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Despite the negativity of my own emotional struggle, I was happy, and there was plenty to look forward to.

    Far off, Raythorpe's discovery continued to dominate, unabated. Essentially, it was considered omnipotent history in the making which challenged every conceivable element of life on Earth and Mars - life in the Milky Way galaxy - and life across not only the universe, but the theoretical multiverse, too.

    Chon and Sarah were weeks away from bringing a new life into this orbital world which I'd helped to create. Even more than that, the existence of a third generation Lai looked set to ensure my father's legacy would live on.

    Meanwhile, across the blue sphere, the UN Election Campaigns had also begun.

    The only thing putting a dampener on these things, was our orbital community. Up here on Dwarven Earthian Star, most of The Eligible were still complaining of boredom, and insisting of desperation to disembark back to the surface. We knew this because regularly, local representatives had cascaded the consensus back to us superiors, until subsequently, an official discussion was raised on how to deal with the problem. While I wasn't a leader or deputy, my standing meant that I continued to be involved in process.

    "Good morning, everyone," Lee said greetingly, as he shuffled in his chair. "I know we've regularly mentioned this for a while. But now, I think we all respect that it's time to properly discuss it."

    The other coalition leaders nodded and rocked back and forth in theirs.

    "The amount of disgruntled Eligible grows everyday," he further stated. "In earnest, I think we underestimated the social implications of allowing digital access back to Earth. The majority are talking to loved ones on a daily basis and pining for their old lives. Meanwhile, in the regeneration zones, Base Team One Citizens are calling for a new Lottery Draft if The Eligible no longer desire sanctuary. Far and wide, The Roleless are saying the same thing, too. Seriously. What do we think, people?"

    After a millisecond, a strong opinion, came. "Ethically, it would be astonishing to orchestrate a second pilgrimage," Olaf mused. "But we shouldn't be hasty in returning to the surface. We've only been up here for a year and a half. Officially, we've got a long time to go."

    Another pessimistic thought, followed. "If we initiate separation and return to The Cylinder and Fortress Docks, the mega storm could manifest while we're Earthbound. Then we'd be compromised, maybe even, imprisoned!" Yan exclaimed.

    "We wouldn't be imprisoned," Aurora, reasoned. "We'd be safeguarded until it passed. We all know that this is what The Cylinder and Docks were built for. More importantly, The Core, Freighters, and The Eligible, would be safe."

    "Madame President, I understand what you are surmising," Anho acknowledged. "Once the storm passed, thaw pylons could take effect if ice was present. Then we could blast back to orbit. However, we do not know how long the storm could last - nor the characteristics of its impact."

    "Look, it's a risk," Lee admitted, in order to recenter the conversation. "Nonetheless, with morale as it is, it might be worth it. Don't we have a moral duty to make sure that everyone up here still wants to be?"

    I was conflicted over where I stood. Each of my associates had great points laced with pros and cons. So, I decided to remember how long it had taken me to brainstorm this thing, as well as to then implement. "Everybody, I don't feel we do. Seriously, we cannot consider the suspension of this huge undertaking every time a few thousand Eligible can't cope. It would cost beyond quadrillions. We're not that wealthy, and O-Kenai's contribution won't last forever. From the very start, we were crystal clear about what this decade would entail. Furthermore, everyone had a chance stay, or to transfer to Base Team One. Therefore, I'm totally against it."

    "Well, I think we should do it," Lee said in contrast. In actual fact, this was the first time we had disagreed on a political move. "However, I feel that this should only happen once. Otherwise we could have intermittent rebellion on our hands. Lastly, I suggest that our police, army, and their A.I.S.U factions work closely with Emo's remaining clansmen. As a unified force, they could act as an important deterrent and keep order aboard this star."

    Over the next few days, The Coalition battled on with their views until a majority agreement was reached. Conclusively, their A.I.D.A then shared the decision with all on the small star and Earth.

    "Designated Alert: To Base Team One Citizens, The Roleless, and The Eligible: greetings to you all. At this time, the Tripod Coalition Government can now verify that a second Lottery Draft has been organized. This has been put in place to allow members of The Eligible to alight their designated Freighters. Additionally, it has been put in place to allow new Eligible Patrons to board. Sensibly, the amount of people selected to do this will depend upon the orbital amount wanting to abscond. Over the next week, preparations will be made for Freighter separation and descent to Baikonur. Thank you - transmission ended."

    It wasn't how I'd wanted things to go.

    Hell, I hadn't even foreseen it.

    But with the chance to now right the initial wrongs of The Lottery Draft, at least the second version might now reconnect families and loved ones.

     This was my hope.

The Solution (2nd Edition)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant