Help from Felix

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After the sex was "over" you and Fred had barely left the closet. Fred and you were, just talking, laughing and being consumed in each other's bodies. You told him about your year so far. You told him about Canophillia, your lessons with Dumbledore, everything.

But all good moments ends eventually. You were still a student and Fred was not anymore, he had to return to his store. Leaving you all alone, well, not totally alone, but no one to talk to.

Harry haven't been in love yet, so you couldn't talk about Fred with him because there's just no way he'd understand. Hermione haven't been in love either, maybe Joanne knows how it feels? She had a long distance relationship with Charlie.

You quickly ran to find her and you found her in the common room. Surrounded b other Gryffindor students, like Dean and Ginny. "Hey, can i talk to you for a moment?" you asked her "of course" she said and you went upstairs to your dorm.

You told her what happened, and how you felt about Fred leaving. "I just remember all those times when we went to Hogwarts together and when i saw him standing in the hallways between our individually classes and you cannot breath until i'm with him. Now, he's not even in the same building as me, he's not even in the same town" you explained and she just responded with a gentle smirk "How did you handle that when you weren't able to see Charlie?" you asked her and she sighed. "you can't compare you and Fred with me and Charlie" she said "Wasn't he your boyfriend?" you asked "Not like that" she admitted.

So apparently, Charlie and Joanne weren't as in love with each other as you thought, or as you and Fred were. Being without him just drove you nuts. Then you got a letter from Lupin:

Dear y/n
I am writing to you now because i haven't been able to stop thinking about you and how you're doing. After i put the love potion out of your system, i just want to check up on you, you know, see how you were doing.

If you're not busy, i would appreciate if you could answer me as quick as possible.

Yours truly, Remus

You smiled and you loved how he was worried about you. As soon as you had finished writing him that letter, you started to write him a response:

Dear Remus
It's sweet that you're worried about me. I'm okay, i have been worse things than his love potion. The only problem i have is that i have to see him in school everyday. Especially now when he had to replace Ron in our quidditch team. But i'm okay. I have other problems and Mclaggen is the last problem on my list.

Slughorn have been "editing" his memory where he explains how we could defeat Voldemort, and we don't really knows how to get it from him. If you have any tips, i'm all ears.

Yours truly, y/n.

You send Helga to give him the letter and it went some days when you didn't get another letter. You missed Fred so much, you really needed him now. Especially during these days that contained nothing but drama and stress.

Ron had returned from the hospital wing, restored to full health by

the ministrations of Madam Pomfrey and now able to enjoy the benefits of having been knocked out and poisoned, the best of which was that Hermione was friends with Ron again. He could also return to his position of the quidditch team, so you did not have to deal with Mclaggen anymore.

But even if Ron and Hermione were friends again, there were still drama going around in Hogwarts. Lavender was furious at Ron and therefore picked up fights with Hermione.

Ginny and Dean were fighting all the time and it looks like the relationship will not last so long soon... but Harry seemed to be thrilled over that. You have a theory that he has a crush on Ginny, you know him very well and you can see it on the way he looks at her and how he's curious off her and Dean's fights. It's like he wish that they would soon end. He would just never admit it, considering how she's his best friend's sister.

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader Where stories live. Discover now