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A task as simple as breathing felt nearly impossible. My lips were open and I tried to breathe in, but barely any air entered my lungs. My throat was sore and I could taste the irony, disgusting flavor of blood on my tongue.

But it wasn't me I was concerned about. On my stomach, were a pile of blood. You were bleeding, but not normal blood. It were thich and the color of the blood in front of me were dark brown, like coffee.

It was your child. You had lost it. You weren't completely sure yet, but you knew. You knew something had happened to it and it were all thanks to Bellatrix Lestrange's torture. You hated her more than Voldemort now, you wanted her dead more than Voldemort. But my biggest question was... why was I still alive?

Desperately, you tried to crawl away from this dark place, who knows what it was. All you knew was that it was cold, so cold that you couldn't feel your bare feet anymore. It was also really dark but a light was somewhere there, far away. The ground beneath me was hard and it felt rough, like stones.

You grabbed onto the ground, leaving bloody fingerprints after you as you did your best at getting yourself out of this nightmare. Your legs weren't much help at all as you tried to kick myself further away. Everything hurt. You couldn't name a spot on your body that felt fine.

''No..'' you whimpered sadly, tears running down along your face. By now, your entire body was trembling. You were so afraid that you would die after that awful torturing. What if I'd never see Fred or Harry again?

''Fred" you whispered your boyfriend's name. It caused your heart to swell and a sob to escape your lips. It hurt. Oh, it hurt so much. As you used yourlast energy to move, your screamed. Your fingertips started tingling and a little light appeared, highlighting only a few things around you.

But then you realised that light, came from the door that got opened. You finally got to see more of the location. It was some kind of basement and the man who had opened the door were Pettigrew "Ready for part 2?" he said as he grabbed me. I tried to get away from his grip but I had lost so much blood along with my strenght. I was weak, Peter Pettigrew were basically stronger than me!

He forced me to walk upstairs, and my location were much clearer. It was some kind of manor. It must be the Malfoy manor, it was known that they were rich so they'd be able to live in this manor... and all of them were in the same room.

Not only the Malfoys, but also 3 other familiar faces. Hermione, Ron and Harry. Although, you barely recognized him, his face looked different. Not from polyjuice potion, but from surely some other spell.

"Now, I understand none of you will reveal who you're" said Bellatrix as Pettigrew literally throw you on the chair.

"You don't want to me to torture her? Do you?" she said "I mean one more spell on her and she's dead, like her baby" said Bellatrix and you could tell how hard Harry tried to fight back from killing her. He could reveal his true self.. it was probably why he looked the way he did. But You could tell how anger he got once Bellatrix said that she had killed your unborn child.

"Draco, clearly doesn't know" she said angrily as she looked at him with pure disappointment. But then she noticed that some other man in the room hold the sword of Gryffindor and Bellatrix gasped.

"Where did you get from?" She asked him "It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now" he said but that did just made Bellatrix angry. She used magic to get it and then used magic to force the other's snatches out of there. She even strangled one of them... gosh, what happened to her to get her like this?

"GO!" she said "GET OUT!" she shouted at them and they did what they were told, just like you, they were terrified of her.

"Cissy" said Bellatrix "put the boys and that ex-mother in the CELLAR!" He said as he throw Ron and Harry away to Mrs Malfoy and some others. "I want to have a little conversation with this one, girl-to-girl" she said as Ron were struggling to get to Hermione. But Pettigrew and the others kept you all in his grip and forced you to the basement.

Ron were freaking out, struggling to get out there and get to Hermione. Harry, on the other hand, focused on his sister that didn't seem much alive.

"What happened to you?" he asked you "Bellatrix" you whimper and now Ron stayed quiet "She killed my baby" you cried and then Harry hugged you and ROn just freaked more out.

"We can't leave Hermione alone with her" Ron said as Harry were still focused on his hug with you. Then you heard another voice from the same room.

"Ron? Harry?" it said and Ron used his Deluminator to get light in the room and you saw that the voice belonged to Luna. She was here... but you were sort of to busy with crying to care. You were basically crumbled in the corner, just watching the scene in front of you. Some other dude and dwarf were in there to but You could only think of your pain and your loss. You covered the ears to avoid the screams from Hermione, you knew her pain...

The only thing that caught your attention, were the voice of a familiar house elf who appeared into the cellar.

"Dobby?" asked Harry "What are you doing here?" "Dobby has come to rescue Harry and y/n Potter of course" he said. "Dobby will always be there for Harry and y/n Potter".

"Are you saying you can apparate in and out from this room? Could you take us with you?" he asked "Of course, sir, Dobby is an elf" said Dobby.

"Dobby, I want you take Luna, Mr Ollivander and y/n" but you interrupted "THERE'S NO WAY I'M LEAVING YOU!" You said "NOT WITH HER!" "but you cannot be here, you need help as soon as possible" he said and you just shook her head.

"Don't worry Ms, I will not let anything happen to Harry Potter" said Dobby and you did trust Dobby... so you went to this place called Shell cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth. Ron said it was a good place to go, where Bill and Fleur lived.

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader Where stories live. Discover now