The handsome Tom Riddle's diary

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A/N: You've No Idea how Long i wanted to write this one, I Love Tom Riddle so much (He is my fav character). And C'mon Voldemort was FREAKING hot.

Hermione stayed in the hospital in a few Days, Draco wasn't the heir of slytherin, Then who was?

Fred and George haven't really been thinking about it. They haven't been hanging out with you, only friends in their Grade. Including Angelina Johnsson.

"Y/N are you even listening to me?" Joanne said but you had your eyes on Fred and Angelina. "Huh" You said "They're just friends" "Doesn't seem like it" "You know If you have told Fred you liked him he could've been with you instead of her" Joanne said and she was right. You needed to tell him.

You went over "Fred could i speak with you" "Sure" he siad and you walked in to a corner with Not that much people around.

"So you and Angelina Huh?" "There is nothing going on between me and Angelina" "Really" "No We're just friends, like you and me" He said.

Oh good, you were friendzoned now, just like Ron.

"So what did you want to talk about" "Nothing important" you said "Okay" Fred said and walked back. You went back to Joanne, "Did you tell him" "No, but he friendzoned me" "I'm sorry Y/N" "he will always see me as one friend" you hugged Joanne.

You sat up because you couldn't sleep then you heard someone walking down at the stairs. "Harry?" "Wahy're you doing up?" "I couldn't sleep" "Me either, maybe that's a twin thing".

"What" You giggled "Well you know, If you can't sleep, neither can I" you laughed.

He put this book on the table. "What's that" you said and walked to him "I found it in moaning myrtles bathroom" Harry said and you took the book. On the back it stood "TOM MARVALO RIDDLE", you opened but the pages was blank.

"Ron said he saw that tom Riddle won one award for a good student or something, the same year as the chamber of secrets was opened the first time. "Maybe he's written something about it in here" "It's completly empty" Harry said and took the book, he took one Quill with some ink. One drop of ink came on one page , but for one moment it disapeard. "Did you see that" you said "What" Harry said you took one chair and and sat next to him.

He wrote: Hello my name is Harry Potter.

It disapeard, "woah" you said, but it came some text...

"Hello Harry Potter, I'm Tom Riddle, is your twin sister with you?"

"How did he knew about me?" "We're famous Y/N" "Yeah but he lived 50 years ago isn't that a little weird?" "Everything about this is weird" Harry said.

Harry wrote: Yes she is.

"Now tell me how you found my diary"

"Someone Tried to flush it down in a toilet"

"Lucky that i recorded my memories in some more lastning way then ink. But i always knew that there would be those who would not want this diary to read"

"What Does he mean?" You asked Harry didn't knew that either so he asked Tom.

"I mean that this diary Holds memories of herrible things, things Which were covered up, things that happened at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry"

"Ask him If he means the chamber of secrets" Harry did What you said and it disapeard and Tom Riddle answered.

"Maybe" He replied, you took the pen and wrote "If you know anything about the chamber of secrets, Please tell us. I'm begging you, -Your signature"

"Ah Dear Y/N, I'm sorry, but i can't" "dammnit" Harry said but you looked at the page that were now empty. But he wrote something.

"But i can show you" "Let me take you back 50 years ago".

You some way how went inside the diary, because you suddenly Where in one hallway at Hogwarts.

"How did we end up here?" "I Dunno, Let's go back" You and Harry walked on your way to the Gryffindor common room. But you stopped in the middle of the stairs. "What's wrong?" "Who's that?" In a few stairs above you, stood a very handsome man. Tall, very good looking, Brown eyes that made you melt, and lips that you just Wanna kiss.

He watched some witches and wizards carry one body.

"Riddle?" Someone shouted and it was Dumbledore, young Dumbledore, because he looked a lot younger.

"Is that?" You asked "Professor Dumbledore" Tom said.

"Isn't it late to be wandering around this hour Tom?" He said "he is Tom Riddle" You said to Harry.

"Yes, i suppose i wanted to see myself If the rumors was True" Tom said. "I'm afraid They're True" Dumbledore said "Sir they wouldn't really close Hogwarts would they? I wouldn't have a home to go to..." You felt kinda sorry for him.

"I'm sorry Tom, but If we don't find the attacker i'm afraid we have to close Hogwarts" "But if you do find the attacker?" Tom said... Dumbledore looked at him.

"Tom, i know it was hard to lose Ms Grindelwald... but you don't have to..." "There is nothing i want to tell you Professor, and Nancy  is the last thing i want to talk about" Tom said.

"I understand Tom, she was very Special, She was like a daughter to me" "Then Why do you call her Ms Grindelwald? If she was like a daughter to you, you knew she hated that name" Dumbledore opened his mouth "Is it anything besides Nancy you want to talk about?" "Is it anything you want to tell me?" Tom was shocked.. just like he knew what Dumbledore meant. "Nancy did love you sir, she wanted to name our son Albus If We ever got one, and If we had one girl, her name would be Kendra, Which i believe is Your mother" Tom said. Dumbledore gave him a sad look "you meant very much to her, Tom and i'm..." Dumbledore said. Tom cut him off, "There's nothing more i want to tell you, Sir"

"Go then" "good night sir" Tom said and walked away. "Where are you going?" Harry asked "Follow him of course" you said and followed him.

To the dungeons. He looked behind him, and opened the door. "Evening Rubeus" Isn't that Hagrid first name??

"What're you doing down here tom?" He said and yes it was Hagrid.

"I will have to turn you in. I don't think you meant to kill Anyone, Hagrid.." Ah yes, It was young Hagrid.

"You can't! You don't understand!" Hagrid shouted. "The dead girl's parents will be here tomorow, the one thing Hogwarts can do is to make sure that the one thing who killed their daughter is gone Hagrid" "it wasn't him! Aragog never killed No one! No one!" Hagrid shouted. "Monsters is not a Pet Hagrid" Tom said in the most charming way ever.

"Y/N are you drooling?" Harry asked "No!" You said but you did drool over Tom. He was so good looking!!!

Tom put a spell on the cage that Aragog (a huge Spider) was in, he ran away and you screamed cause he ran to you. He wasn't a normal Spider, cause normal Spiders are not that gigantic. Tom said a spell and the Spider disapeard "ARAGOG! ARAGOG!" Harry shouted and tried to ran after him but Tom stopped him. "They'll have your wand for this Hagrid... you'll be expelled Hagrid..."

And boom! You were back in your time.

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