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Earlier, Xen had contacted me on Lee's behalf, and he'd sent over hotbox files. The topic was Ling Xiodau and Stephen Wu surviving an encounter with none other than The Pink Lady! The files contained Ling and Stephen's witness accounts, and as requested, I'd briefly referenced them in a breaking report. Naturally, I had to use my wits to subdue Dieng when he challenged my approach. I also had to convince him that I'd thoroughly exploited all I'd been sent.

    After the stress of it all, Sarah made a suggestion and I took her up on it. While Mikey snored at home and made love to his duvet, it allowed us the possibility of privacy.

      We'd decided to meet in the center of the metropolis and ransack every inch of the downtown mall. We wanted to look as presentable as possible once in the Kazakhstani capital. Reason being, we'd learned that Astana was where secret talks over The Solution would happen.

    On a separate and personal level, when the time came, I'd hoped fire oil would churn in my chest again and allow me to be romantically honest with my Audio Holo-Engineer. And a short while later, I'd arrived to take my chance. Not long after that, Sarah appeared and dazzled as always! Therefore, my confidence grew. "Hey, you," I buzzed, trying to be cool, "are they new heels?"

    "Of course," Sarah grinned. She then stood on one leg; looked over a shoulder; and down at the cream-colored stilettoes. "I love them, and they make me almost as tall as you."

    It was one of those surreal life-defining moments. I also knew what I said next would have to be ultra-slick. In fact, as slick as dragon oil. So, remembering Rule #76, I dismissed the last of my self-defeating excuses and responded like a champion! "Yeah, I know. They really boost your height, and pretty soon, it might come in handy..."

   My innuendo hinted at a long-awaited kiss.

    Although Sarah seemed to shake it off, her eyes lit up. The last time that happened, we'd shared an embrace on the hotel dance floor in Frankfurt! I realized this was probably the first time I'd tried flirting with her without alcoholic inhibition!

     Damn it.

    Had I overdone it?

    As I questioned myself, she answered. "Yeah, maybe the extra heel-height, will..."

    Was I dreaming?

    Were Sarah and I now on the same, flirtatious, page?

    While I tried not to question myself again, Sarah pulled me. "Chon, that's enough shoe-talk! Come on," she shouted, "let's shop 'til we drop!"

    Despite my love for the woman, I did not love her version of retail therapy. Sarah Wong was relentless, and we'd whizzed around the mall three times over! Thankfully, she took pity on me and granted a well-earned break. "What do you fancy?" I asked, as we moved into a Starlucky's coffee house.

    Due to innovative rebranding, Starbucks was a thing of the past.

    "Err, I'll have a chai tea latte, and one of those caramel slices," Sarah told me while decloaking. Then came the perfect question. "Chon, how much do I owe you?"

    "Nothing, beautiful. Just so you know, I'm happy to dote on you..."

    No words followed, and this time, Sarah teased me with a coy smile. She also grabbed at her crop of hair before sliding both palms into the front pockets of her designer jeans.

    Reveling in the moment, we held each other's gaze until Sarah finally spoke. "Right, I'll be back in a minute. I need to visit the ladies and freshen up!"

    "Okay, sure," I responded, with a wink of an eye. Desperately, I tried to remain as cool as possible. "I'll be sat over there." Truth was, I'd planned to use the time to keep my shit together and up the ante. It was time to make my leap. It was time to make my move.

    When Sarah returned, she smelt like heaven, and had touched up her makeup. My pheromones went crazy as she climbed seductively into a fancy red armchair opposite mine. Welcoming a pleasant distraction, we studied our Muji Store purchases and took bites out of our desired confectionery, until I opened with an icebreaker. "So, Anho Heimachi and Yan Kazuya being seen in Astana will add to things..."

    "It sure will," Sarah agreed. "My only concern is, will we get the exclusive chance to correspond on their talks? Do you think Xen will come through in time?"

    "Of course," I beamed. "He's the man."

    "True," Sarah agreed. "I shouldn't forget. But what I also want to know is, how Dieng expects us to get the whole bowl of rice with no leads or clear instructions? I mean, seriously, what are we meant to do? Just stand outside Akorda Palace until Xen or their President appears?"

    "At this stage," I surmised, "I think that's all we can do until an opportunity presents itself."

     "I guess you're right. Anyway," she piped up, while reaching for her latte, "it was nice to see Suki and Widow Lai, even if the circumstances weren't the most ideal."

     Was Sarah hinting at mùqīn's weird questions? "Yeah it was," I eventually replied. "Most of all, it was nice to see that Guìzhōu is providing them with some sanctuary from all that's going on."

    Sarah nodded. "I know. And when things calm down, I must have a long link with Sukes. It's been ages and I miss her. By the way," she pressed, "I noticed Widow Lai asked after me, again. Chon, have I offended her, or dishonored her in some way?"

    "No! Not at all."

    "Then, what is going on?"

    This was it.

    I paused, took in a deep combustible breath, then let my ruse flow. "Well, Sarah, I think she's 'fond' of you..."

    Sarah moved the coffee glass from her lips and slowly placed it back onto the red tray that I'd brought it over on. "Come again?" she responded, her eyes also appearing to glaze over.

    "You heard me." I didn't waver. "Sarah, she's fond of you, because she knows I've been fond of you since the first day we met."

    As soon as I'd said it, doubt resumed. And it got worse when Sarah went to respond! "Chon, are you saying that you, 'like me'...?"

    I held firm and answered her. "No, Sarah. That's not what I'm saying at all. 'Like' is a serious understatement. Sarah, I'm saying that for as long as I can remember, all I've wanted is you. I'm in love with you, if you didn't already know."

    In the moment which followed, time stopped. My heart did, too.

    Now, it was up to Sarah whether I'd be left with a happy and healthy heart, or a broken one.

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