The chamber of secrets

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A/N: I changed my chapter "The handsome Tom Riddle's diary", cause i didn't wrote about Nancy (Which i will get to later in the half blood Prince) and Btw i love Tom Riddle so damn much i love writing about him...

He stopped kissed you wanted to fangirl hard but you tried to act cool instead. "Okay... that was awkard" You said and Fred rolled his eyes "Do you wanna be my girlfriend y/n?" Fred asked "You really want that won't you?" "Yeah" Fred said "Then yes, i will" and then you just looked into his Brown eyes and he looked into your E/C eyes.

"I'm so Happy for you guys but our sister can be dead right now" George said "Sorry" Fred said and he helped you stand. "What did you meant with Tom Riddle is the heir of slytherin" "He did not say those words but i ran into Ginny and she was upset so i ran after her in here and he was here" "And?" "I don't remember any more" "Did he tell you Where the chamber is" Ron said "Yeah like he would" "I have No clue Where Ginny or the chamber is" "Ginny is in the chamber, The monster took her" Harry said. "Omg, it was probably cause she knew Tom is the heir of slytherin" You said.

"Myrtle..... how did you die?" Harry asked "I was upset because Olive Honby teased me for my glasses, I cried in here and then i heard someone who came in" "Who" You asked "I don't know! I was to upset!" "Was it a boy?" You asked She nodded "i heard him talk a very strange language, i walked out for tell him go go Away! And then i died" "Just like that?" You and Harry said together and looked at each other.

"All i remember that i saw some big yellow eyes over there" and pointed at  the sink. "It's the entrnace of the chamber of secrets" Fred said "What" "When i took water for hell it on you... i saw this snake" He said and walked to the sink and showed them the snake. "He's right, i think this is the entrance to the chamber of secrets to" Harry said "Say something, in parseltongue" Ron said "Who?" You asked "You" Harry said.

You was nervous cause you have only spoken parseltongue to a snake before "You can do it" Fred said and then you talked and it did open.

- Down in the ground -

It fell apart a lot of Stones and rocks between you and Harry and The Weasley boys. "Harry?" "y/n!" Fred shouted "We're fine!" Harry said "You alright y/n" "Yes!" "What're we gonna do?" George said.

You saw Lockhart waking up after he passed out. "Hello?" He said and looked at the three Weasley boys. "What's your names?" "I'm Ron Weasley , this is my brother's Fred and George Weasley" Ron said and having No clue Why Lockhart asked him that. "Really? Who am I?" "Oh god" you heard Fred say. "What" you screamed "Lockhart charm hit himself! He has no clue who the hell he is!" George shouted "Isn't this a strange place" Lockhart said and picked up a rock "Do you live here?" He asked and gave Ron the Rock "No" "Really?..." Lockhart said and Ron hit him in the head with the stone.

"What are we going to?" Fred shouted "Try to found a way out of here! We'll try to find Ginny!" You shouted "NO WAY" Fred said "Just do it Fred!" "Bo i am finally your boyfriend and i will not lose you!" He shouted "I'll be fine i promise!" You shouted and started to look after the chamber....

-In the chamber-

You was next to Ginny and you heard a voice "She won't wake up" You heard a familiar voice hear, "Tom!" You heard "Hi Love" he said and walked forwards you. "You brought Harry this time" He said "What do you mean with she won't wake up?" "You killed her" you said "She's still alive, but only just" He said and walked more forward. "Are you a ghost?" Harry asked "A memory" Tom answered "preserved in a diary for 50 years" Tom said Harry felt her hand, you looked away from Tom a moment. "She's cold as Ice" Harry said, "Please don't be dead" You said and for a second you forgot that Tom was the heir of slytherin. "You've gotta help us Tom," You said "She's right! there is a basilisk" "It won't come until it's called" Tom said then you saw that Tom hold your wands "Give us back our wands Tom" Harry said "You won't be needing it" "Listen We've got to go! We've got to save her!" Harry said. "You're so stupid Harry of course he won't help us!" "I'm afraid Your twin is right Harry" Tom said "You see, as Poor Ginny grows weaker, i grow stronger" He said. "You don't mean..." "y/n, you heard her before" "what" "Ginny opened the chamber of secrets" You said "No" Harry said "Yes it was Ginny Weasley who opened the chamber of secrets" Tom said. "No she couldn't, she wouldn't" Harry said "It was Ginny who sat the basilisk on the mudbloods and Filch's cat" Tom said " Ginny who wrote the threatening messages on the walls" "But Why" Harry said "Cause Tom Told her to" you said. "You'll find i can be very persuasive. Not that she knew What she was doing. She was, shall we say in a kind of trance" Tom said "Still the power of the diary scared her, she tried to dispose of it in the girls bathroom. And then who should find it but you?" Tom said "the two persons i was anxious to meet" "Why did you want to meet us?" Harry asked. "I knew i had to talk to you, meet you If i could" Tom said "So i decided to show you my capture of that brainless oaf Hagrid, to gain your trust" "Hagrid's our friend!" You shouted "and you framed him didn't you?" "Yes and everyone believed me, even you, y/n Potter" Tom said "Why Hagrid? Of all people why Hagrid?" " she hated him so he deserved that" "Who hated him" Harry asked. Tom didn't answer "It was my word against Hagrid's, There was only one person who seemed to think he was inocent" "Dumbledore" You said "I'll bet Dumbledore saw right through you" Harry said. "He certainly kept an annoyingy close watch on me after that, even if Nancy was his favourite student" "Who the hell is Nancy?" You asked but again he did not answer. "I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the chamber again while i was still at school, so i decided to leave behind a diary i got from Nancy," "There is this girl again, Nancy.. you told Dumbledore you had a son with her or something" "I never had a child with her, she died pregnant" Tom said "If you must know.. the truth is, i usually use charm people to get What i want, i did that with Ginny but she was the first person after Nancy" Tom Said. "You fell in love with Nancy didn't you?" "Jealous much y/n?" Tom said "No" you said. "Yes i did.. at least that's What i thought" Tom said. You could tell that he was heart broken everytime someone or he mentioned his name. "She gave me the diary, it was the first gift I've ever got" Tom said, you could see that he tried hard not to Cry. "Like i said, I decided to leave that diary behind, preserving my 16 year old self in it's pages, so that one day i would be able to lead another... to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work... and also keep my promise to Nancy" He said.

