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You landed firmly but safety on your back and your eyes were looking up. All you could see were the top of some trees.

"Why are we in the bloody forest?" you snarled.

But your face went from angry to concerned once you saw that Ron was lying on the ground all shaky and bloody. "What in bloody hell happened?" you heard Joanne ask before you as you saw Harry grabbing the locket from the ground.

Hermione just ignored Joanne "In my bag, quickly" Hermione said frantically and Harry quickly grabbed her bag but it took forever for him to grab the potion that Hermione asked for... you found your wand that were lying somewhere in a pile of leafs on the ground. "Accio Dittany" you shouted and the bottle flew up to your hands. You rushed over to Hermione and handed over the bottle to her "Hold her still." she asked and you  kept a firm grip on Ron as Hermione held the potion over his wound causing him to let out a loud whimper of pain.

"I can tell you're busy but I cannot help to notice that this isn't the grimmauld place" asked Joanne, much to Hermione's annoyance. "We were at the grimmauld place" she snarled "but Yaxley had hold of me and I.." she frantically explained "I knew he'd seen where we were, we couldn't stay... so I brought us here... but Ron got splinched" and she finished with the potion.

"I'll bandage it so there's no chance it'll get infected." Joanne suggested but Hermione grabbed it harshly from her and bandaged him herself. 

Later Hermione set protection spells around the area, and you and Harry helped each other and set up a tent with magic. Since all your food were in the Grimmauld place, you had to eat natures food. That wasn't the best if you had to be honest, but I'd rather eat disgusting mushrooms and clovers than to starve to death. Your only concern was how to destroy the horcrux.

"Dissendium!" Harry said, but it did not hurt the horcrux at all. Hermione tried with incendio, and it didn't work either nor did it work with Expulso, Diffindo, reducto or with any spells that are supposed to destroy objects. How in bloody hell are you going to destroy horcruxes without Magic? You doubt it would work with any muggle ways. This horcrux were basically like a Nokia phone: indestructible.

Harry and you realised this, and Harry put it around your neck "what are you doing?" you asked him. "We have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it" said Harry and you nodded. "Seems strange, mate" said Ron and everyone's heads turned up to him.

"Dumbledore sends you two off to find all these Horcruxes, but doesn't tell you how to destroy them?" asked Ron, you gotta admit that he had a point, but Harry wouldn't admit that so he just stormed off.


You spend the last days and camping, ron didn't had any strength to either apparate or walk so you had to stay on the same spot which Harry didn't like. He has been in a bad mood ever since he put that Horcrux around his neck. Once Hermione took it from him, his mood seemed lighter and he didn't spat at you anymore.

But there was also another reason of why you stayed in that spot, you had suddenly got a lot of nausea. You throw up daily and were mostly bedridden. Hermione found a way to check my temperatur.

"No fever" she said "you sound disappointed" you asked "no it's not that" she said "then if she don't have fever, than what's wrong with my sister?" asked Harry, worriedly and apprehensively. "Calm down, brother" I said with a smirk "I probably just have the flu" you said "that's it y/n, I don't believe you just have the flu" said Hermione and you gave her a worriedly yet confused look.

"Then what is it?" you asked her, she hesitated to answer which made you annoyed "Hermione!" you said "when was the last time you and Fred had sex?" she said and Harry gave her an uncomfortable grin. This topic weren't comfortable for you either, you'd prefer to keep those details in private, especially from your twin brother.

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader Where stories live. Discover now