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With pace, and not worrying about hiding ourselves, we used the vast freighter pathways and elevators to cross over and ascend The Wealth Core.

    After all, was there a point in trying to be obscure? O-Kenai knew we were coming...

    ...Nevertheless, we would stick to the plan, which among other things...was to get to our secluded vantage point, then observe and listen from afar until the right time came for the three of us to enter the Night Garden. In light of that, when we did finally reach the top level of The Core, Emo was swift to take us from the busy crowds of the Leisure Lounge, and into a silent maintenance corridor which we skulked along until he had stopped.

    Our final position continued to shroud us.

    It also signified that we were in range.

    Through slatted grates in the metal panels in front of us, our A.I.D.A's were able to pick up the signal of Dieng's iMic hidden under his clothing. This meant that all three of us could hear a nearby conversation as it unfolded and blossomed in the Night Garden. Contrary to this, we could also see past the foliage of the pretty green space, just enough to glimpse the backs of Pae and The Pink Lady who were sat on the stone bench at the center of her circular dais. And ultimately, as moonlight flooded in from the transparent feature above, we were witnessing the ex-editor at work as he began to try and lower O-Kenai's, sense of security. After a few seconds of inaudible static, our A.I.D.A's locked onto the opening monolog and amplified a feedback of words. "...So, to start, I'd like to inform everyone that I am Dieng Pae - Orbital Editor of Dwarven Earthian Star - and this evening, I am privileged to be talkin' with my special and most esteemed guest, whom is none other than our cosmic savior - The Pink Lady!"

    I could sense the nervousness in Dieng's voice as he spoke into the holoscreen emanating from his wrist. But helpless, I tried to ignore it and opted for continuing to listen and observe.

    "Now, with the intention of carving out material for a memoir, my guest has insisted on callin' this structured conversation, 'Interview With The Vampire'. And to add," Pae chirped, "I'll be referring to her as the 'RoC' - an acronym for the 'Ripest of Cheeses'.

     "So, RoC, with the formalities done and dusted, I'll move to my first question - of which is obvious to all from way back when - via the BTV Showcase, you insisted on your involvement in Xen Lai's programes being made public... Why?"

    "Simple. I actually wanted to make it to orbit. And having more people and freighters could have jeopardized that - just as we saw with Solaris. And so, by using the Showcase and White Horde footage as a worldwide deterent, I knew it would ensure that if we were to leave Earth, we were going to do so in a small and independent coalition, as opposed to a large collective of nations."

    As my suspicions were confirmed, Dieng nodded like an impressed dog. Seconds later, he yapped out his following question. "RoC, the next thing I wanna know is about something grotesque - what in orbit is that ugly-ass thing around your neck?"

    While I couldn't see what Dieng was talking about, I had a good idea.

    "Pae, you know," O-Kenai chuckled suggestively, "you know."

    "Seriously, I'm stumped," he said, maybe to be, funny.

    "My friend, from years back, it's Xen Lai's manky finger that I had hollowed out, set in resin, and fixed to this necklace."

    "But, why would you even want it?" Dieng whined in jest.

    "Because, it reminds folks that I won't take shit - it looks gangster - and it'll fetch a pretty penny one day! After all, Xen'll be made an Elder as soon as we return to the surface. Well, maybe..."

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