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Even though I wanted to analyze my prediction over and over again, I couldn't.

    Tom Darcy calming Albers down was the first distraction, and a man sat a few seats over from us was the second. Boris Fassbender was a German aristocrat, as well as the Convention Center's top official.

    Furthermore, he rose to his feet and surprised everyone with what he hastily announced

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    Furthermore, he rose to his feet and surprised everyone with what he hastily announced. "To all in attendance, I am calling for an immediate recess to this environment summit. And, I'm sure Secretary-General Ahmed has no objections?"

    Of course, the question was rhetorical. Nevertheless, without hesitation, Samir gave a curt nod for all to see.

 Nevertheless, without hesitation, Samir gave a curt nod for all to see

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    Xen wasn't even acknowledged.

    Next, Samir motioned for the assembly to rise. With the assistance of the police detail, flustered stewards marshaled everyone. They started with the VIP's, which included Xen's old enemy, Albers, and Xen's new ally, me. As the hall emptied, an audible announcement was made by the center's A.I.D.A. And in every conceivable language, it'd been projected to iDots and holoscreens across the world. 'Dear Viewers, we have experienced an unscheduled break from the live 2048 World Climate Summit. We are working as quickly as possible to return to the program and we apologize for any inconvenience.'

    People skulking in front of us were quick to comment and they weren't the only ones. Via mind-message, Dieng was the first to be abhorrently vocal.

    ' Leave? What the fuck does he mean, leave? Chon, your big prick brother's gonna be the cause of World War III!'

    I tapped behind my ear again and Charlie's prerogative followed.

    'Leave Planet Earth? Chon, your bāba dying clearly messed up Xen more than anyone realized!'

    Then came Gail's barrage.

    'It'll never happen, 'Mr. Lai'! Not in this lifetime! And I wouldn't be surprised if Xen just wants to win a Nobel Prize to outdo your māma!'

    Mae-Zu, the actual BTV Environment Correspondent, was next to lash us.

    'Chon, when you see him, give Xen a hard pat on the fucking back! Now every tree-hugging-hippy is going to hallucinate over this shit!'

    Interestingly, the next message was Michelle's. I was still on the fence over her betrayal.

    'Chon, surely Xen can't be serious? Seriously, how would we even achieve such a thing...?'

    Then with confidence, I responded to all of them.

    'Everyone, be patient, and maybe when Xen is given the chance, he'll be happy to tell us.'

    Feeling empowered, I got my A.I.D.A to erase the messages and tried to refocus, as me, Mikey and Sarah entered the Refreshment Room. But understandably, they had opinions of their own, too.

    "Chon, surely the opportunity Xen's been offering us can't be anything to do with this?"

    I was none-the-wiser but sensed a huge amount of disappointment in Sarah's tone. "Surely it can't, right?"

    "Well, it's lookin' that way," Mikey said antagonistically, unapologetic about interjecting. I knew he was also frustrated. He tugged on his ponytail as he spoke. "But guys, there must be more to it than what Xen's said so far. So, I think we just need to keep an open mind until this thing reconvenes."

    "Don't worry, Mikey, there will be far more to it," I boasted through the uncertainty I felt. "Guys, I'm confident now that whatever The Solution really is, it'll be as magnificent as luminous dragon fire." They both looked at me and nodded. Despite it, I knew they were disbelievers, but still, I relished their support.

    Meanwhile, backstage, I imagined Xen and his team were contemplating their next move.

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