Chapter 14 - The Winners Take It All - Chon

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I was glad to be back home and in the confines of my apartment. Sadly, I wasn't given a proper chance to rest.

    Election Day was finally upon The People's Republic.

    The city's noise was exceptionally aggressive and poured in through my bathroom's window, even though it was materialized. Intrigued, I moved to it, dematerialized the static and pushed it ajar. Before I looked down, though, I'd observed the distant Běijīng skyline. More than usual, the grey smog that The Filters didn't catch seemed to have a life of its own and shifted past skyscrapers with bad intentions. Thankfully, The Filters were still functional and kept downtown relatively clear. Trying not to think about the meteorological information I'd been exposed to in recent weeks, I eventually looked down and observed the source of the collective ruckus. Compared to previous days since being back, larger crowds and additional drones had gathered and swarmed outside of my block.

    Yinghang Street was in pandemonium.

    Multiple tabloid drones had locked onto my security signature and zoomed upwards. Sensibly, I was quick to close my window, reinstate the static and back away before they could make contact. I'd guessed they were probably being controlled by Carla, Myagi, or Charlie and Co. Reason being, I hadn't indulged anyone on the minor details of our historic trip to Frankfurt. Nor had I returned to work yet.

    That was all to come.

    Worst of all, I knew I hadn't made life easy. The post interview had now raised my public profile just as high as Xen's. Luckily, I'd taken Xen up on his offer of 'protection'. Before we left Frankfurt, he'd purchased a top-line A.I.S.U and had it secretly despatched to my garage. It was time to be mobilized! Without hesitation, I fluttered my eyelids shut and issued a mind-message command to the Artificial Intelligent Security Unit.

    'Assess hostility threats'...

    An immediate response followed.

    'A.I.S.U on-line: assessment in progress: scanning three-dimensional perimeter for hostile activity...

    '57 hostile threats identified: 32 grounded - 25 aerial: A.I.S.U awaiting command...'

    I couldn't help but have some fun with my next instruction.

    'Initiate "intimidation" protocol'...


    While the unit got to work, I took a brief moment to consult my Emperor Divine.

     "Lord Huányīn. The Solution is amazing. But if I'm honest, I now have no real idea on the direction of my family's destiny, or of the roles we each have to play. I trust in you, as my fùqīn once did. All I ask is that you keep us safe, and that you keep us strong, until the remainder of your plan reveals itself."

    Spiritually reinvigorated, I finished getting ready then descended to the garage. I'd opted to take my hoverbike out. It was the best mode of transport to weave through heavy hover traffic at speed. Not only that, licensed and trained riders could also access mind-messages and view live internet feeds on the inner refraction of transparent holo-helmets.

    Just before I entered the garage, I'd heard grander noises coming from outside. They were crashes, bangs, and screams. When I did enter, I looked out through the ground floor holo-windows. Domineeringly, my A.I.S.U had moved outside; brought down two-dozen aerial drones with EMP pulses; followed by brandishing two taser bars that resembled Mandalorian weaponry from the Old Republic. The intimidation protocol was gnarly, and Mikey would have been doing cartwheels, had he witnessed it. The A.I.S.U concluded its tirade by performing 'Robo-Cop-esque' growls. Then to my delight, most of the media anarchists moved off, except for one. The slim man had fainted at the feet of my A.I.S.U. Once I'd seen that, I knew I had to move fast. Despite the unit belonging to me, A.I.S.U's were programed to override personal commands, if and when human life was endangered. So, while my A.I.S.U took a knee and began administering first aid, I unplugged my hoverbike from its holo-port. I jumped on and streamed out while the coast was still clear. Once maneuvering at a comfortable speed, I linked Mikey. "Big guy, I'm not far. Any chance you could get me a Jasmine tea from Starlucky's?"

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