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My heart was broken. Not only that, I was alone now.

    The BTV Trio were hours away from beginning their, Star Trek...

    Still, some hope remained...

    As I sat on the crowded monorail and headed out of Baikonur and away from Chon, Sarah and Mikey...I tried to find strength in my new calling. Like Captain Kathryn Janeway of USS Voyager, I was the new leader of an intrepid-class vessel and I had the bridge. BTV was mine now and I had the otherworldly task of trying to merge two crews.

    Like Chakotay of The Marquis, Charlie had leadership of the wolf and viper terrorists at BTV - most of which were on board with him again due to still being bitter about the uneligible fallout of The Draft.

    As a result, I knew I would have to appease his Lieutenants; Mae-Zu and Gail; if peace was ever going to be achieved... While I pored over the Rodenberry Reality, my iDot illuminated red. It was a mind-message from, Mikey...

    'Puddin', it's almost time.'

     I reached to my ear, deactivated the communication, and beamed out a holoscreen with nervousness. Chon was about to do his final broadcast for BTV. "Greetings to all of Planet Earth," he began. "Today is truly a special day. Today is the day of the inaugural launches of The Wealth Core and the Titan-Class Converting Vessel Freighters. Now, hours ago, Admiral Stephen Wu of the orbital fleet, rerouted all air traffic around Kazakhstan. In addition, he ordered the hefty hydraulic doors of each behemoth to be sealed as part of the collective lockdown. Since then, the internal events overseen by General Kanxia have been fascinating! Across The Core and Freighters, army personnel have been extremely active, as have the SMC Physicians. Alongside G-Loc drills, they've ensured and checked the hydration and oxygen levels of all Eligibles. For those who requested it, they've administered and monitored the concentrated release of nitrous oxide into Habitat Suits. The aim of this being to aid relaxation, prevent general panic, and be an initial measure to counteract space motion sickness, orthostatic intolerance and cardiovascular events...

    "Next," Chon pressed, "they've aided Eligibles by ensuring that we're all harnessed securely into our, 'launch seats', the obvious reason being that weightlessness will be apparent until Dwarven Earthian Star has been forged... Once it has, the terran and orbital holo-hubs will be activated, quickly allowing our sanctuary to rotate, and thus, creating the artificial gravity needed to stabilize everyone.

    "Moving on," Chon added, "in a few moments, there will be scheduled broadcasts from the Tripod Coalition Leaders who will be speaking to their Eligible Patrons. Moreover, the Architect of all of this will be, too...

    "...And, I've just been told that it is time to go to them now..."

     Projecting the grace and charm of Captain Kirk, the first person to share words was the Emperor of the Liberal Democrat Party. "Long ago, samurai warriors lived to serve and protect the people of Old Japan. In the end," Anho explained, "they gave their lives in the names of sacrifice, and honor. Though we do not wield physical swords today, we too, are all samurai. After Chiba's blight, we served ourselves by respecting Mother Nature, and embraced The Relocation. And now, the time has come for another significant sacrifice. New Japan, I am proud of us. Furthermore, alongside our affiliates, I am honored to be embarking upon this epic journey, the very first of its kind."

    Emanating the calculated aura of Captain Georgiou, the second to talk was the Madame President of the Otan-Asar Party. "Kazakhs of The Coalition, my great grandfather, President Barron Lebedev, revolutionized our country," Aurora began. "Via his 2050 Strategy, he set us on a path which would make us important to the world. But today marks our true national triumph. In recent years, we have achieved more than even he would have deemed possible. Alongside our coalition comrades we have ensured our second age, but not just that. As advocates of The Solution and The Contingency - and hosts of our triple-combined LCA, we have ensured that our second age will be a gleaming and golden one for years upon years to come."

    With the confidence of Captain Pike, the third person to speak was the President of the Communist Party. "Eligible Patrons of China, in response to our continual abuse of the planet, Mother Nature repeatedly warned us of her power. And recently," Lee breathed, "I believe Seymour was detriment to this. Therefore, in a short while, we will begin our mission to leave Planet Earth. I feel our great pilgrimage has been blessed by Mother Nature, too. This is because she spared us while we desperately prepared. So, with loyal friends at our side, we leave to forge a new dynasty among the stars, and one I hope will shine, forever bright."

    As my president finished, he leaned back. A moment later, the holoscreen was panned onto the pioneer sat beside him. Finally, the pioneer was the last person to pass comments on the historic day. And surprisingly, he did so with the humility of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. "Long ago, when I began The Solution, I often contemplated this moment," Xen began. "Also, I often wondered how I might feel, or what I might say when the time came. Well, the time is nigh, and I realize more now than ever that this was never about me. It is about our world and the survival of all species. Respectfully then, in the rhetoric of Neil Armstrong; the first man on the moon; this is another small step for man, and another giant leap for mankind."

    The holoscreen blipped, eventually transitioning back to Chon. And with the assertiveness of Commander Riker, he seemed ready to conclude his last ever Earth-based report. To me, this was represented by the deep gritting of his throat, and the dragon-oil I imagined was about to be ignited once more. "Thank you, Secretary Lai. Now, as part of Phase Three, The Financial Freeze has begun. Aboard The Wealth Core and Freighters, all pre-flight checks have been conducted. Admiral Wu has also assured everyone that life support parameters are functioning. Therefore, until 2060, this is Chon Lai for BTV, signing off, for the very, last, time."

    Once Chon had stopped broadcasting, I tried to focus on what I was headed back to. That being, a decade of isolation in the 'Delta Quadrant'.

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