Chapter 2 - Somebody To Lean On - Chon

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Eight weeks passed since the scandal broke and I was still having restless nights. The humidity didn't help either, but I couldn't complain. After all, the world was one degree warmer, and life would be far worse without The Filters.

    Since 2019, the skyscraping air quality hubs successfully regulated all of China's super cities. Smog was no longer a concern.

    Daylight forced me to rise and I kicked my way past the duvet I'd slung to the floor during the night. Once in the bathroom I pushed open the window and watched dozens of people below. Some rode the dated variety of mopeds, while an equal few glided on the newest solar-powered hover ones. All in all, they dodged pedestrians who scurried around - most of which sported government-issue backpacks that absorbed whatever sunshine was available - one of Xen's early 'solutions'.

    With my xiōngdi in mind, he was no longer my favorite person, but I could never doubt his genius.

    Seated on the lavatory I tried to relax but my iDot was unforgiving. I touched the lentil-sized node of biotec, allowing a holoscreen to beam out. It was Mikey, my best friend and holo-cam engineer, and I remember contemplating why he'd linked so early. A lover of sleep, Mikey was always bed-bound unless the latest hologame or boxset lured him to The Dark Side. When this happened, he would get high on Red Bison and turn into a TV Junkie or RPG Zombie for days. "Hi big guy. Let me guess, Crimson Cast?"

    "Yup," he breathed while holding his head. "But it was worth it! I'm already a Level Nine Manji Warrior!"

    We both chuckled until he got serious. "Listen, Chon, I also linked knowin' you'd be up and tormentin' yourself. Did you get any sleep?"

    "About two hours," I said while trying to fix my underclothes, "and as usual, they were filled with sordid nightmares. I know I'll feel it later, but I'll deal with it."

    "What time did you drop off?"

    "Ten, I think."

    "Well, I know you're not much of a drinker but a few drops of whiskey, Saké, or bái jiǔ ought to do it! Once the fire settles, you'll drift off real nice," he finished, mischief oozing from his words.

    "Mikey, Mikey, no talk of alcohol, please," I protested. "I've still got the taste of absinthe in my mouth no thanks to Suki, and last night's escapades."

    "Alright lightweight, alright," he teased. "Anyway, talk to me and don't hold back. I can tell you're not yourself."

    "Honestly, Mike, I just can't believe The Solution's come about so quickly. And I know I can't hide from it any longer, despite my prayers and avoiding the topic like Swine Plague. The shame's still taking its toll and I'm sure fùqīn's spirit is rattling around in its urn."


    "Of course," I said, frowning. "Xen might've sworn to never indulge like that again, but the damage is done. Nothing's changed in my mind. Even last night was a prime example."


    "Mikey, we got nothing but dirty looks all night which ruined the farewell. The ignorant manager even suggested Suki was one of the brothel girls. I'm pretty sure he brought us cold food on purpose, too."

    "And this happened at Gastro's?"

    "Yep," I exhaled.

    "Wow, that's a damn shame," he said. "I know you two had looked forward to it. But to be fair, Dieng and Charlie haven't made it easy for any of you Lais to relax, Suki included."

    "Tell me about it," I sneered. "Let's just hope the fresh start in Bangkok frees my cousin from it all."

    "So," Mikey piped up, "you still plannin' to visit The Mother Of Dragons?"

    "I am, but dreading it," I explained. "Even though she's been affected as well, mùqīn only cares about Xen's summit and the premise she's been revising for him. She's not even mourned fùqīn yet."

    "Well, Chon, by this time next month, The Solution will be over and forgotten, the election, too."

    "I know," I said downheartedly. "I'm just not sure I'll be able to keep it together. This whole situation's made me feel like a Pekin Duck out of water, and Xen couldn't have picked a worse time to get caught with his kinky pants down."

    "As I've always said, that's what bereavement and pressure can do to some people with power - they end up doing crazy things. Speakin' of which," Mikey emphasized, "has Xen told you what The Solution is yet? Aside from bein' climate-related, that is? The world's been kept in the dark for long enough and I'm a GGE who needs to know!"

    We both chuckled.

    'GGE' stood for 'Geek Guru Extraordinaire' and Mikey loved playing up to it.

    "Nope, nothing," I said. "Just the occasional mention of the 'opportunity thing' and all the secrecy's still got me feeling apprehensive."

    "Me too," Mikey said, puffing his lips in the pause. "Well, just concentrate on the job and harden your exterior. Leave fate and fortune in Lord Huányīn's hands. He's never let you down before."

    "That's very true," I said. "Well, I guess I'll focus on the DNR deadline, then. I just pray whatever I do write doesn't dominate the tabloids like the recent ones Dieng's edited."

    "It'll all work itself out," Mikey chirped. "Now, I've got a few errands to run before we all meet, so I'd better get up before Sarah gets in touch and sees I'm still curled in sheets. Don't want her brandin' me a 'lazy ox' for the rest of the da-"

    Out of nowhere, our conversation was digitally scrambled, and the link, lost. I rolled my eyes as a government transmission manifested on holoscreen and buzzed at me to answer. Annoyingly, it was from Ken Wan, Xīchéng District's Government Representative. It was Ken's job to make sure Xīchéng's citizens were happy with their lives and government on a monthly, if not weekly, basis. Of course, this included me, and I fought off exhaustion and despondency as best as I could. I decided to 'try' and tell him what he wanted to hear.

    "Hey Chon!" he started. "You ready for your trip, buddy?"

    "Hi Ken. I'm as ready as I can be with all things considered, and before you ask for the one-hundredth time; yes; Xen and I are on talking terms, the same as yesterday and the day before that." Of course, I was telling a lie. "Really and truly I just need to sort myself out and be left alone," I said. "You don't have to link me every day, you know."

    "Okay, okay!" he said overzealously. "One question though - do you still plan on traveling publicly?"

    "Yes. I want to keep up appearances."

    "Oh, okay...  Well, buddy, I'll leave you to it and let headquarters know you're in good spirits! I'll speak to you once you're back in the Xi-Land!"

    "Thanks Ken, goodbye." Inwardly, I cursed Xen, and wished he hadn't asked the pest to keep an extra eye on me.

    Rolling my eyes one last time, I double-tapped my iDot and disconnected the holoscreen. Then I pushed off from the bed and staggered to my feet.

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