Cedric Diggory's confession

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All champions was supposed to go to the Quidditch field. Cause it was there, the third task was going to be held.

You all was going up to the castle again. "Can i speak with you?" Krum asked "Okay.." Harry said "You can go, see you in Gryffindor's common room" Harry said and you walked up with Cedric.

Cedric stopped walking and so did you. "I'm actually glad.. that your twin went to talk with.. Krum. I needed to speak with you" He said "Why?" You asked. "You read witch weekly, didn't you?" He asked "About that thing when you Dumped me cause i was cheating with you with Fred?" You said and he nodded "Don't worry, Fred knows it's bullshit" You said. "Well.. that was the thing i was going to tell you, it was not bullshit" He said and you didn't get What he meant. "I never cheated at Fred!" You shouted "No... the thing with me being in love with you" He said and you was so chocked. "What the hell are you talking about?" "I'm in love with you" he said and you sighed. "I wanted to tell you so many Times! But I couldn't! Because of Weasley.." "I love Fred, Cedric! I can't believe this.." you said. "One part of me taught that you would choose me" He said "WHY ON EARTH WOULD I DO THAT?" You shouted. "Cause i'm not a crazy jealous freak like him!" He shouted. "I wouldn't care who you hang out with!" He shouted "The reason why Fred was like that is because he thaught you was in love with me! And it was true!" You said "He didn't knew that! What If i wasn't?" He said. "is this why you told Rita Skeeter that you was in love with me? So she would write that in the daily prophet so Fred would be pissed?" You asked "I only said that i had a crush on you" he said "Oh my god!" You shouted and ran up to the castle. "Y/N.. Wait" he said "I'm going to bed" You said and continue to run but Cedric stopped you and kissed you. You slapped him "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" You shouted and ran back to the common room.

It was empty, there was only 2 persons in the room: Fred and Angelina and they was kissing. "FRED!" You shouted and he suddenly stopped "SHE KISSED ME!" He shouted "DID YOU STOP HER?" You shouted and he didn't answer. "Wait.. aren't you Fred?" Angelina said "NO HE'S MY BOYFRIEND!" You shouted "I'm so sorry! I thaught you was George!" "Oh Please.. you have always likes my ex" you said "Ex?" Fred asked and you nodded. "No... y/n please.." Fred said "You promised you would never leave me.." he said "You kissed Angelina!" You shouted "Yeah but.." "Shut up" you shouted. "A minute ago Cedric told me that he was in love with me and even kissed me but i slapped him and told him to stay away from me! Because of you! I can't believe you wouldn't do the same!" You said and now you was crying and so was Fred. "Y/N... Please don't do this.." he said "I'm so sorry. I promise it won't happen again, I'll stay away from Angelina. I will do whatever it takes so you could forgive me" he said "just stay away from me" you said and went up to your dormitory.

Next day you wouldn't get up. Fred had broke your heart into million pieces. Angelina tried to tell you that it was really George who she wanted to kiss but you wouldn't listen.

Since your heart didn't exist anymore you skipped the classes and you just laid in bed. An owl came in your window and you knew it was Fred, you went over there and scared the owl away. You took the letter and was going to threw it in the trash but you saw that it was from Cedric.

Dear y/n,
I know i'm the last person you want to see. But i heard what happened with Fred and you, i just wanted to tell you how i felt about you. I'm sorry If i ruined you and Fred's relationship. I feel awful. But just as you know.... i'm here for you
Love, Cedric Diggory.

You knew he did that for trying to get you love him and it worked. The only thing is that you was so sad and broken so you didn't want to be with anyone right now, So you just pretended that you had threw the letter in the trash.

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