The order of the pheonix

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Harry was fine after the dementor attack, it was Dudley who was hurt. You and Harry took him back to Petunia and Vernon. They was pissed, but when you got the letter that you was going to be expelled and Harry, they didn't give you a punishment.

"Why both of us? I was the one who used magic!" You said, after Aunt Petunia and Vernon left the house with Dudley. "Well i won't go back without you" Harry said "this sucks" you said. "I am never going to see my Freddie again" You said "you broke up with him" Harry said. "Yeah.. but.." then you heard someone who came inside. It was Lupin, Some girl, Lupin and One other guy.. "Lupin?" You asked "Thank god you're alright!" He said and gave you a hug. "What are you doing here? We've been expelled from Hogwarts!" Harry said "Not yet" Moody said. "Only one of you have used magic, they don't know Which one, Which is Why they let you both go to a hearing" Moody said "They don't know which one of you, they do know that someone used magic here, since they knew you're the only wizard and witch, they know that it's either one of you" Lupin said.

You took your brooms and fly around London, It was awesome. Then you came to a terraced house, Moody did something with his cane and the house moved. It showed up a house behind it.. you went inside. "Welcome to the Grimmauld place, 12" Lupin said "What is this place?" You said. "No time to explain.." lupin said when you walked inside. Mrs Weasley showed up. "y/n and Harry" Mrs Weasley said "Mrs Weasley.." you said and hugged her "Harry, Ron and Hermione is straight upstairs first door on the left. Y/N Joanne, Neville and Jordan is probably the second door on the left" She said "But.." You said "Go" she Said and you went upstairs.

The house was big, you walked up to the second door to the left and heard laughing. You knocked and you saw 5 people in there you recognized 4 of them. You saw your best friend and her twin brother, Joanne and Neville Longbottom. The other two was also twins, your other best friend and your ex boyfriend, Fred and George Weasley. Between them sat the only one who you didn't recognize "y/n!" Joanne said when you came in and hugged you. "Hi" you said and hugged her "Hey" you said and looked at Fred "hi" He Said. "Hey,
y/n" George said and broke the awkard silence. "Hey" you said "Who're you?" You said and looked at the good looking girl who sat between Fred and George. "Oh, sorry, i'm Jordan Longbottom" She said and shaked your hand. "Jordan?" You said,  you knew that Joanne had a cousin named Jordan, but you had No Idea it was a girl and especially a good looking girl who came good along with your ex-boyfriend and your best friend. She was good looking, she had black hair all the way down to her shoulders, with Brown Highlights at the bottom of the hair. She had black jeans with an AC/DC shirt. "Something wrong, y/n?" Joanne said "No, i'm just surprised that Jordan is a girl, that's all" you said and Jordan looked at Joanne. "It's just i had forgot that Jordan works for both a girl and a boy" You said. "Yeah, i'm named after my father, Jordan Longbottom, Joanne and Neville's Uncle, He died before i was born" she said "sorry" you said. "It's fine" Jordan said "My full name is Jordan - Olivia Longbottom, My parents wanted do name me Olivia, but when my dad died my mom named me Jordan-Olivia" she said. "Well my name is.." you said "I know, you're y/n Potter" she said, of course she knew who you was. "I knew that, not only cause you're famous but for everyone talks about you and especially my cousin" she said and looked at Joanne, Who blushed. Then you heard someone shout.. "Is that harry?" Fred asked "Yeah he's with Ron and Hermione.." and they was gone. Jordan rolled their eyes "Where did they go?" You said "they made the apparate test, they used it all the time" Joanne said and you walked into the room. "Congrats on the apparition test" you said and was going to sit between them bet Jordan did it before you. "You guys could've just walked, it would've just take 4 minutes" she said "Time is Galleons, Jordy" Fred said and smiled at her, just like he used to smile on you.

"So What has been going on with Voldemort" You said and they jumped when you said his name and especially Jordan. "Don't say his name!" She said, wow she's not that cool after all..

