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In expert fashion, Xen and I were whisked to the neon-lit establishment by his entourage. Essentially, the four goons were his close protection security, as well as devout drinking partners. Despite being bad influences on a social level, they were good at their jobs when sober, and got us to the bar without being noticed or holopictured together. As we strode through, we all took in the darkened lounge's meek decor and quickly found seats. Next, an unshaven waiter plodded over, and Xen rejoiced. "Chon! This is Paulie-Fen, the barman owner - Paulie-Fen, this is my brother, Chon!"

    Slouching where he stood - and showing no sign of correcting his posture - Paulie-Fen said nothing to me. He merely tipped his balding head. However, he soon perked up once Xen raised his wrist which obviously teemed with credits.

    Wiping over adjacent tables, a young woman rolled her eyes and snickered at the owner, who I assumed was her opportunistic father.

    Paulie-Fen brushed his own wrist against Xen's, and another three-digit number was debited. A second later, Paulie-Fen came alive. "Xen, nǐ hǎo, and welcome back to my glorious freehouse! Would you like your usual? The Kavalan soda?"

    "Ahh, yes," Xen breathed, "and get these guys doubles, triples, whatever they want! More importantly, if anyone asks, we came in for a dozen lychee waters!"

    "Of course," Paulie-Fen waved assuredly. "In fact, as you're always so generous with credits, I'll put the holo-chain across the old door! Finally, if you need anything else, then don't hesitate to ask!"

    Not 'anything' I'd thought in silent protest.

    Including Tsing Tao, my drink of choice, numerous beer bottles were put down in front of us and enough to get everyone drunk twice over. With the mung bean aftertaste still souring my breath, I clasped one up, and indulged. Then I flicked condensation from my palm as Xen leaned on me and shared one of his pointless facts. "Hey; little bro; did you know the Tsing Tao brewery was founded in 1903 by Qingdao German settlers?"

    "Of course," I started. "But maybe you should actually focus on telling me about the 'opportunity' you plan to push my team's way, instead? You've had us all guessing for long enough."

    "I know," Xen nodded, "but you won't have to wait much longer, Chon. All in good time..."

    As Xen finished teasing, I looked to an old tattered clock hung behind a pyramid of liquor bottles and knew I had to get back on point. Mikey and Sarah would be waiting for me, somewhere. So, I turned on my stool and looked to the bar entrance. 'Lo and behold', my companions were stood outside, and looking aimlessly through the tinted glass.

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