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After listening to Xen's annoying message, I exhaled and dropped my chin. He was too much at times and as I shook it off, my driver started. "Newsman, why you still being so hard on your brother, eh?"

    Yep. It was clear my courier was a nosey one, but I took the opportunity to vent. "Well, my xiōngdi refuses to admit how badly his kinky antics have affected things. Worst of all, things are far from over." The driver and I both responded to my points, but I couldn't focus while watching him swerve on the raised road. He was clearly more concerned with talk and ogling me in his rear-view mirror and I remember wondering why he didn't just put the taxi into auto-hover? When he regained control, I repeated myself. "As I said, it's not over as The Solution's in the next couple of days. I've got the pleasure of corresponding from Frankfurt where it's being held and then there's the Presidential Election when I get back."

    "Well, yes," he said with solemnity. "I saw this morning's headlines, so I suppose I do feel sorry for you."

    "Thanks," I sighed.

    "Do you think Xen and Mishina plan on doing anything radical, like somehow tying the summit and election together?"

    "Quite possibly," I responded, "and Xen did just promise that big, huge, and epic things are to come. I just hope The Solution itself isn't too radical and doesn't affect Mishina's winning chances. I don't think the world can handle anymore hardcore stuff from Xen and if what they present is, all hell might break loose."

    "I hear what you're saying," the frowzy man said, bobbing at the wheel. "But don't fret too much. With Traditionalists aside, the modern people of Han couldn't care what politicians get up to, just so long as they make the right decisions for the republic."

    I didn't respond. I couldn't because of the sheer irony and sadly, the reality was, not every dirty politician was a Traditionalist like Xen, and trying to save the world.

    "Newsman, it'll blow over soon enough, you'll see!"

    "I appreciate your optimism, but can you just concentrate on the raised road," I sighed. "I don't mean to be blunt but talking about my family won't change anything. Plus, I should know better. Next, you'll probably be selling a story. I'd just like some peace and quiet if you don't mind. I'm activating the security screen now."

    "Suit yourself," he responded to my question. Then he faced forward and headed for the affluent hills I called home.

    As we cruised over the leafy mounts of the hamlet, the pollution haze began to clear. I reached for my vintage iPad Micro which was concealed deep inside my knapsack. With my family on my mind, I scrolled to video clips and highlighted one named, 'Takeshi's Castle'. I watched it with a heavy heart and relived an example of our golden years...

    'Okay, okay! I'll be Takeshi, and you two have to race through this obstacle course! Try and catch me down at the end without getting totally wiped out from the water buckets!

    'Laina, is it recording?'

    'Yes Tengfei.'

    'Good! Now I want to see a nice, honorable race from the both of you!

    'Chon, Xen, on your marks, get set, go!

    '...Come on, Double Dragon, surely you can go faster? Didn't I say you're meant to be dodging the buckets? Suki would put you both to shame!'

    In the privacy of the taxi, I allowed a warm tear to roll down my face - although I didn't account for it disrupting the 3D emanation. After I refreshed it, I continued watching. The clip was from two summers back and showed us enjoying a family fun day in the green grounds of fùqīn's estate. Before I put the ancient pad away, I let out another deep sigh, and contemplated how Xen and I had drifted so much. I hoped the summit wouldn't push us even further apart and decided to focus on the one person who might convince him not to go through with it. It was time to confront the dragon maker, my mùqīn, Widow Lai...

End of Chapter 2

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