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Yesterday's outcome was the culmination of a life-long dream. I'd set my sights on the presidency since childhood. More importantly, I'd now have the green platform to implement my far-left politics, where Gaia allowed.

    While I laid in bed, recovering from the drunken soirée that my family had thrown, I couldn't relax entirely. In and among the national celebrations, I'd feared something dreadful might have happened. Naturally, I became dreadfully distraught when I'd learned The Pink Lady had resurfaced on Chinese soil and descended upon two of our own.

    As Xen shied away from me over holoscreen, I had my suspicions that he knew far more than he'd previously shared. So, this was where I would give him the chance to be forthcoming with me. More than anything, I needed to know that we could still trust one another, and finish the epic undertaking we had started. "Xen, you need to be honest with me. What are you holding back?" I probed. He sighed deeply and held his head low. Then Xen pored over everything he'd already disclosed to his family. Now up to date, I knew that he'd decided to dance with the devil to ensure the financial security of The Solution. I responded as calmly as I could. "Xen, despite my stance on corruption, you should have told me. Anyway, it's done now. I suppose the most important question is, have you found a legitimate way to undo it?"

    Xen inhaled, deeply. "Not yet, but as well as a few other things, I'm working on it..."

    "Fine," I waved. "Just keep me informed."

    Xen nodded earnestly. "Lee, by the way, are they okay?" he then asked. "I've tried to link Ling and Stephen, but their A.I.D.A's keep blocking me."

    "Xen, they're okay," I acknowledged with solemnity. "Just startled, as you can imagine. Thankfully, the three A.I.S.U details I assigned earlier are easing their fears. Ling's especially. And regarding you, they'll come around and reconnect. Just give them time."

    My Environment Secretary nodded again.

    "Now, Xen, at some point, someone's going to disclose The Pink Lady sighting - and the political safety breach. Before long, our peers will know and then they'll try to exploit it on Ming's behalf. This has the potential to turn The Solution on its head and deem it The Second Great Leap! So, here's what I suggest:

    "Keeping up appearances, we get to Zhōngnánhǎi, prepare deflective statements and downplay it to our supporters.

    "We tip Chon with enough facts to be deemed the most reliable source and let him break the story. We can trust him to be minimalistic and stall Dieng Pae if need be.

    "We head for Astana as soon as physically possible. Naturally, our business there will need to be, accelerated..."

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