"Nothing much" Ron said "We haven't heard anything.." "Not even Jordan and she's 19" "you're?" You asked and she nodded. "I wanted to be in the order but my mom and grandma is in there and they refused to let me in" She said. You got curious about What the meeting was a about, so you went to the stairs and used fred and George's extendable ear, to hear What they talked about at the meeting. You stood between fred and George and was helping George with sending down the ear.

"If Anyone has a right to know it's Harry and y/n. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back" you heard Sirius "he's not a child, Molly" "But They're not adults either. They 're not James or Lily, Sirius" Molly said. "Well , they aren't your kids" Sirius whispered "They're as good as" Molly said and you got really touched "y/n is technically my daughter in law.." Molly whispered. And you and Fred looked at eachother, "Fred and y/n broke up" Lupin said. "They will be back together soon. I know.." Molly said but Mr Weasley cut her off.  "Can we Please focus on the important stuff?" "Who else has he got?" They said and now Ginny showed up and stood next to you. "He's got me" You heard Sirius say, "How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather" You heard Snape. "Now, you stay out of this, Snivellus" Sirius said "Snape?" Said you and Harry at the same time. "Snape's part of the order?" Harry asked "git" Ron said and you continued to hear the meeting. "... about your supposed reformation" "i know better" "so Why don't you tell him?" Crookshanks took the ear and played with it. "Oh no" you said and you and George tried to take it back. "Take it up" Said Fred "We're trying" you said but Crookshanks took the ear and ran away. "Hermione, i hate your cat" Ron said "bad Crookshanks" she said and you laughed together with the twins.

Mrs Weasley called you and said you would eat down in the kitchen. Fred and George apparate down "just because you're allowed to use magic now Does not mean you have to whip your wands for everything!" She shouted and they walked downstairs. Mr Weasley showed up "I can't believe you stand out with them" She said and you smiled and said goodbye to the Longbottom's who was leaving.

You walked down to the kitchen and sat next to Harry and Fred and George who sat and laughed at their jokes about Crookshanks. Ginny laughed at Tonks who used her powers she has as one Metamorphmagus and Harry talked to Sirius and Lupin about the ministry. "I don't understand. What has the ministry of magic got against me and y/n?" He said and it went quiete. "Show them. They'll find out soon enough" Moody said "Find out What?" You asked and looked at Harry. Kinglsey gave you the daily prophet.

The twins who lies??

Did it say, it also said that you and Harry had been lying about Voldemort returned just cause you wanted Attention. "what.." you said "he's been attacking Dumbledore as Well" Sirius said. Fudge is using all his power, including his influence at the daily prophet to smear Anyone who claims the dark lord has returned" "Why?" You asked. "The minister thinks Dumbledore's after his job" "That's insane!" You said. "No one in their right mind could believe that Dumbledore.." Harry said "Exactly the point. Fudge isn't in his right mind" Lupin said"It's been twisted and warped by fear". "Now, fear makes people do terrible things, Harry and y/n. The last time Voldemort gained power He almost destroyed everything we hold most dear" he said and looked at Sirius and he looked down. "Now he's returned, and i'm afraid the minister will do almost anything to avoid facing that terrifying truth" You and Harry looked at each other and sighed. You put your head on George's shoulder and you could feel Fred's anger.. "We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again" Sirius said "14 years ago, he had huge Numbers at his command and not just witches and wizards, but all manner of dark creatures" He said. "He's been recruiting heavily, and We've been attempting to do the same" Sirius said "But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's been interested in" He said and Moody made some noise. "We believe.." Sirius began, he hesitated to finish. "Voldemort May be after something" He said "Sirius" Moody said "something he didn't have last time" "What do you mean?" You asked "some kind of weapon or something?" Harry asked "that's enough!" Mrs Weasley said. "She's just a girl and he's just a boy. You say more and you might as Well induct them into the order!" "Great! I want to join!" You said "Me too!" Harry said. "If Voldemort's raising an army, then we want to fight!" You said and you smiled at Sirius who smiled back.

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