The champions for the tourment

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Since the term started, you've been not that much in contact with Fred and George. Probably cause you was mad at Fred for being so close with Angelina, when he hates when you're close witch Cedric.

You had your first class with your first DADA professor: Alastor Moody.

"Alastor Moody" he introduced himself and wrote his name on the blackboard. "Ex- Auror" he said "Ministry malcontent, and your new Defense against the dark arts teacher. I am here cause Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye, the end" He said "any questions?" He asked and Nobody raised their hands.

"When it comes to the dark arts.." he began "I believe in a practical approach" "But first... Which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" He said. "3, Sir" Hermione said "and They're so named?" He said and wrote on the black board "because they're unforgivable. The use If any one of them will..." "Will earn you a one-way ticket to azkaban, correct" Moody finished her sentence.

"The ministry says that you're to young to see What these curses do" Moody said "I SAY DIFFERENT!" He said "you need to know what you're up against!" He said. "You need to be prepered" He said and wrote again something on the black board. And then told Seamus not to put his chewing gum in one another place then under his desk. And everyone looked at him "No way. The old codger can see out the back of his head" Seamus said "And hear across classrooms!" He said and threw the chulk on him.

"So Which curse shall we all see first?" Moody asked "So Which curse shall we see first?" "WEASLEY!" He shouted "Yes?" Ron said. "Stand" He said and Ron did it, "give us a curse" Moody said. And then Ron said that Mr Weasley had told him about The imperius curse.

Then he took a Spider, he made it bigger and then cursed it with the imperio curse.

He made it jump on all students, including Ron who hates Spiders... Malfoy laughed at him so hard "What're you laughing at?" Moody said and made it jump on him.

Then he put the Spider back in his hand.

"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed... that they only did you-know-who's bidding.. under the influence of the imperius curse" He said. "But here's the rub: how do we sort out the liars?" He asked "another, another" he said and people raised their hands. You saw on Joanne that she knew but didn't want to talk about it.

But Neville raised his hand "Longbottom is it?" He asked and Neville nodded "Up" Neville asked. "Proffessor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for Herbology" He said and Neville nodded. "There's the... The cruciatus curse" Neville said and you looked at Joanne...

Alastor Moody told him to follow him to his desk... "the torture curse" He said and shouted "Crucio" He said and tortured the Spider. It was obvious that Neville hated it, so did Joanne.

"STOP!" You shouted "Can't you see it's bothering him? STOP IT!" You shouted again and Moody stopped.

He put the Spider in front of you "perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse, Ms Potter" He said, you shaked your head. "No?" He said "AVADA KEDAVRA!" He shouted and the Spider died.

Was it in that way, your parents died? Just like that?

"The killing curse" Moody explained "Only two persons is known to have survived it" Moody said "twins".
"And They're sitting in this room" he said and after he looked at you he looked at Harry. Just like everyone else did...


You sat with Joanne and waited for Dumbledore to tell you who has been chosen. A lot of people had put their names in the goblet..

And then everyone had cheered cause Fred and George ran inside, Fred kissed you . "Well, We've Done It" "Done What?" Ron asked "the agering potion, dungbrains" Fred said. "One drop each" George said "we only need to be a few months older" "We're going to split the thousand Galleons between the 3 of us wins" Lee said. "And If it works" Fred said "And If i'm winning, I'll buy you a ring" "A ring?" You asked "Yeah, y/n Weasley sounds good, doesn't it?" Fred said. "Ohh" Said everyone else "I love you" You said and kissed him "But it won't work" You said. "You don't think i could win?" He asked "That's not What i'm saying" You said "then What're you saying?" George asked. "You see this?" You pointed at the ring around the fire "This is a age line. Dumbledore drew it himself" "So?" "Do a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging potion" you said. "But that's Why it's so brilliant" Fred said "Because pathetically dimwitted" George said, and Fred kissed you, before they did What you told them not to do. And it didn't work... just like you said... UGH Why can't they listen to you?

After a while Dumbledore showed up... the hall was filled with people. You sat in Fred's knee and yiu laughed at him "I told you it wouldn't work" you laughed "Fine i admitt i should've listen to you. But i'm still thinking of buying you that ring" he said and you smiled and kissed him.

"Has Anyone from Hogwarts Besides Fred and George put their name in the goblet of fire?" You asked "Hufflepuffs are talking about Diggory" Seamus answered. "But i wouldn't have thought he'd have wanted to risk his good looks" "He's not a bad person" you said "he's very nice" You said "No, you like him only cause his good looks. And he likes you, and the reason he's nice to you is because He want's to be your boyfriend" Fred said. " Would you stop?" You said "Fine let's say he wants to be my boyfriend, you actually think i would dump you because of him?" You said. "No" Fred siad "Then Why're you so damn jealous all the time?" You said "Cause you're very good looking y/n, and so is he. I'm just afraid to lose you" "Fred, i'm in love with you, i will never leave you" "Promise?" He said "Promise" You said and kissed his forehead then Angelina came.

"I put my name in the goblet!" You said "Wow, really?" Ron said, and then she walked away "Better you then Pretty-boy Diggory" Ron said "Shut up!" You said and to your surprise Fred wasn't jealous. "Good work, You wasn't jealous this time" You said "Like i said i trust you" Fred said. "Y/N want to follow us to Hagrid?" Harry asked "Yeah" You said...

*Champion Selection*

Dumbledore spoke, "sit down, Please" He said "now the moment you've all been waiting for.." Dumbledore said. "The Champion Selection!" Dumbledore said and blowed up all the lights so it went draker.

The durmstrang champion was Viktor Krom. The champion from Beauxbatons is... Fleur Delacour.

"And the Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory" Dumbledore said "No!" Ron said loudly, "I'm Happy for him" You said.

And then Dumbledore got a new note, with Two names on it: Yours and Harry's.

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