Mclaggen's confession

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You and Harry filled Ron, Hermione and even Joanne in on what you had learned in Dumbledore's lesson, in potions class. You and Joanne were working together, with assigned antidotes, and the Half-Blood Prince's textbook is of no help to Harry.

"Pssst" you heard a voice behind you, you turned around to see your twin brother "What?" you asked, clearly annoyed since he was bothering you. "The prince is no help, is there a chance that Canophillia might be helping you?" he asked/whispered you looked into the book, and saw her old notes and turned back to Harry and nodded your head. "What?" he asked, you looked at Joanne and was waiting for her permission. "Sure, it's no competition" she said and showed him the supply cupboard, were the line "Just shove a bezoar down their throats" is scribbled in a margin. "Thanks" he said and finds a bezoar, a stone from the stomach of a goat, and runs back to his seat.

All of the students were done and showed Slughorn, like always, he was most impressed of you and Harry. "How come the two of you are so good at this?" he asked, you glared at Harry "must be a twin thing" you said.

The classes was over and Joanne was waiting for you, but you told her that you and Harry should stay in here.

"What are you two still doing here? Don't you have reeses?" he asked you with a smile "We were wondering if we could ask you something" asked Harry. He just said the same thing as Tom did in his fake memory... now you understand what he was doing. "Of course, ask on" said Professor Slughorn "See, this is why i admire you, professor" you said "You're not like the other professors. They might misunderstand" Slughorn smiled "thank you, y/n" he said, still not understand what we were doing.

"Well, we read in the restricted section the other night and find something about some dark odd magic and i thought perhaps you could illuminate us" Slughorn raised his eyebrows "what is this dark odd magic?" he asked "They were called horcruxes" you said and now Slughorn understood what we were trying to do. He understood immediately that Dumbledore had sent them and send you away again.

"I actually thought that would work" you said as you and him walked away from his classroom. "I knew it wouldn't" he groaned and you just glared at his stupid negativity. "Would you mind not sounding that negativ? Dumbledore said that this is the most important memory, Harry" you said, your voice raising a little to much. He just stopped walking and just sighed "okay, why is this important to you?" he asked and i scoffed "It's about defeating Voldemort, Harry!" I groaned "you know very well why it's important" "I know, you're not the only chosen ones y/n, but before christmas, you haven't taken these classes with Dumbledore seriously, so i'm wondering what's motivating you know?" he asked and now you were actually mad, you've always been motivated to kill Voldemort, ever since you have been born, just like HIM!!

You didn't feel to argue with him, may have something to do by hte fact he was right. Who are you kidding? Harry can't lie to you, because you can always tell whenever he's lying and it were the same for him. He could tell when you were lying. You just scoffed and stormed off, leaving Harry mad, because he didn't understand what he did wrong.

Next day was Ron's birthday, so you decided to wish him a happy birthday. You knocked on his dorm and he opened, you hugged him tightly and shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" the loudest you could. But to be honest, Ron looked kinda different, he was happy... very happy. But you just assumed that it was because it was his birthday. You saw Harry on his bed, looking through the marauders map, he's probably spying on Draco, he's been more suspicious of him since SLughorn's party.

You went downstairs to the common room and saw Ginny and Hermione chatting at a table, you was walking towards them but someone prevented you from doing that. "Hey babe" said the same voice that made your blood boil with hate and anger, it was Mclaggen.

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora