The return of Lord Voldemort

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Harry stood up and helped you get up "Are you alright?" Cedric asked "Yeah" Harry said and you just nodded. You looked around, you was in a graveyard, you recognized the place. "Where are we?" Cedric asked but you and Harry didn't answer. Why did you recognize the place??You walked around with Cedric, "I've been here before" Harry said "Me to!" You said as Cedric looked at the cup. "It's a portkey" he said "Harry and y/n, the cup is a portkey" " We've been here before y/n, in a dream" Harry said and started to read at a grave. "What's the matter?" You asked and you also saw a grave.

Nancy B. Evelyn Riddle
1927 - 1945
I'll never let go of my promise

"Harry!" You shouted and Harry read the stone. "Do you think it's the same Nancy.." you said "it has to be" Harry said "It can be someone else" You said. "Nope. It's her" Harry said "How can you be so sure?" You asked "Because of this" Harry said and showed you a grave. There was 3 names, or 3 persons,everyone had died the same year and you knew who they must be..

Thomas Riddle
Mary Riddle
Tom Riddle

You put your hands on your mouth. You couldn't believe it, this aren't true, this isn't happening. "Cedric, We have to get back to the cup. Now!" Harry shouted "What are you talking about?" Cedric said "Please, Cedric" you cried and he walked to you. "What's wrong? y/n.." he said and you heard someone coming. You recognized him, it was Peter Pettigrew. Yours and Harrys scar hurt again. "y/n!" Cedric shouted "What is it?" "GET BACK TO THE CUP!" Harry shouted.

Peter Pettigrew was holding someone.. he walked forwards you and Cedric noticed him. He pointed his wand at him. "WHO ARE YOU? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Cedric shouted "Kill the spare" said a voice. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Peter Pettigrew shouted "No!!!" You shouted and ran to Cedric and went on knee above him. "No!" You shouted while Peter put Harry at Tom Riddle's grave. You kissed Cedric and stood up and pulled your wand up. "Expelleriamus!" Peter shouted and put you next to Harry.

Peter brought Voldemort back, you couldn't believe that he was standing in front of you. Your scar haven't hurt this much before. His death eaters came. "Welcome, my friends" Voldemort said, he had a disgusting voice. Everything about him was disgusting. "Thirteen years it's been, and yet... here you stand before me as though it were only yesterday" He talked to his death eaters it was, Macnair, Crabbe, Goyle and Lucius.. Lucius Malfoy Malfoy. You knew it, you knew he was a death eater.

Voldemort was mad at all of them for trying to find him, except Peter Pettigrew. As a reward, Voldemort gave back his hand. Then Voldemort touched Voldemort with his feet. "DON'T TOUCH HIM!!" You shouted "Hey, oh, i'd almost forgotten that you two was here" Voldemort said and said and walked forwards to you. "Standing on the bones of my father.. Yeah" he was right in front of you now. "i'd introduce you... but word has it you two are almost as famous as me these Days" He said. "The twins who lived" Voldemort said and looked at his death eaters. "How lies have fed yours legend, y/n and Harry. Shall i reveal What really happened that night 13 years ago?" He said, you looked at Harry and he was looking at you. "Shall i divulge how i truly lost my powers?" He said and walked around next to his death eaters. "Yes, shall i?" He said "It was love. You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch neither one of you. It was old Magic" he said. "something i should have foreseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed" he said and lifted both of his hands up. "I can touch both of you.... now" he said and touched yours and harry's scar. Damn it burned, your scar has never hurt this much before. Voldemort enjoyed yours and Harry's pain. After a few minutes he let go, and it was finally over. "Astonishing What a few drops of your blood will do, eh, y/n and Harry?" He said and let you and Harry go. "Pick up your wands, Potters" Voldemort said and you fell to the ground. He told you to fight him and he also tortured you. "Your parents should be proud. Especially your filthy muggle mother" he said and Harry shouted "Expelleria.." but Voldemort stopped him. "Harry!" You shouted and ran to him. "I'm going to kill both of you, y/n and Harry Potter" he said "i'm going to destroy both of you" He was now on knee, over you and Harry. "After tonight, No one will ever again question my powers. After tonight, If they speak of you.. they'll speak only how you.. begged for death" He said. "And I, being a merciful Lord obliged. As i promised" He said "Get up" he said and made you and Harry get up. You both tried to hide, he saw it and was mad. You and Harry was behind your way and he shouted that he wanted to fight you. You and Harry gave each other a "Let's do it" look and stood up and walked to Voldemort and stood infront of him. You and Harry shouted both "Expelleriamus" and Voldemort shouted "AVADA KEDAVRA".

All 3 of you stood there and fighted for a few moments, until some ghost came out of Voldemort's wand. The first one was Cedric. "Hold on, y/n" He said "I always believed in you" he said and more ghost's came and all of them was screaming of pain. "He was a real wizard, then" a old man said the other, was a woman, Bertha Jorkins. "DON'T LET GO!" She cried "DON'T LET HIM GET TO NEITHER ONE OF YOU!!" She cried and then.. your parents came. Your mother and father... "y/n and Harry , when ghe connection is broken, you must get to the portkey. We can linger for a moment to give you some time but only a moment. Do you understand?" Your father shouted and you and Harry nodded. "y/n, take my body back, will you?" Cedric asked "take my body back to my parents" "I will" you said. "Do it, be ready to run. Both of you" He said "DO IT NOW!" You shouted and you and Harry let go. The ghost's fly against Voldemort meanwhile you and Harry ran to Cedric's body, "Accio!" You shouted and the portkey came to you and Harry grabbed your hand and baam! You was back to the Hogwarts grounds.

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin