Chapter 19 - Interview With The Vampire - Xen

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I hadn't truly embraced my father's teachings until he'd passed away. And of course, they were all a cliché, which Tengfei often explained was destined to be the case. On the contrary, the very first lesson he'd ever taught Chon and I, was the one looping in my mind for the umpteenth time.

    'Everything we can achieve in life is on the other side of fear. So, embrace sacrifice. Be brave. Take risks and make leaps.'

    And up until now...I had embraced sacrifice.

    With my stupidity aside...I'd been brave, too and risked it all by creating and sharing my vision with the world. And you know what? With my eyes closed throughout most of it, the leaps were worth it, and for the most part, successful. On top of that, I was always worried about how everything would turn out - but never scared. In this ongoing era of climate austerity, my programs were calculated processes based on the amalgamation of democracy, innovation, and progression for the survival of our species.

    Sadly, there was a price for such impressive tropes.

    In our case, an ultimate price, which now required an impossible leap into the realm of fear, itself.

    With time against us...I twiddled my thumbs and waited eagerly for my entourage to return with my family members, as well as their friends and associates. Minutes later, I'd let out an emotional and desperate sigh of relief as the encrypted holo-door dematerialized...

    Once it did, my entourage ushered them all in, rematerialized the holo-door, then stood guard with a purpose.

    "Xen, what's going on? We were in the middle of something really important."

    Before I could finish my emergency headcount, the question and statement had come from my sweetheart of a cousin, as everyone else understandably gawped at me. "Sukes, I've had to bring you all here for your, safety..." Based on the way Cassius and mùqīn had glanced at each other, I knew that they'd shared the same realization. Theirs and Suki's Shadow Project might not resume anytime soon.

    "Our safety? But why?" Sarah then asked, shifting in front of Mikey and Chon to stare me down.

    But Chon latched onto his beloved and stroked at her forearm, all while wearing a worried look which studied me. "Sarah, ease up. Something's happened.

    "Hasn't it, xiōngdi...?"

    I couldn't answer him, nor them. At least not straight away. Instead, I'd gritted my throat, feeling for sticky dragon oil to ignite. But there was nothing. I couldn't even manage to front out my infamous game-face which had saved Chon and I on numerous occasions. To be honest, in that very moment, I'd even begun to crave my favorite crutch of old. But the hedonistic powder was not an option I could utilize. Not unless I went back on recent vows... I was on my own, and once again, my only option was to embrace shame and be forthcoming. "...Brother, yes. Something has, happened. Something, dreadful..." Each of their bodies flounced - which allowed the release of disdain - for me.

    I couldn't blame them, though.

    This was my fault...

    And respecting the fact, I revealed the problem. "Some time ago, Chon had tasked me with trying to learn why O-Kenai had assaulted Mikey back in New Japan. Well, after months of digging, I finally got the answer..."

    My brother's wingman looked at me just as worryingly as the rest of them. "Xen, we're listenin'..." he managed, despite appearing agitated now. "What did she, do to me...?"

    "...Mikey, you were, 'collateral damage'..."

    "How so?" Sarah pressed, and naturally, her quizzicality had given rise to the rise of simultaneous brows.

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