes, bad things need to happen before good things can. More importantly, do not forget our vision. Do not forget our goal. And do not forget our destiny."

    "Xen, you're right," my commander finally said. "Please, forgive me for my moment of weakness. Let's go in there, stand with the rest of The Coalition, and witness what the world has decided."

    I issued a stern nod of confidence. Then I followed Lee out of his west-wing chamber and into Zhōngnánhǎi's central one. As we entered the prestigious room, everyone set their eyes on us and it wasn't long before questions of concern followed. "With all things considered, is everything, alright?" Aurora asked.

    "Madame President, it is," Lee answered his Kazakhstani counterpart.

    "Are you sure?" Anho then pressed.

    "Yes, Emperor Heimachi, I am," Lee bowed. "And, we are ready and primed to hear it."

    "Very well then," the New Japanese leader said acceptingly. "Let us proceed."

    With confidence in my program reaffirmed, The Solution's remaining politicians, scientists, engineers and guests all swarmed around a large holotron, waiting for the UN transmission to start.

    "Xen, what are you thinking," Chon asked. Including Mikey and Sarah who stood at his side, my little brother had been exclusively invited to PRC headquarters to witness The Result.

    So had our matriarch, mùqīn, who was on the other side of the room analyzing statistics with Ling.

    "Chon, as expected, I'm nervous," I admitted. "However, I'm actually thinking about something fùqīn once told me."

    "What's that?" Chon questioned, as his eyes widened at the mention of our patriarch.

    "Chon, he'd once said that, 'The two most important days in your life are, the day you are born, and the day you find out why.' Little brother, I believe that today is the day I get my answer."

    We shared a compassionate smile.

    Seconds after, we'd fixed our sights onto the illuminating holotron as the United Nation's official A.I.D.A fizzled into being and promptly began.

    "Designated Alert: to the people of Earth, to the united citizens of The Tripod Coalition, greetings to you all. On June 5th of this year, Xen Lai, the Environment Secretary of The People's Republic of China revealed The Solution Program Proposal..."

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