Chapter 3 - The Mother Of Dragons - Widow Lai

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I was outside and seated on the stone steps of our home when Chon graced the horizon.

    Our estate was a beautiful place adorned with marble paths, bird gardens and Weeping Elm woodland. Plants and flowers surrounded the edges too, but I'd left them to grow wild which unfortunately took away from the prestige. I recall dipping my head on many occasions and asking forgiveness from Lord Huányīn and my late husband, Tengfei. He was truly fond of nature and hoped I would always tend to it in his absence. Sadly, I had more pressing business...

    Down the hill at the gatehouse Chon and his driver passed my retina scans. Then my A.I.S.U, the Artificial Intelligent Security Unit, waved them through. I rose to my feet, held up my wrist, and beamed out a holoscreen. I knew Chon would come, and it was the cue I'd been waiting for. As his taxi hummed to a halt, I increased the audio, and played back the end of an important file. 'SS-CSP' echoed out as Chon exited the hovermobile. He gave me a confused look as he absorbed the acronym, and I shut it down, thereafter. Once Chon questioned it, I knew the seed had been sewn. From that moment onward, I knew the knots of our intertwined fates had been tightened...

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