To the ministry of magic

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Umbridge put you and Harry in each chair, the inquisitorial squad (a lame group of Slytherin students) brought in Lee, Ginny, Joanne, Luna, Hermione, Ron and to your bewilderment, Neville. "He was trying to stop me from taking his twin Sister" said Millicent Bulltstrode, who had Neville. "Good" said Umbridge and then looked "You 2 bloody twins were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?" Said Umbridge to you, "No" you said and she hit you. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Snapped Harry, "Oh, you should be happy that Fred and George aren't here right now" said Lee "Fred would make mash out of you" "I wish they was here" said Ginny. "SHUT UP!" Said Crabbe, who was holding Lee. "LEAVE HER ALONE" said Harry again, "i will if you tell me where you were going!" said Umbridge. "You sent for me, headmistress?" said Snape, who showed up in that moment.. "Snape, yes" said Umbridge, looking away from you. "Are you okay?" whispered Harry and you nodded, then you grabbed his hand. "Have you brought the Veritaserum?" asked Umbridge "I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students" said Snape "The last of it on Miss Edgecombe". Then you got an idea... Harry wasn't Snapes biggest fan, but you've nothing against him.. and he was a member of the order, you tried to tell McGonagall before, but she was attacked by death eathers.. Snape was your only chance. "He's got Padfoot" you said, before Snape left, "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden". Snape looked at you, "Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where what his hidden? What is she talking about, Snape?" Said Umbridge. You knew that Snape hated Sirius, but you didn't knew that he wanted him to die.. because he acted like he had no clue what you was talking about.. "I'm sorry, y/n, but i don't know what you're talking about" he said "i am sorry.." he said and left.

"you bloody twins gives me no choice" she said and stopped "as this is an issue of Ministry security, you leave me with no alternative" "With what?" Asked Lee, curious. "I am talking about the cruciatus curse, Mr Jordan" she said and Joanne gasped "That's illegal" said Hermione. "What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him" said Umbridge "Besides, he never found out that i sent the dementors on them this summer" "That was you?" Harry asked. "Someone needed to teach you a lesson! TO STOP MESSING WITH THE MINISTRY!" she said and raised her wands at you.. you grabbed Harry's hand harder as she was going to do it.. "Tell her, Harry!" shouted Hermione. "Tell me what?" said Umbridge "Well if you won't tell her where it is.. i will" said Hermione "Where what is?" Said Umbridge. "Dumbledore's secret weapon" said Hermione...

She showed you, Harry and Umbridge a way into the forbidden forest.. and you had no idea what she was doing. She stopped, it was nothing there.. just some rope.. Umbridge got mad.. when you saw a lot of Centaurs. Umbridge got scared.. as you tried to be calm.. "You have no business here, Centaur" she said "This is a ministry matter" and the Centaur attacked her. Umbridge attacked the centaur back and Incarcerous spell at him. Ropes conjureds and strangled the centaur.. you went down at knee and tried to help him. "Please, stop" you begged "NO ENOUGH!" Shouted Umbridge "I will have order!" and a giant grabbed her.. you assumed that it was Grawp. He dropped her and the centaurs grabbed Umbdrige "Potter, do something! Tell them i mean no harm!" "Sorry, professor, but i must not tell lies" said Harry, you gasped "Oh, Snap" you said and gave him a high five as Umbridge took away Umbridge.

You, Harry and Hermione ran towards back to Hogwarts and met the others... "How'd you get away?" asked Hermione. "Puking Pastilles" said Lee "it wasn't pretty" "I told them i was hungry, wanted some sweets" said Ron and gave you, your wands back, "they told me to bugger off and ate the lot themselves" "That was clever, Ron" said Hermione and smiled at him. "Has been known to happen" said Ron "It as brilliant" said Neville.

"So, How are we getting to London?" Asked Lee, you and Harry looked at each other. With just one look you decided that you should go alone..

"Look, it's not that we don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you.. but" said Harry, who couldn't say the rest of the sentence. "But we've got you into enough trouble as it is" you said and grabbed Harry's hand, you walked towards Umbridge's office. "Dumbledore's Army's supposed to be about doing something real" said Neville and you and Harry stopped. "Or was that just words to you?" Said Joanne and you and Harry looked at your friends. "Maybe you 2 don't have to do this alone" said Lee and you smiled at him.. then at Harry.

"So, how are we going to get to London?" asked Harry.. they all was thinking.. "we fly, of course" said Luna... and you all flied at Thestrals, to the Ministry of Magic..

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora