Daisy Duck..

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That weekend, you and Joanne got ready for your double date. "Thank you. For doing this" said Joanne, and grabbed her purse. "What are friends for?" You said with a smile. "Do i look good?" She asked, you looked at close at her outfit:

"Totally" you said "how about me?" You asked and she looked at yours:

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"Totally" you said "how about me?" You asked and she looked at yours:

"You Look cool!" She said "like always" you walked down from your dorms

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"You Look cool!" She said "like always" you walked down from your dorms. "You know, That jacket is hot, but it's a little big for you isn't it?" She asked as you walked out of  the common room. "Yeah, it used to belong to my cousin Dudley" you said, you walked down and you met the guys outside the great hall. You went down to Hogsmeade together. Ernie and Joanne really headed off, sadly, you and Justin didn't.

You barely talked each other, all he said that you looked good and stuff like that.. he seemed like the type off person who doesn't know how to start a conversation.. you would like to start one, but you haven't been at a date with Anyone Besides Fred.. so it was harder then What you thought it would be.

You walked inside the 3 broomsticks and you recognized to Ginger boys at one table.. They was laughing together with some Pretty girl and Horace Slughorn. "Ah, y/n" said Horace when he noticed you, you gave Fred a look.. like, you was Happy to see him.. but you actually hated it. "I was wondering If you and your twin would like to join me and some students for dinner?" He asked "I have to check with Harry, but i think it will be Okay" you said "Delightful!" He said. "Oh, so rude of me" He said "This is my granddaughter, Daisy" he said "Hi" she said and shook your hand. "Nice to meet you" you said "Oh it's so nice to meet you to" she said "Grandpa have been telling me so much about you". "I told her What great students you and Harry are" he said, and then you gave Fred a look again. "Oh, how rude of me" said Slughorn "This is Daisy's boyfriend and his twin.." "Oh, i know them.." you said. "We were friends at school" said Fred "Were?" You asked, Wait.. did he mean that you weren't good friends anymore??? "So.. you are Daisy" Said Joanne, with a fake smile "Fred's girlfriend.. Great". "Daisy?" You asked with a teasing smile.. "As in Daisy Duck?" You laughed. "Who?" Asked Everyone , omg.. didn't they know who she was? "Disney's Daisy Duck?" You said. They still didn't seem to know who she was.. "Wait, doesn't wizards have Disney" you said "What's Disney?" Asked George. You and Justin gasped "Omg, What did you have for childhood?" Asked Justin, right you did forget that he was muggleborn.

You left Fred, George and the other's alone and sat down at a table. Now you had a good conversation with Justin. "Can you believe they don't know who Daisy Duck is?" You asked and he laughed.. "Okay, Who is Daisy Duck?" "She's A cartoon character from Disney" said Justin and then they wondered What Disney was.. "It's the biggest movie company in the world" "Oh, movies" said Joanne "I've heard about that" "So, Disney is a company?" Asked Ernie, you and Justin nodded "That makes cartoon characters and movies?" "The characters are in the cartoon movies" Said Justin, As you saw Draco Malfoy walking inside the bathroom. The ladies bathroom.. weird. "They don't just make movies, they do tv shows to, and they have 6 theme parks" said Justin. "When you first said Disney. I thought it was a person, because Disney is a last name.." said Joanne. "Well, the Full name of the company is Walt Disney Company. And it's named after one of the founders: Walt Disney" you said.

The date was fun, you didn't think about Fred and Daisy.. Well you wasn't a fan of it. But you did have a good time with Justin, you asked him about What his favourite Disney movie was.. He said it was Aladdin.

The date was over and you decided to leave The 3 Broomsticks, When you was outside of the Hogsmeade.. Fred came up to you. "Where's the Duck?" You asked "Her name is Daisy and she returned to the Diagon Alley together with George" He said. "What do you want?" You asked, he was about to answer, but a scream interrupted him.

You turned around, It was Katie Bell who screamed. She was flying up in the air and then quickly fell down to the ground. Fred ran to her and went down on his knees, he put his ear against her stomach. "She is still breathing" He said "What happened?" He asked, her best friend, Leanne. "It was that necklace!" She said and pointed at a necklace in a necklace box, that was lying on the ground and was covered in Brown wrapping paper. "I told her not to touch it!" Cried Leanne "we have to take her to madam pomfrey" said Fred and lifted Katie up and carried her to the castle..

You gave Katie to Madam Pomfrey and afterwards, McGonogall had a hearing with you, Fred, Joanne, Ernie, Justin and Leanne.

"Are you sure Katie didn't have it with her to the 3 broomsticks?" Asked McGonogall to Leanne. "Like i said, she went to the bathroom and came back with the package. She said that she was going to deliever it" said Leanne "Did she say to who?" "Professor Dumbledore" "Thank you, Leanne. You May go" said McGonogall and she left. "What was you doing in Hogsmeade, Mr Weasley?" "I'm dating Horace Slughorn Granddaughter, she wanted me and George to meet him" he said, "me met them there" you said and Professor Snape arrived.

He investigated the Necklace, "What do you think, Severus?" Asked Mcgonogall after a few minutes. "I think Ms Bell is Lucky to be alive" he said "she was cursed, wasn't she?" You asked. "I know Katie and If she was delievering that to Dumbledore she couldn't be doing it knowingly" "Yes, she was cursed" Said McGonogall.

Now you did remember, who was walking inside the ladies bathroom at 3 broomsticks.. he wasn't a girl.. "it was Malfoy" you said and snape turned around. "That's a very serious accusation, y/n" said Mcgonogall. "Indeed" said Snape "your evidence?" "I saw him going inside the ladies bathroom at 3 broomsticks" You said. "But how are you so sure it was before Katie walked in?" "I just know it was him" you said. "You just... know?" Said snape..

None of them believed you, Mcgonogall sent you back to your common room. Now you did start to believe Harry's theory, could Draco Malfoy be a death eater?

"Bye, y/n. I should probably return before Daisy gets worried" he said "Okay" you said "and Daisy seems nice" you said. He smiled and then gave you a letter that he wanted you to read.

You opened it that same night.

Dear y/n
I'm sorry i can't tell you this face to face, but i can't tell you, What i'm about to tell you, while looking into your eyes.
I have moved on, I met a girl named Daisy Slughorn, and i think i'm in love with her. She lives with me and George now, and yes, it's Pretty serious. I wanted to tell you this, because i thought you should know, because i would've liked to know if you had moved on.. But even if you're not my girlfriend anymore, you're really special to me. Because you is and will always be, my first true love..

Yours truly, Fred.

P.S: I've missed you, i wish we can still be friends.

You didn't know What to think, you didn't want this to happen, but you were Happy for him. You did broke up with him for his own good and If he could live a long Happy life with Daisy, then a short life with you.. You was Okay with it.. but it just sucks, anyway.. you didn't knew If you were Happy or depressed.

You just didn't like to imagine someone else kissing your fred.. No, What If you defeat Voldemort, and when you ask Fred If he wants to get back together, he says No? Because he's in love with Daisy???

Oh No, you have to break them up.. You just have to.

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader Where stories live. Discover now