Marauders Reunion

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You just saw Buckbeak being killed....

You hugged Harry and Hermione Hugged Ron. Then scabbers bit Ron... and ran away and Ron ran after him. "Ron?" You said. You, Harry and Hermione ran after him, then a big black dog ran past you and Harry, bite Ron and dragged Ron with him underneath the Whomping Pillow...

You realized now that you was in shrieking shack....

You heard Ron and followed the sound. "Ron!" You shouted "Where's the dog?" Harry asked "Harry it's a trap!!! He's the dog he's an animagus!" Ron shouted and pointed at Sirius Black. "If you're going to kill Harry and y/n, You've to kill us to!!" Hermione said. "Only one will die tonight" He said "And that will be you!" Harry shouted and brought Sirius down on the floor.

Suddenly you wondered... Why was Sirius after Ron all the time? He didn't go to Harry's bed in the Gryffindor tower... and he didn't take you or Harry this time either... Why?

"Harry!" You said in chock "We kill him together y/n" Before you got to say something... Your godfather arribed. "Expelleriamus" He shouted and Harry's wand fly away he told Harry to go away from Sirius. You took his arm.

"Where is he, Sirius?" He said and You and Harry looked at each other.

"Remus... What's going..." But Yiu didn't ask the question, instead you watched Remus, your godfather, hugging the man who betrayed your parents. "You son of a..." You said and went on to Remus but Harry stopped you. "Y/N... listen to me!" Remus said "NO! I TRUSTED YOU! AND WHEN HERMIONE TOLD ME ABOUT YOU... I TOLD HER TO BE QUIET" You said "HE'S A WEREWOLF! THAT'S WHY HE HAVE BEEN MISSING CLASSES" Hermione shouted. "How long did you know?" Remus said "since professor Snape told gave us the essay" Hermione said "Hermione, you're really the bravest witch in our time" "Shut up Remus! Let's kill him!" "Him? What about me? You won't kill me to? Or is it cause i'm your goddaughter???" You said sarcastisc but they ignored you. "Wait.." "I have waiting! 12 years of it! In azkaban!!" Remus looked at you, You wanted to kill him so bad. "Fine" he said... "but they need to know Why" he said.

"Me, your dad, y/n and Harry, Sirius and Peter was a group during our time in school. People called us the Marauders" "It was Kathie who came up with that" Sirius Said. "Who?" You said but Harry cut you off "Wait? The Marauders? as in..." "Yes, as in the Marauders Map, I'm Moony, Sirius, James and Peter all 3 called me that" "You wrote..?" You said.

"I saw you in the Marauders map, going to Hagrid's hut, but when you walked back... i saw that it wasn't 4 of you anymore. You was 5" "What the hell are you talking about?" "Ron can you give me Scabbers?" "What Does My rat..." "He's not a rat, he's a wizard, an animagus" "His name is Peter Pettigrew" Sirius black said.

Remus started to tell you how he was a werewolf, how he kept that to himself and not telling his friends about it. Those friends was your father, Sirius and Peter.

He also said that because he was a werewolf, his friends became one animagi.
"how would that help you?" Hermione asked, "Cause werewolf's are dangerous around people, not Animals" He said.

"We all had nicknames for each other, i was Moony, James was Prongs, Sirius was Padfoot and Peter was Wormtail" He said.

"I never told Dumbledore that Sirius was one animagus cause i was in shame, he trusted me and i turned 3 wizards to animagus, and put them in danger. Snape had right about me all along" Remus said "Snape?" Sirius said and took off his eyes off scabbers for the first time. "What Does they have to do with this?" "Severus teach at school" He said. "Why did you say they?" "He meant Kathie to" Remus said. "Who the hell is Kathie?" Harry asked "Your godmother, Harry" Remus said. "What" he said "Profesor Snape was with school, with us, But we wasn't friends. He had a twin sister to, Kathleen Snape. But everyone called her Kathie. She and Sirius was in love" Remus said. Sirius was now crying, but he tried not to "But we broke up" he sobbed. "Sirius played a trick on Severus that almost killed him, Which involved me" "I served him right" he said "sneaking around, trying to find out What've been up to. Trying to get us expelled" Sirius Said. "Also cause you slept with his twin sister, Sirius, he hated you even more for that" Remus said. "Yeah but Those two didn't get along, at all, so Why did he care about who she was with?" "So that's Why, Snape hates you? Cause he thinks you was on the trick?" Remus nodded.

"I don't really remember, did you fighted, or did you break up before you did the trick" "Before, but we started going out again, James convinced her to take me back, she did, and we got married. James and Lily let us be godparents to you Harry" he said. "What happened with her?" You asked "She was killed by a werewolf, Severus, still blames me for her death" Remus said. "But it wasn't you?" You said, Remus shaked her head, "Severus couldn't find any proof against me, since it wasn't me, but he still think it was me" Remus said.

"Expelleriamus!" Snape said at Sirius's wand, he ran into the room a moments later. He pointed his wand at Sirius, you was so schocked. "Vengeance is sweet, how i hoped that i would be the one to catch you" "Severus.." Remus said, Snape pointed his wand at him. "I told Dumbledore u helped your old friend into the castle, and now here's the proof" "Brilliant, Snape" Sirius said and Remus tried to stop him, but Sirius did not care. "You've put your keen mind to the task and come the wrong conclusion. If you'll excuse us, Remus and I have business to attend to " Sirius said and pointed his wand more to him. "Give me one reason. I beg you!" Snape said "Severus... Don't be a fool" Remus said. "He can't help it. It's a habit" "Sirius, be quiet" "BE QUIET YOURSELF REMUS!"
Remus: Goes Awkard away...
"You two, Quarrelling like and old married couple" Snape said. "Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set" Snape pointed at Sirius with his wand even more. (Btw i love that part, Lol).

"I could do it you know. After everything you did to me and my twin" "Don't say this is revenge for Kathie, You never loved her. She told me everything" Sirius said "This is about something else"
(Lily obviously).

Snape ignored him. "But Why deny the dementors? They're so longing to see you" Snape said "Do i detect a flicker of fear? Oh yes... A dementor's kiss. One can only imagine What that must be like" Snape said. "It won't be the same like when Kathie kissed me" Sirius said.

*Moments later*
You, Harry and Sirius helped ron out of the whomping willow. After you walked Hermione, and when Harry went to talk to Sirius, Peter Pettigrew came, but it was really scabbers.

Then Remus turned into a werewolf, "Wait" You said "y/n No!" Harry said "shh" Hermione said. "Proffesor Lupin?" You said "Remus, I know that you would never hurt me.." You said "I know you're in there, i know you love me" You said but Lupin still tried to kill you. Sirius saved you as one dog.

Then Lupin, followed Sirius into the woods, Harry ran after them. "Harry!" "Y/N No!!" Snape shouted and you also heard that he really meant it.

But You ran down to the lake after Harry... and then a lot of dementors came. Before you fainted... you saw 2 patronuses... a stag and One doe....

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang