Chapter 18 - Another Small Step, Another Giant Leap - Chon

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It was now crystal clear that Mikey had spent a lot of time thinking about his future and even though his freighter-pilot revelation had come as a complete and utter surprise, I was happy he'd managed to carve out something positive in the midst of The Lottery Draft. I'd also taken note of the fact that he'd told his Geek Girl already, and so obviously, Sarah and I continued to feel for Michelle. But as Sarah abandoned her holo-dials and gawped into the empty space around her, I could see that she was struggling with the reality. The reality being that our BTV Trio wouldn't last forever, and that our good friend was seeking a serious form of solitude. After all, in order to train to the required level, it was quite plausible now that once the Aviation Technologies had been launched, Mikey might have to migrate between Baikonur and Las Cruces in New Mexico, where Virgin Galactica was based...

    Or that he might have to abandon his Eligibility aboard our Dwarven Star entirely...

    Who knew?

    It was all going to be very new territory...

    "Now, Chon," Xen grunted - snapping me out of my haze - of which was filled with obvious confliction, "I'd like to conclude our live update today, by addressing how we intend on protecting our sanctuary from E.L.E's, Extinction Level Events, such as surging solar winds..."

    As I focused back on my xiōngdi, I also noticed one of his associates, who couldn't help but beam. Xen was clearly about to cite something that the exceptional space engineer was proud of. "...So, while our Earth-based defenses will minimize the threat of large-scale meteors and asteroids, Sol's outbursts were a concern. But no longer. Thanks to Stephen Wu, each Freighter will contain a fraction of a collective umbrella mirror. Once initiated, each opaque part will project outwards for one mile. When that distance has been reached, they will then extend horizontally, connect, and eclipse Dwarven Earthian Star. In turn, the combined and light-adjustable mirror will protect us by detecting NEO's, Near Earth Objects, and by deflecting the Sun's radioactive waste.

    "At this time," Xen pressed, "I would like to conclude by asking for the world's understanding, as my colleagues and I excuse ourselves from the limelight, this very last time. The reason for this is that we will now concentrate on the final logistics of The Contingency, so that one day, The Solution might have a genuine chance of coming into fruition on the global scale in which it was intended. Thank you, thank you all."

What followed over the next five months was the biggest physical undertaking that the world, and its history books, had ever seen. Furthermore, I felt like Xen had outdone and exceeded even his own expectations. This was because I was now standing inside of O-Kenai Ashii's new home, The Wealth Core, with Mikey and Sarah positioned either side of me. In a continuous capacity, we were still tasked with contingent exclusivity and today was no different. So, exhaling proudly, we moved into the gleaming internal elevator and occupied it for ten seconds until we'd reached The Core's highest level - The Pink Lady's 'Leisure Lounge'... Starkly, the vast and opulent area was furnished with indecent and unfathomable things, but it was empty of actual people - for now - and nothing but pure light flowed throughout it. However, once starbound and open to the Eligible Consortium who co-funded its very creation, The Core was likely to become an orbital hub of illicit encounters, where darkness would be allowed to thrive and ultimately prevail... Ignoring the heartbreaking fact, I turned back to the tropospheric light and moved to its source - the main quad-glazed holo-window at The Core's front, which gleamed and encapsulated an unreal expanse. In fact, it was such the case, that upon looking out of the humongous structure, the three of us observed a metaphoric and majestic sight overhead - the Animal Realm of Huányīn! Notably, the stratocumulus clouds and their fluffy formations trawled past slowly, like ghost herds of ancient mammoths.

    Mikey was the first to say something, while fighting off the liquified trembles at the base of his eyes. "If he were here today, Nikolai would've been awestruck. On his behalf, I really do hope that Mankind is on its way to a 'Type 1 Civilization'..."

    As was often the case, Sarah and I looked in Mikey's direction with confused expressions until he obliged us with a hot-boxed breakdown - of which our A.I.D.A's were quick to decipher and reel.

    'Chon, The Kardashev Scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement, based on the amount of energy they are able to harness and utilize. The measure was proposed by Soviet Astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964. The Scale has three designated categories:

    'A Type I Civilization - also called a Planetary Civilization - can use and store all of the energy available on its planet.

    'A Type II Civilization - also called a Stellar Civilization - can use and control energy at the scale of its solar system.

    'A Type III Civilization - also called a Galactic Civilization - can control energy at the scale of its entire host galaxy.

    'Despite the scale being hypothetical, it was referenced by a handful of Popular Scientists who eventually achieved Elder status. These include, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Cox, and most recently, James Tayden Raythorpe. The scale regards energy consumption on a cosmic scale.

    'Furthermore, Chon, it is likely that Michael Chang's initial comment is referring to a Type I Civilization.'

    After the hypothetical lesson, I double-tapped at the Dot behind my ear to disconnect the mind-message. Moments after, Mikey shared a gratifying nod with Sarah and I, until I got back on point. "Come on guys, enough with the nerdy reverie, beam out just there," I said with regards to their AV-Holo-Suite. "It's time to share this amazing sight with the rest of the world."

    And after a final cue from them on the sound and frame, I began with vigor. "Good afternoon, people of Earth. To recap, the holiday and New Year season of 2049 was completely overshadowed and has now come and gone. Reason being, today is January 1st 2050, and I am reporting live from Kazakhstan; more significantly from Baikonur; in the Akmola Province. Now Baikonur has always been a special place. Less than five years ago, this vast savannah steppe of open grassland was barren territory. The only real presence here was Russia and their Cosmodrome Space Program in the south. Up until 2048, they leased approximately two thousand square miles of it, and while here, Russia put their first man into space. Then suddenly, they opted out of Baikonur and continued their endeavors from their own base in Far East Amur. Thankfully, this was a very good thing. Baikonur is special as it provides the perfect atmospheric conditions for aeronautical exploration. Today, the flat territory serves as our Coalition's triple-combined Land Chosen Area.

    "Now to recall the events of recent months and years passed, the planet's old landfills and abandoned cities were stripped of their scrap metal.

    "Due to their 2030 succession of deep space disasters, our Coalition was also able to acquire SpaceX's entire moon stock of aluminium - the cost being no obstacle. Once delivered here, thousands of lathes spewed trillions of multicolored sparks. Thousands of machines contorted umpteen tons of metal, as well as synthetics to our design. Hundreds of thousands of us spilt gallons of blood, sweat and tears. And sadly," I breathed, "twenty-eight of us lost our lives... But their lives were not lost in vain - no. Today, Baikonur serves as our place of sheer wonder, and I invite you all to witness it now..."

    Mikey continued to document by slowly panning the shot until I chimed back in, ready to tell the world what they were actually seeing! "...Despite those who said it could not be done, the Land and Aviation Technologies are complete - as are all of the supporting ancillary technologies. Well and truly, now begins the real test of the Converting Vessel Freighters; of Stardom specifically; and it will be a test in which our Coalition cannot fail. Crossing my fingers like the rest of you, this is Chon Lai for BTV, from The Wealth Core. Phase Three has begun..."

    More now than ever before, we all needed a miracle. And so, I prayed to him; Lord Huányīn that was; hoping he would be merciful and kind and allow the colossal structure to be the very first Titan to actually fly.

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