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Not more than a few hours later, the threat was over.

    Somehow, and miraculously, the triplet of storms had simply dissipated, and all at the same time...

    "Wait, wait, wait; this can't be right," Sarah contemplated from the comfort of our dorm. "Something's definitely wrong."

    "What, with the baby?"

    "No, Chon, with the weather down there. I'm no scientist. But since when do cyclones, let alone super ones, just stop terrorising? And all at the same time?"

    "They don't," I stated with conviction, now back on the same page. "Not as far as we know. But, let's just be glad that they have. Knowing that the World-Ender was possibly upon us, is more than enough stress for one space day."

    "I'm going to link my parents," Sarah said, clearly still worried.

    "Good idea," I responded. In a bid to support, I'd then made light of the situation and offered a hot drink, if only to tame her anxiety and calm the nerves. "Sarah, fancy a folic?"

    "Isn't there anything else?"

    "Of course, not," I chuckled. "We're a long way from home, and nowadays, Starlucky's seems a thing of the distant past..."

    "...Tell me about it," she groaned while adjusting on her side. "I'm sure we'd both make short work of Jasmine tea and a chai tea latte, right about now!"

    "My love, indeed, we would!" I jested. "Indeed, we would. But for now, dried stinging nettle is as good as it gets! Let's drink."

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