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Sick to my stomach, I sat on the edge of Dieng's desk, and eyed my Editor-in-Chief. I couldn't believe what I witnessed. Intentionally, Dieng was without anything to smoke or drink! The reason was, we were expecting Gail, Mikey, but more importantly, Chon, who Dieng didn't want to upset in the slightest.

    Had Pae finally gone soft?

    Worst of all, Dieng sat with a ridiculous smile on his face with boggled eyes fixed to the fuzzy door. I had to say something. "You know you're embarrassing yourself, right?"

    "Wong, 'take off your high heels'!" he blasted metaphorically. "Even I have to grovel once in a while and halting my habits for Chon's sake ought to do it."

    As I rolled my eyes away, I'd heard commotion. So, I jumped up, took a sly peek through the one-way holo-blinds and saw Mikey, Gail and Chon approaching! With my own interests at heart, I ran a hand through my crop of hair, checked my lip gloss and pushed up my holo-bra! Since our dance in Frankfurt, I wanted to continue to give Chon something to think about. But as they drew closer, Gail was clearly whining at Chon. Frustratingly, I knew his desk assistant would squander my efforts. Thwarted, I pulled my blouse in and continued to eavesdrop. They were close enough now for me to decipher the murmurs. "So, 'Mr. Lai', before you say it," she continued, "I had no idea the Raythorpe scientist or Virgin Galactica CEO were going to be at the summit! Had I known, then obviously I would've added their bio's to your A.I.D.A's cell!"

    "No harm done, Gail. No harm, done. Thankfully," he admitted, "things seem to be working out in my favor, wouldn't you agree?" Chon smiled at his employee with a level of glee which embarrassed her and resulted in silence. Chon clearly took the first opportunity he could to get back at Gail, but more so Charlie, who'd now experienced his own fall from grace.

    Taking advantage of their pause, I dematerialized the door, let them through and then dreamed into Chon's eyes. "Morning," I said to all three.

    However, Gail knew my greeting didn't apply to her.

    Chon offered me a pleasant, yet awkward response as we brushed shoulders, affectionately.

    Meanwhile, Mikey couldn't help but smile and wink at me. After all, my tag team partner secretly knew how much I wanted things with Chon and I to change. I just continued to hope that Chon was still into me like Mikey constantly told me and that he'd make his move soon before I died of a wanting heart!

    Once inside, we all took seats and waited for Dieng to take control of the up-coming briefing. Squinting shiftily at Chon, Pae rose to his feet moments later. Then he stepped from behind his desk and lurched for Chon! Once he'd latched on, he squeezed at Chon's ribs, while me, Gail and Mikey's eyes pinballed in their sockets. Before I could establish a mind-message; so that Mikey and I could bitch; Dieng spouted a different kind of spiel. "Chon, in the end, I frickin' knew you Lai boys would come through for me! And as well as securin' the biggest bonus of my career, you've been instrumental in the station's best ever ratings! The summit's also been continuously re-transmitted on UNTV, and here, almost every person's talking about The Solution and how it'll sway votes Lee's way! Chon," he pressed, "I don't know how you secured that post interview either, but it was real slick! Real slick, indeed and The Ripe Cheeses couldn't be happier! Plus, I've never seen the city crawlin' with so many pappo drones!"

    While Dieng took in air, Gail opened a brief on holoscreen, knowing an assignment for us would follow. "Okay," the chief began, with a grin on his face. "I know I'm a frickin' bastard. I know that, we've all had our differences in the past or haven't always seen eye to eye. But this right here is opportunity - perhaps even a retirement one! Remember, it's the winners who take it all! So, before our opportunity can come about, we need a lot of focus and hard work.

    "Chon, I know you're too close to this, but it's historic, so I need you at your ultimate best!"

    Little did Dieng know, Chon and Xen had reconciled, and the Double Dragon was now one again.

    "From now on," Pae continued, "you're to stick to your brother like glue! Wherever he goes, you three go! I want your AV Holo-Suite permanently in Xen's face! And for the love of Huányīn, try and get on the same page - our retirements could hinge on it! In the meantime, Chon, go talk to the people! I want interviews galore about how the program's impactin' this election!"

    Pae reveled and shot a fist to the air. However, he'd brought it back down as soon as Chon opened his mouth. "Dieng, maybe we should hold off on live reporting with the public? This morning my apartment block was bombarded with strangers and drones wanting to interact with me and it wasn't fun dodging them. If we go out there, I can't see us getting anything substantial or serious. Not with all the pandemonium going on."

    "Well, Chon, it's either your team or Charlie's?" Dieng threatened. He did so by leaning back with opened arms.

    Gleefully, Gail couldn't help but produce a vengeful smile.

    "Okay, we're on it," Chon yielded. "And we'll do our best."

    "Chon, just make sure it is 'your best'!" Pae bullied. "Now, this could be the last brief I ever give you three, if we get it right.

    "First off, shift your asses over to Tiānānmén Square. Feed Michelle's mornin' prime time! I want breaking coverage to see how Xen's program is affectin' election votes! Legislatures must be feelin' the pressure with less than two hours to go!

    "Second, I want you to be ready to go over to Lokshu1 and Astana, as soon as the post-election admin is done! Fuck the expenses, too! Gail; book them on Virgin Galactica flights if need be; I want them there, quick time! The leaders of New Japan and Kazakhstan seem seriously supportive of The Solution, so aim to get the whole frickin' bowl of rice!

    "And Chon," Dieng finished with an aggressive wheeze, "all I can say is, 'thank Huányīn for your frickin' brother'! Now let's move people, let's move!" Keen to get the lantern lit, Chon had darted into the unoccupied meeting room next door to Pae's office. Mikey and I followed. However, en-route, Chon ordered Gail to return to her desk and begin admin files for the election aftermath - even though all she probably wanted to do was return to Charlie's wounded side.

    Once we were all alone, Chon beamed out a holoscreen and waited. Thankfully it connected and Xen's face appeared! "Now Chon, before you say anything, I know Dieng's on your ass. So, I'll get right to it. The last few hours have been manic inside the chambers. As I'd hoped, The Solution's changed everything.

    "On Ming's behalf, Junsin Eixo is trying to purvey the program's negative elements like The Draft. But thankfully, I'm rallying more than enough support for Lee to still be in this thing. We'll just have to wait and see what happens!"

    "Okay, understood!" Chon exclaimed.

    I could tell he was forcing his optimism and actually anxious about the few hours ahead.

    "In the meantime," Chon stated, "the gang and I have public interviews to do."

    "Where?" Xen asked.

    "The Square," Chon answered. "We're headed there now as Forbidden City is bustling and Pae wants us in the thick of it. Also, he's miraculously expecting us to interview you. Think it can happen?"

    "Too busy, little brother, but don't fret," Xen assured. "I'll grace you with more opportunity when you least expect it!"

    As Xen's face fizzled away, Mikey and I looked at Chon and nodded.

    Hopefully, Xen would continue to surprise even me and keep breathing fire alongside Chon. Until that happened, I'd have Chon's back. Naturally so, I gave it a quick rub, before Mikey and I followed our correspondent out. "Chon, your audience awaits, and we're right behind you!"

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