Quidditch world cup

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You sat up, In Your bed in Ginny's room. Yes you was at the burrow, you and your boyfriend's family was going to see the quidditch world cup.

Together with Your twin brother, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.

You couldn't sleep, because a few weeks before, you and Harry had the exact same dream about Voldemort. And both your scar hurt, Which made you afraid to fell asleep.

You slept in Ginny's room, together with Hermione (Mrs Weasley didn't let you sleep in Fred's room + Charlie slept there).

You sat in Ginny's window bench and watched out of the window. You heard someone walking into the room "y/n?" You heard George saying. "What are you doing up?" "I was going to the bathroom, then i saw you awake" he said "I'm to excited for tomorow" you said. "Don't lie" George said "Want me to get Fred?" "No let him sleep" you said. He walked over to you. "I can talk" He said, and then you told him about the dream and that you didn't want Fred to worry. But then you both fell asleep.....

You woke up by Hermione, "Y/N!" you said who slept in George arms. "I thaught you wasn't allowed to sleep with Fred" She said "I'm George" "Hahaha very funny, Gosh i know George wouldn't sleep with y/n" Hermione said. "Why would that be so horrible?" Ginny asked "Cause It'll be weird, plus i guess that Fred will be Jealous" She said and went out of the bedroom. "She was lying right? Fred wouldn't be jealous If he knew i slept in here" George said "You forgot how jealous he is" Ginny said. "He's not jealous much" "Don't you remember last year? When Cedric Diggory hugged you?" "Yeah but he wasn't that much jealous" "Yes he was he just didn't tell you" George said.

You went down to breakfast, Everyone was so tired so Fred didn't say much about George did not sleep in his room.

"Charlie's girlfriend arrived last night" Molly said "Really?" You said "Yeah, she came in late. She will walk with us, cause she can't apparate yet" Molly said and went up to wake her up.

Then someone you knew very Well walked downstairs "Joanne?" You said "Oh no" Joanne said. "What the hell are you doing here?" "I'm here with Fred, What the hell are you doing here?" "You didn't tell them that you're together with my son?" Molly said "YOU AND CHARLIE?" Everyone said at once. "HOW DID THIS HAPPENED? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME BEFORE?" "I did tell you about a boy i met in Romania" She said. "You said you broke up!" "Because my grandma wouldn't let me be with a older boy!" Joanne said. "So we told everyone we broke up, including her!" She said "But we didn't" "You told Mrs Weasley!" "Charlie did, not me" "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" You said and you was pissed at her all morning.

You walked somewhere and followed Mr Weasley. You did not talk to Joanne, you was so mad at her. "Ron, Where are we actually going?" Harry asked "Don't know" "Hey dad, Where are we going?" Ron asked "Haven't the foggiest" Mr Weasley said. "Fred!" You said he stopped "What" you ran to him and kissed him and hold his hand. He sighed.

"Keep up!" Mr Weasley said and Harry and Ron walked faster.

Then later, after Walking some meters, You met some Stranger. "Arthur!" He said and shaked hand with him "This is Amos Diggory everyone" Said Mr Weasley.

"I think you know his son, Cedric?" "Hey" he said and all of the other's said A small Hi. "Hi Cedric" you said, since you knew him, "Hi, y/n" He said.

Fred gave him a look in disgust. It was probably cause they had never forgive beating your quidditch team.

"Are All theese yours?" Mr Diggory asked "Only the redheads" Mr Weasley said, he pointed at Joanne "This is one of my sons, girlfriend, Joanne Longbottom. My other Son friends, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter" "And also his twin sister and my other son girlfriend,
y/n Potter" He said.

"Oh yeah, i know about y/n. Cedric told me a lot about you" "He have?" Said you, Hermione, Ginny and Joanne at the same time. "Did he also mention that she is my girlfriend" Fred said. "No" Mr Diggory said fast "It's an honor to meet both of you" he said to you and Harry.

You talked to Cedric all the time when you walked to the portkey. You said good bye to him after, when you walked to the tent. Joanne was shy like she always was, so she was very quiet.

"Why are you so close to Diggory?" Fred asked "He's nice" you said "Why are you so jealous?" "i'm not jealous" Fred said and George laughed "If you was allowed, you would kill every creature that would get near y/n" He said. "That's not true" Fred said.

You did not talk to Joanne at all, and she was shy, so she didn't talk much until Charlie showed up.

She was around him all the time and you was with Harry cause you was kinda still mad at fred for being so jealous.

You enjoyed the Quidditch game with your brother and his trio. You saw that Joanne enjoyed it to, cause after she tried to talk about it with you but you ignored her. "There's No one like Krum" Ron said "He's dumb" Fred and George said while singing "He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind" "I think you're in love ron".

You heard people outside "We need to get out of here" Mr Weasley said. "Fred and George, Ginny is your responsibility" He said "y/n!" Fred shouted. You ran to him and Hugged him. You ran into the woods, with them and Ginny, Without even thinking of Where Harry was. "Where the hell is Harry?" You shouted "He's probably fine" Fred shouted "Probably?" You said. "I know What you're thinking" He said but you ran to look for Harry. "Y/N!" Fred shouted "Don't worry! We run after her!" Hermione said and she and ron ran after you.

You was faster then them so you found Harry lying on the ground, long before them.

"Harry!!" You Said and sat on knee next to him. "Harry!" You said but he didn't wake up. You heard someone, And then you saw a snake comming out of a skull at the sky. Harry woke up, and you saw the man who did the mark at the sky. He saw you and Harry and walked towards you, you and Harry ran and hide. "Harry!" You heard Hermione shouting and the man walked away. "Y/N!" You heard Fred's voice. "FRED!" You shouted and when you saw him, you ran to hug him. "Don't ever do that again!" "We've been looking for you for ages, Harry!" You said. "Thought we lost you, Mate" Ron said.

You looked up at the sky, at the mark. "I thought the death eaters took you y/n!" Fred said "Death eaters?" Harry said. "I don't know,but that mark, is you know who's mark!" And you understood him cause your scar hurts a lot.

*At the Hogwarts express*
You sat in Fred's knee, and he talked to George who stood up. "Well i'm going to look for the Trolley" George said "want anything?" He asked shaked your head. "No Thanks" Fred said.

George walked away. You looked at Fred "What" Fred said. You kissed him, he kissed back. And for a few moments you made out with him.

Then Joanne knocked on the door, You ignored her and continued to kiss  him who stopped kissing you. "You need to talk to her" He said and you rolled your eyes. He let her in and walked away.

"I'm sorry i didn't tell you about Charlie" She said, you didn't say anything. She sat down "To make it up to you, I'll tell you something I've never told Anyone, not even Charlie" she said and suddenly you was interested. "Wanna know Why, me and my twin brother lives with grandma?" She said and you nodded. "Do you know about the Lestranges?" You shaked your head "Well they was very close to the man who gave you, your scar. But they also tortured my parents" You said, You gave her "I'm so sorry" look. She cried "You don't have to" "They live at the St Mungo's hospital" she cried "They don't even know who i am, or Neville" She said and cried even more and you hugged her.

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