"Well you haven't finished it this time. In a few hours, the Mandrake Draught will be ready, and everyone who was petrified will be all right again" Harry said. "Haven't i told you? Killing mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore" Tom said "for many months now, my new target has been you two"


"When Nancy died i promised her something, to be the most greatist  and evil wizard of all time, i was doing great with that promise, until imet two twins... you" you and Harry looked at each other.

"I won't give up my promise, Just because two twins with No extra ordinary magical talents, was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you escape but nothing but two scars? While lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?" "Why do you care how we escaped Voldemort was after your time" "Yeah and it's Voldemort who is the most evil wizard of all time not you" He looked at you. "You have right and wrong y/n" he said "Voldemort is my past, present and future" He said and turned around and wrote his full name: TOM MARVALO RIDDLE.

And then the letters switched and it stood "I AM LORD VOLDEMORT" "You're Voldemort" You and Harry said "Surely, You didn't really think that i would keep my filthy muggle  father's name? I did not care If Nancy loved it" Tom said "No i fashioned myself a new name, a name i knew wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak, when had finished Nancy's last wish... when i became the greatest sorcerer in the world" "ALBUS DUMBLEDORE IS THE GREATEST SORCERER IN THE WORLD" "Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the merr memory of me" "He'll never be gone. Not as long as those who's remain are loyal to him" Harry said....

Fawkes came in and Tom called the basilisk you and Harry fighted the snake... Fawkes gave you the sorting hat, you thought the basilisk was gone, so you ran back to Ginny but the basilisk came and ran after Harry who climbed on The Salazar Slytheirn statue. You saw a sword in the hat and used it to tried to kill Tom... but went right through him... "You can't kill me y/n" He said and you saw Harry still on the statue and threw the Sword to him. He used the Sword to kill the basilisk and it worked but he got poisoned. "Why did you leave me up there? In Myrtle's bathroom?" "Cause If i took you down here... you would die before Harry... and i want to kill you at the same time" And then Harry came and he had the basilisk  teeth in his hand.

"Harry..." "I'm fine" Harry said "You'll die.. and  you and y/n will soon see your mudblood mother again" Tom said and pointed Harry's wand to you. But then you got one Idea you took the diary and destoroyed it with the basilisk teeth. And Riddle disapeard.

Ginny woke up. "y/n... Harry... i'm so sorry.. i did it" She sobbed "Riddle made me..Harry you're hurt" "i'm fine" Harry said. "Harry... you'll die" you said "No, i won't y/n" Harry said. "Yes you will! I can't lose you!" "It's alright, y/n. You have Fred, If someone was going to die, it would be me" Harry said "Don't say that Harry" "you've finally Fred, i don't want to take you away from him" "go with Ginny to Ron, Fred and George" "No" you said. "y/n.." "Shut up Harry! If you die then so will i and i will always be with you, until the very end" You said and then fawkes came... and Yeah you know What happened.

You found Ron, Fred and George and Fred was so Happy to see you and Ginny. He hugged her and then kissed you "I thought i lost you" He said and kissed you again. "So are you like together now?" Ginny asked "Are we?" You asked "Of course We're together" Fred said and you looked confused "What?" "Nothing... it's just seem To good to be true." You said.

And then Hermione and all muggleborns was back and your second year ended....

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