Triwizard tourment

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You sat in the great hall, next to Joanne and Harry. You watched Fred and George, who sat next to Angelina, who you knew had a crush on Fred, Ugh you hated her.

"Well now We're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year..." Dumbledore said and Filch came in running. "But home to some very special guests as Well" Dumbledore said. "You see, Hogwarts has been chosen.." Dumbledore said and Filch ran up to him and whispered to him.

You and Joanne giggled and then you looked at Fred, cause you wanted to giggle with him but he giggled with Angelina.

And Filch ran back "So Hogwarts has been chosen to Host a legendary event: The triwizard tourment" He said. "The triwizard tournament brings together 3 schools, for a series of magical contests. From each school, a Single student is selected ti complete" Dumbledore said. "Now let me, be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me... when i say these contests are not for the faint-hearted" he said.

"But more of that later. For now, Please join me in Welcoming... the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic" Dumbledore said. And girls in blue uniforms danced in.

After them came durmstrang, Including Viktor Krum and Ron was fanboying, so hard.

"Attention Please" Dumbledore said "I'd like to say a few words" "Eternal glory" Dumbledore said. "That is What awaits the student who wins the triwizard tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. 3 Extremely dangerous tasks" He said. "Wicked" You heard Fred and George said and you rolled your eyes. "For this reason" Dumbledore continued... "The ministry has been fit to impose a new rule" Dumbledore said "to explain all this.... we have the head of the departement of international magical cooperation... Mr Bartemius Crouch" Dumbledore said.
A flash came in the hall, and a strange man fixed it. "Bloody Hell, that's mad eye Moody" Ron said. "Alastor moody? The auror?" Hermione said "What's an auror?" You asked "Dark-wizard catcher" Joanne said "Half the cells in azkaban are filled Thanks to him" Joanne said. "He's supposed to be mad as a hatter though, these Days" Ron said, Mad-eye moody walked up to Dumbledore and hugged him. "My dear old friend, Thanks for coming" Dumbledore whispered... mad-Eye moody drank something. "What's that he's drinkig, do you suppose?" Seamus asked "i don't know, but i don't think it's pumpkin juice" Harry said and you looked back at him.

Bartemius Crouch, walked next to Dumbledore, (you had met him at the quidditch world cup).

"After due considerstion" he began "the ministry, the ministry has concluded that for their own safety, No student under the age of 17... shall be allowed to put forth their name fir the triwizard tournament" He said and everyone went mad, Especially fred and George.

"That's rubbish! You don't know What you're doing!" They shouted "SILENCE!" Dumbledore shouted.

Dumbledore then showed you the goblet of fire.... and then he also said that anyone who wanted to submit themselves to the tourment... need to write their name and put the piece If parchment in the Flame before thursday night....

"If chosen, there is No turning back" Dumbledore said.

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