The attack of Mr Weasley

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You woke up by Fred kissing your cheek, "Morning love" he said and you opened your eyes. You turned around to him, "Hey" you said and then you just stared into each other's eyes.

"We got Quidditch practice" He said "I want to lay here all day" you said "me to" he said "but Angelina will kill us". You sighed as he got dressed, and so did you and looked around in the room. "This is Pretty big" you said " i think it's called the room of requirment or something" he said. "Me and George hide us in her, once for Filch" "We should have this as our classroom" you said "that's a great idea!".

After the quidditch practise, you and Fred showed the other's the room of requirment. "You've Done it, y/n" Hermione said "you found the room of requirement" "the What?". "It's also known as the come and go room" she said "the room of requirement only appears when a person has real need of it. And it's always equipped for the seeker's needs" Well.. that explains why the bed was missing. You smirked at Fred, who smirked back. "So say, you really needed the toilet.." Ron said and everyone looked at him. "Charming, Ronald" said Hermione "but, yes. That is the general Idea" "it's brilliant" said Harry. "It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back" he said "and Hogwarts really wanted to us to get back together" Said Fred and you rolled your eyes. "What?" Said everyone "Are you two back together?" Asked George, you and Fred nodded "About time" Said George, and the classes began..

You learned them Expelleriamus and you did it at Harry for showing them. Everyone was dueling against each other, you and Harry helped, it was amazing.

Today was the first match of the Season, Gryffindor Vs Slytherin. Ron was nervous and especially when Slytherin made badges.

Weasley is our king

They also made a little Song..

"Weasley was born in a bin
he always let the quaffle in
Weasley will make sure we win
Weasley is our king"

But you won the game anyway.. as always Malfoy insulted the quidditch team. He insulted the Weasley family and Fred and George wanted to beat him up, but you and the girls stopped Fred and Harry stopped George. "But because of your family, Weasley" he looked at Fred "i can understand Why you're being with a slut" Draco looked at you when he said that. Harry let go of George and punched him. As you let go of Fred, and just looked at Draco. Angelina and Katie also let go of Fred and gasped. Fred pushed Harry and George away and gave him a black eye. They got called in as Katie and Angelina comforted you "Don't listen to him" they said.

Fred, George and Harry got banned for playing quidditch, but the bright side was that Hagrid was back. You, Ron, Hermione and Harry went to his hut. He had blood in his hair and his face was blue/red. "You look like Malfoy, but worse" you said "How do i look like Malfoy?" He asked. "Fred gave him a black eye, and George and Harry punched him to" "Why?" "He did the only thing he's good at" you said "Being a git".

"Anyway, what happend with you Hagrid?" Asked Harry "This is Top-Secret, right?" He said and you nodded. "Dumbledore sent me to parley with the giants" "Giants?" Said you and Hermione. "Shh" said Hagrid "You found them?" Hermione asked "Well, They're not hard to find, to be perfectly Honest" he said. "They're so big, see? I tried to convince them to join the cause. But i wasn't the only one that was trying to win them over" he said. "Death eaters?" Asked Ron carefully and Hagrid nodded. "Trying to persaude them to join you-know-who" he said "did they?" You and Harry asked. "I gave them Dumbledore's message. Some of them remember he was friendly to them, i suppose" he said. "And.." you said "they did this to you?" "Not exactly, No" he said.

Snow was coming and christmas was closer, you talked to Fred before Hagrid's first class. "What do you wish from Santa?" He asked, playing with your hair. "Idk" you said, you was leaning against a wall with him infront of you. He had his left hand on the wall, above your shoulder. "How about becoming Mrs Weasley?" and you laughed "I think it's Pretty early for that" "I don't want to Wait" He said and you kissed him.

At Hagrid's first class, he showed you the creatures that pulled the Hogwarts's carriage. Thestrals, was their names. Hermione also said that people can only be able to see them If they've seen death. Which explains why you and Harry could see them. Umbridge showed up and was rude, like always, but she couldn't fire Hagrid, over your dead body.

You and Harry decorated the room of requirement after the classes. Angelina wanted you on the tryouts, and you had a new Seeker, Ginny Weasley. "I didn't knew you liked quidditch" "Well, i always robbed your boyfriend's broomstick, when they didn't know" She said.

You had a Dumbledore's army meeting again, "since it's so close for christmas. We don't start with something new" you said. "Don't start with something new?" Said Zacharias Smith, the most anoying student. "If i knew that, i wouldn't have come" "We're all very sorry that neither one of Harry and y/n didn't tell you then" Fred said loudly and people laughed. "And if you're rude to y/n again your eye is going to look like Malfoy's, got it?" Zacharias didn't answer, he looked scared and the class began.

You went up with Fred and Left Harry alone with Cho. You went up to Fred's room and he pushed you to bed and closed the curtains.

Then you heard the other's come in as he took of your bra "Freddie, are you up?" Asked George. Fred took his hand on your mouth "yes" He said "Did you know that you broke Cormac's nose?" One of his dorm roomate asked. "man.. you're really protective over her, are ya, mate?" asked George. "I love her" he said and looked at you.

You kissed Fred, quiet, since you weren't the only one in the room. You was both naked, and then you saw Mr Weasley being attacked. You disapeard for a moment, it was like.. you was attacking him. "y/n!" Shouted Fred, "y/n!" You opened your eyes and freaked out. "It's Okay.." he said and his roommate opened the curtains "Hey!" You shouted and pulled over the blanket. "Here" said Fred and he gave you his shirt. "What's wrong?" He asked "You just disapeard in the middle of the.." "Sex" said everyone. "Your dad" you said "He's being attacked".

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