The longbottom and the Weasley twins

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The person knocked hard at the door again and this time It woke Petunia and Vernon and Dudley to.

It knocked again very hard. Vernon picked up a cannon. "Who's there? I warn you! I am armed!" Vernon shouted and SMASH!
The door fell on the ground, and a huge man walked inside. He walked more inside and It was then you realise It was not a man it was a giant.
"Sorry about that" He said and picked up the door and fitted It easily back into It's frame. "Couldn't make us a cup o'tea, could Yeh?" He said "It's not been an easy Journey" he said and walked to the sofa there Dudley sat terrified.
"Budge up, yeh great lump?" He said and Dudley ran to his mother. "An' there you are! Las' time i saw you two, you were only babies. It' nice to see you two again" Harry said.

"We're not...." Dudley said "We're not Harry or Y/N". You walked out of your hide place
"We're are Harry and Y/N" you said and Harry walked out. "Of course" he said and gave you a present. "Happy Birthday" he said and you couldn't believe that this was the first time someone gave you and Harry a birthday present.
You and Harry opened it and inside it was a cake that stood:
Happy B-Day Yourname and Harry Potter.

"Thank you" you said "yeh welcome" he said and he torgeted his umberella to the empty fire that Vernon haven't turned yet.
Some glow threw out of it and it light the fire. You didn't believe your eyes, how did he that?

You walked to him "excuse me, but who are you? " you asked carefully. "Oh sorry, i haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts" he said. But you didn't get a thing that he said "yeh must know all about Hogwarts?" Hagrid said "I don't know What Hogwarts is" you said "Yeh never wondering where your mom and dad learned It all?" He said and now Harry came into the conversation.
"Learned What?" Harry said "Yeh kidding with me? Are yeh telling me that these poor children has no idea?" He said to Vernon and Dudley.

"That's right and i forbid you to tell them anything!" Vernon shouted. "Tell us What?" You said "yer a witch, Y/N" Hagrid said "and yer a wizard, Harry".
You thought he was joking but he gave you the same letter that you and Harry opened in Cokeworth.
"No! They won't go to Hogwarts we said when we take him that we would end this rubbish!" Vernon shouted.

"You knew! You knew this whole time but you never told us anything?" Harry shouted at Petunia and Vernon. "Of course we knew" said Petunia "My perfect sister being who she was. My parents were so proud the day she got the letter, we got a witch in the family! Isn't wonderful? I was the only who saw who she really was, a freak! And then she met that Potter and got you two, and knew that both of will be the same".

You wanted to hit her so hard and Harry knew that so he hold you back even he was just as mad as you were.

But you and Harry got what you wanted. You both went to Hogwarts, but first you went to the diagon alley and got your school supplies.

Hagrid walked with you and Harry to a restaurant, you wouldn't go in there because it looked like it was no restaurant in there.
"Ah, Hagrid , the usual i guess?" The bartender said when you walked inside.
"Not today i will make sure that Ms and Mr Potter will get their school supplies" Hagrid said and the whole restaurant went quiet. "The Potter twins??" Some people whispered a woman or in this case a witch walked up to you. "I Can't believe i met both of you. I was hoping to only meet one of you" she said and shaked your hand and you nodded. "Welcome back, Ms and Mr Potter" One old wizard said.
One tall wizard with purple clothes walked up to you "Mr a-nd Ms Po-tt-er, It-s a ple-asu-re to m-eet you" he said "Oh sorry i didn't see you there professor, Y/N and Harry this is professor Quirrel, your defense against dark arts professor from Hogwarts" Hagrid said.
"Nice to meet you sir" you said "C-a-ll me Q-u-irrel" he said and you just smiled "sorry professor, but we have to go" Hagrid said

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