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After hours of negotiations the six politicians were on first name bases. Thankfully, this shortened their talks. Still, I could tell Mikey and Sarah were just as tired as me. This changed though, when Yan made an interesting point which perked us up. "Xen, this three-way coalition you are proposing would be profound. I've no doubt of that. However, with the Financial Freeze in mind, I feel it would not be a viable element on a contingent level." Everyone frowned until Yan elaborated. "Friends, in order to maintain our international presence: during the decade we could be orbital aboard Dwarven Earthian Star: I would like to suggest a phantom infrastructure plan. In brief, it would ensure that our economies here on the surface would still have developing credibility, regardless of how small our import and export operations might be."

    Impressed, most of us raised our brows. Xen did, too, happy to concede the point. "Yan, I completely agree. Everyone, please, forgive my oversight," he then asked. "I will consult our administrators and have an Earth-based, tripod infrastructure plan drafted right away."

    Yan and Anho then wasted no time in bowing for Xen's earnest acknowledgement. Subsequently, Xen returned the gesture. Next, he moved to solidify the talk. "Friends, we have discussed much, and now, I feel we are ready to broker an official deal. In lieu of The Solution being unsuccessful on a global scale, 'what say you', on the historic prospect of a contingent union alliance between The Republic of Kazakhstan - The Second State of Japan - and The People's Republic of China...?"

    The world did not know it yet, but it was the second-most important question of our time.

    The first was me asking Xen, 'what he proposed humanity do', regarding destabilization.

    Nonetheless, silence ensued while Xen's political cohorts all met his eyes.

    A moment later, Aurora was the first to pledge. "Xen, on behalf of my Grandfather's vision and our children's future, I say, 'aye'!"

    Still distracted by the guard, Olaf took an extra second before backing his superior. Once he'd regained concentration, he clenched a supportive fist.

    Xen combined a smile with a nod.

    Anho and Yan were next. Humbly, they simply pledged their allegiance by putting both of their hands together, performing prolonged bows, and whispering 'aye' in unison.

    "I am elated," Xen then explained, while beaming with pride. "Friends, with each other's help, we are now on the same sacrificial page, and unquestionably, the 'ayes have it'. Hence forth, we will come to be known as The Tripod Coalition!"

    Once again, Sarah and Mikey's eyes met mine. But there was no time for analysis over mind-messages. Xen was quick to progress onto the second agenda of the meeting. "Alright. Friends, now that our relationship has been secured, I will divulge on the financial element of the original program, which I had cited, earlier. Even though it will be difficult to do so, and will change the joyous mood of our proceedings, thus far..."

    In that moment, I worried, even though I had good idea what was coming.

    My palms started to sweat.

    A lump formed in my throat.

    And I prayed that Huányīn and fùqīn's spirits were still in situ.

    Xen began to share what my family had already been told. "Friends, with the international program in mind, the consortium has their financial limits, as the Federal Reserve stated. As we have already discussed, Dwarven Earthian Star would only be for our peoples, should we need to forge it. Therefore, morally, I feel we could only consider our wealthy nationals for a contingent consortium, and as occupants of what would be a smaller Central Column."

    With buffered lips, all six nodded.

    "There is more..." Xen breathed. "Friends; at this time; I am obligated to introduce our wealthiest investor into these proceedings... I give you our 'Cosmic Saviour' - of whom you might also know as O-Kenai Ashii, The Pink Lady, or The Queen of the Damned..."

    Before anyone's reactions could escalate, Xen was quick to fumble with his wrist. Then he threw an open com-link holoscreen onto the Golden Hall's holotron.

    And she materialized.

    Although the holoscreen was completely dark, O-Kenai's iLenses and Kimono Robe glowed coral pink while she watched us. This was until the darkness faded up into light.

    Then in the pause, something else came to light, and the penny dropped! I finally made sense of the acronyms which had niggled at me ever since Dieng mentioned them, years ago

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    Then in the pause, something else came to light, and the penny dropped! I finally made sense of the acronyms which had niggled at me ever since Dieng mentioned them, years ago. I was now sure that, 'The Rising Clans' were 'The Ripe Cheeses' who had ultimate control over BTV! Pae wasn't in charge at all. All these years, he'd answered to none other than two specific individuals. The Devil's Mistress - The Jade Empress. And the Devil's Daughter - The Pink Lady!

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