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Momentarily, I was lost for words, and my mind went into brainstorm mode.

    I imagined the same thing happened with Mikey and Sarah's. We'd all just stood there, gawking at our Environment Secretary. With our opportunity aside, I'd desperately questioned why Xen no longer wanted to do interviews! This, as well as him seeming to be giving up on his numerous causes. With no stimulating epiphany, I had to say something. "Xiōngdi, why are you giving up on destabilization so easily? What about Greg Craven's long-standing ethos on preparation...?"

    To my surprise, Xen wore a pucker look when he responded. "Chon, I'm not giving up at all," he breathed. "Truth is, for the last six years, I've done everything in my power to ensure that destabilization's message reached its apex during The Solution. It will get no bigger opportunity to be acknowledged than it already has. And so, if humanity wants to save itself and prepare, then the majority vote will be confident. While the world deliberates, I must now move onto my next phase, in case it does vote confidently..."

    Once again, I'd shared fleeting glances with Mikey and Sarah until Xen continued. "Brother," he declared, "I'm ready when you are."

    I wasn't ready by any means. I had no questions prepared. Nothing. Nevertheless, I kept my composure and looked away from Xen. Retreating deep into thought, I eventually decided to focus on the things I knew would conjure the most public interest and further outrage... Moments later, three starting points had somehow come to me. I was sure that fùqīn and Lord Huányīn's elusive spirits were partially responsible. So, no longer needing to worry about what I'd exploit, I smiled. A second after, I accepted a three-way mind-message from my team members.

    The first statement came from Mikey.

    'Chon, alls I know is, Charlie would give his left nut, his right nut, and his stupid fringe to be here right now! Be mindful of The Living Force and kill it!'

    Then came Sarah's rhetoric.

    'Chon, Mikey's right! This sit-down between you and Xen isn't part of our brief and Dieng has no jurisdiction here! You may never get the chance to ask the questions you want ever again - so go for it!'

    'Team, thanks for the support! And I will!'

    But before I lunged into anything, I checked on Xen by opening my eyes and meeting his. We were now sat silently opposite one another. This was until our minds linked.

    'So, xiōngdi, I can be controversial? Push you, and make it uncomfortable for the rating's sake?'

    'Brother, absolutely. I know Dieng wouldn't accept anything else, and I'm ready for this. Chon, if anything, just make sure that it's memorable.'

    'Oh, I will...'

    I couldn't help but tease.

    Next, I'd reached into my knapsack, and pulled out my old iPad. I turned it on and did three searches. Then I shared them from the mind.

    'Xen, I'll make this opportunity memorable by literally citing our shame; your proposal; and the latest thoughts of the Green Justice Leader, herself.'

    Xen tried hard to conceal the gulp his Adam's Apple had swallowed, but I'd seen it. I imagined the reference to Robin Albers was the cause, and with relent, I planned to exploit as much as I could!

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